Can you co-op vs friends?
Like if I have 6 guys that want to play, can we go 3v3 in play vs friends? Doesn’t appear so, but wanted to ask just in case
Nah. Just buy more packs please. That's how you play this game. Not with friends or in a fully functional intuitive menu. Just buy packs.
@gcluster33 The only way they will change co-op to be able to choose your opponent is if they remove Cards, XP, PXP, and stubs as rewards for the games.
If you wanted to try hard enough to make it work you can get all 6 of you, set up your two teams and when you search set your batting to Hall of Fame and your hitting to all star or legend and then hit search at the exact same time keeping the skill slider as low as possible.
This will basically rig the matchmaking to put your two teams together.It's [censored] horrible you have to do that but that's how SDS built the game.