There's 3 weeks left in season 1. Why do we still have a daily XP cap?
Yep, I can't play when they want me to play, which is as a fulltime job. So... I can't get any of the better rewards. As such, I'm a filthy casual I guess and have moved on to other games. Maybe I'll give season 2 a shot, but I'm guessing I'll hop on to play RTTS perhaps but that was beyond easy for me on all-star when playing as the game intended. Maybe I'll do one without any equipment or perks or something and see if that provides more fun.
quad XP incoming
You know who's to blame for the xp cap? The casuals who spend their days complaining that people got the rewards faster than them. Crying on Twitter that its unfair that someone else played the game while they were apparently working 80 hour weeks and raising a litter of kids with only 2-3 hours a week to grind.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in There's 3 weeks left in season 1. Why do we still have a daily XP cap?:
You know who's to blame for the xp cap? The casuals who spend their days complaining that people got the rewards faster than them. Crying on Twitter that its unfair that someone else played the game while they were apparently working 80 hour weeks and raising a litter of kids with only 2-3 hours a week to grind.
Your asking us to blame a vocal minority of the community for this studio that continues to make head scratching decisions every week
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in There's 3 weeks left in season 1. Why do we still have a daily XP cap?:
You know who's to blame for the xp cap? The casuals who spend their days complaining that people got the rewards faster than them. Crying on Twitter that its unfair that someone else played the game while they were apparently working 80 hour weeks and raising a litter of kids with only 2-3 hours a week to grind.
That isn't 100% true. While part of what you said is true, about casuals complaining, the reason we complained is people were playing RTTS or Play cs CPU, with edited cpu rosters, multiple games scoring 100s of runs and not exiting the game, while hitting replay the game, abs the sitting on that until the new Content Drop.
I saw one streamer exit his 100th CPU, leaving for the first time, as soon as the content was live and he earned almost 500K in XP. That's back when they had the XP Path with sellable bosses.
So, while we may have complained, technically they implemented a CAP because these streamers had to be the first one(s) to get the 'shiny new toy' so the could sell it at a premium to justify thst they were NMS.
It's easy being NMS when you can abuse the game to farm XP so you can sell a new card for 1M stubs.
THAT is why there is an XP Cap.
Which is also why, that these cards aren't sellable, they should get rid of the cap.
I won’t ever see the cap of 15k any night because the game rewards nothing per game now
Played this morning to take advantage of double XP after being away for the weekend, then jumped on tonight to play for a few hours after work and bam....hit XP cap and now cant earn more for 2 1/2 hours. At this point, i'm at 895k and if i'm lucky, I might hit my first Boss by early next week if I am lucky. I'd totally get some sort of cap if the rewards were sellable, but they are not. Now they are just keeping players like me from playing when we actually have time to play. Been playing since Show 16. This is byfar the worst iteration of the game content wise and least rewarding I have ever played.
same thing happened to me, I wish I couldve played more over the weekend but I was at 800k as of Sunday evening.
I was home on Monday, played from 11 am to 2 pm, hit the daily xp cap from just playing mini seasons for 3 hours. ridiculous.
Y'all are getting XP?
Back to back Double XP weekends it only worked on Friday for me. Saturday and Sunday every game I played was regular XP. If I'm lucky I MIGHT hit that Napoli card, but that's it. The neutered XP really REALLY kicks the part timers in the d1ck
@AdeptOfMemory I was capped yesterday, but jumped on this morning to play one CQ game, and I did get XPs.
I finally got my first Boss pack, took Brett, collected him, and immediately got disconnected. Went back in, and at least Brett is still there (and collected).
Everything is working as designed, I guess.
OH - and it looks like my card count in the collection is right.
I have already spun the wheel on the XP path about eight times. I work 40 hours per week...from home.
The key is from home so I’m guessing you tend to play the game liberally both on and off the clock. Not knocking it, you do you, just saying most of us working folk don’t have that same luxury. During the week I’m only able to play a few hours here and there. 2 days not at all and with the cap and decreased xp rewards the weekends used to be my time to grind but this year my hands are tied.
They’ve done a helluva job of pushing away their fan base!
During the lockdowns in Canada I was working from home...this is basically what I did in between meetings because alot of my job was "as needed" when someone sent me an email or gave me a call. I only get to WFH occasionally now
Oh I get it and have no problem with that. Sometimes I’m jealous of that as I’d love to be able to play while getting paid on a slow day. Unfortunately in my job I have to be present with patients. My only thing is when people that do get to play while working from home say they work full time and still got a ton done in game. It’s apples and oranges for those of us that work and can’t play in between calls or meetings.
I was kind of hard on people complaining about the daily xp but I was able to hit it with only 4 1/2 hours of play one day which is ridiculous. I am all for stopping exploits offline to gain xp but totally against them manipulating it for the power creep. It should be twice as much as it is now. If people want to play all day everyday then they should be able to get the rewards much earlier than some of us that play a few days a week
They’re hoping less people get the boss cards and collection cards so people will buy packs. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on within this company. Some Sony rep came in and said you need to make more money. You need to incentivize buying packs or free content.