Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues
I am not going to sit here and say they SHOULD have put this fix or that fix but what I WILL say is this ..
SDS needs better ( MUCH MUCH ) better communication with the player base on what they are looking at in terms of fixes , problems etc so we have some idea IF the issues we see as players is even getting addressed.
@AdeptOfMemory you'd get more likes if you weren't condescending.
@blitz77tw said in Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues:
I am not going to sit here and say they SHOULD have put this fix or that fix but what I WILL say is this ..
SDS needs better ( MUCH MUCH ) better communication with the player base on what they are looking at in terms of fixes , problems etc so we have some idea IF the issues we see as players is even getting addressed.
Out of upvotes already lol but here’s your upvote
That’s really all I’m asking for here…the bare minimum that as a company, you’re aware of your community’s issues and concerns
@chucky97___ I don't think I'm being condescending but if I was I love other games too and I'm no different towards those devs or forums if given the opportunity.
@chucky97___ said in Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues:
@AdeptOfMemory you'd get more likes if you weren't condescending.
If they’re fishing for upvotes, maybe start with not insulting every single user you interact with on top of not being condescending?
Maybe -
@AdeptOfMemory there is a way, it's being open to agreeing while also being civil, you come on to strong, you need to tone it back, you go paragraph, and be little some with name calling you feel me, provide point ,counter point, point.
@SnakeEyes187 said in Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues:
Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that the people complaining often and loud is out of a love for something they want to be better? You should be more concerned about the people that couldn’t care less. They have already moved on. This forum, the sub Reddit, and now twitch and YouTube are overwhelmingly critical of this terrible game. If major changes are not made by SDS you will get your wish and the criticism will die. And the game will die right behind it.
You have 2 more months and this place will be a ghost town.
This is the best comment in this thread by far.
@Loyal-Wiglaf I am out of likes lol but yours and the quoted would be liked by me already.
@chucky97___ said in Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues:
@doobiebross66-72 said in Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues:
@Dolenz said in Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues:
@doobiebross66-72 said in Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues:
This company does not deserve exclusive rights to an MLB baseball game. What a lazy excuse for a game “development” company
Do they have exclusive rights? I did not think it was. They just have no competition on the console front.
RBI Baseball was licensed and existed alongside MLB The Show for many years, but when The Show went multi platform RBI Baseball 22 was cancelled. I could find no indication that licensing had anything to do with it. More likely they did not think that they could be profitable going up against The Show on the other consoles, especially when The Show was announced as a Game Pass game.
I acknowledge that comment may not be accurate but the principle of this thread is to point out SDS’s unwillingness to fix what is obviously broken/wrong with the game. Literally not doing their job while simultaneously gouging their player base with pack after pack.
cry me a river, this community has been unbearable since mlb 21, even in 21 the cards they dropped people whined, the woe is me crowd is getting to the point of unreal. ITS A VIDEO GAME
Lol come now Chuck, I've seen you b1tch and moan on these forums like everyone else.
just because it's become too much for you now to see the complaints im sorry but that's a YOU problem.
@chucky97___ Get thicker skin. I am acting the way I am because I have been gaslighted by your ilk since I placed my first complaint.
"This game has lots of freezing issues and disconnections."
SDS Simp: "it's your Internet."
"This game has so many bugs and glitches it's impossible to enjoy it or stay in the moment. Ruins the experience."
SDS Simp: "Idk what you're talking about. I have ZERO issues and they drop so much content for us to purchase. Game is flawless. Get better stop complaining."
"I am sick and tired of voicing my opinion to you clowns gas lighting on behalf of SDS!"
SDS Simp: "Wow please chill. You've lost all control and sanity. Id suggest finding God in the Himalayas and never play video games again. Clearly you're a lunatic."That's why I say the [censored] I say. I have to put up with you and the rest of the SDS bootlickers. Don't tell me how to feel or that I'm irrational. It's the Internet my dud. You've clearly spent too much or not enough time on it.
@AdeptOfMemory yeah see you're just coming off to strong, you're not providing ways for it to get better, actual feedback you know? You go straight for the jugular.
@AdeptOfMemory Just made WS the other night, no money spent, what are you a 5500-600 level player? The game is not enjoyable at that level, I lost a game 28-26 on all star.
@chucky97___ so you just admitted the game isn't fun unless you're at a specific rank? Is that not a problem to you?
@Bearsfan217 I provide actual feedback,not " FIRE EEVRYONE, "This GAME SO BAD" there's a difference. Feedback without a solution or idea does nothing.
@chucky97___ do you not see the irony in your own response to my post?
@AdeptOfMemory its a huge problem but like I said and have said 1000 times, they are catering to the beginner player now. They've had the same modes for ten years with 0 change, I'll hold my breath on demanding change, NCAA comes out in July.
@SnakeEyes187 said in Yet Another Game “Update” That Doesn’t Address Actual Issues:
Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that the people complaining often and loud is out of a love for something they want to be better?
Similar thoughts, though I'd say the reason the complaints are louder/more frequent is because the game WAS better and SDS has changed course for the sake of profits, user experience be damned.
@chucky97___ I have been shouting from the rooftops how to fix this game. It's almost entirely the bugs, glitches, foul balls, unpolished nature if a full price game, stop doing content drops when you need fixes instead, turn down the brightness on the main menu, devs need to actually be active in the forums and openly address gamers concerns, etc. I'm not a developer. I can't tell them how to code their game. I've never just said "SDS sucks" without giving a valid reason why or at least a bread crumb of evidence to how it got me to that conclusion.
Don't just say "all I do is complain and not provide solution". That's literally all I do. I'm not new to forum posting on games I put a lot of time into. Just stop defending them so much. Everyone here has made logical and reasonable complaints but you act as if they are insane. -
It is really disappointing this year. The forums have devolved into a pit of despair. I'm enjoying gameplay (in general), but disappointed in lack of "content". The SDS forum moderators are gone. I remember when I first started posting here in 2020, people were really helpful and there were a lot of "fun" threads. Now, most threads just sink into yelling matches. Sad. I don't know where SDS's head is at.
@MarioMendoza935 lol fitting gif.