Custom League Issues '24
CURRENT ISSUES with Custom Leagues:
Users cannot select their Uniforms
We cannot SIM games & so therefore, we aren't able to advance from regular season into playoffs
Cannot reset games as Game management is impossible to get into
Message Board traffic creates slow loading times (there should be a way to clear the board or make it automatically reset every other week or something like that)
Teams Stats are no longer working
Could no longer ask for a timeout when hitting. Player stats sometimes disappear mid game .. ..Please help out the Custom Leagues community by Correcting these issues, thank you .
As a Custom League owner I'm very happy to see that someone cares about us cause my guys "27" feel like this is the best Mode on the game....
- Can't change jerseys
- teams stats unavailable
- Can't sim games so we can't get to the playoffs
- Player stats in game play are 0.00 as though its their 1st game.
- the message board is starts at the top & not at the bottom
- Can you please add a league leaders for us so we don't have to work so hard ourselves to give our awards in our league....we mail trophies for end of season awards.
Leagues mean a lot to us & wish 1 of the guys from SDS can join our discord to see how fun & important Leagues really are! @Victor_SDS
- Biggest issue is inability to sim games and advance season
- Admins can only access the game management menu when no games are in progress. This makes resetting games very difficult.
- Team stats don’t show.
- In game random players on your team don’t have stats. As if it’s there first game played
- The news feed is creating major load time issues plus on top of that it loads in reverse so you have to scroll all the way down to see the newest news
Secondly @Victor_SDS we really appreciate just hearing back from sds. Even if you came in here saying nothing would be fixed. I’m sure everyone would appreciate that more then being left in the dark. It’s a terrible feeling to feel like the mode you play doesn’t even exist to the dev team
HeavyHITTER3100replied to xXOctoberNyyXx on Apr 23, 2024, 6:40 PM last edited by HeavyHITTER3100_XBL Apr 23, 2024, 6:41 PM
Im glad you’ve mentioned players stats showing as ZERO in some games and having to scroll down the message board to see latest league news / messages etc. I totally forgot about this! It is CRUCIAL being able load up a league and see its latest messages / news in the board.
Here's a list of the current issues for custom leagues:
Users cannot select their Uniforms
We cannot SIM games & so therefore, we aren't able to advance from regular season into playoffs
Cannot reset games as Game management is impossible to get into
Message Board traffic creates slow loading times (there should be a way to clear the board or make it automatically reset every other week or something like that)
Teams Stats are no longer working
Could no longer ask for a timeout when hitting
The message board for some reason is in reverse never showing any sort of update unless u scroll all the way down.
Players will randomly be shown to be with random teams each game.
The announcers are also bringing up like everyone is getting their first career win. -
CURRENT ISSUES with Custom Leagues:
~Users cannot select their Uniforms
~We cannot SIM games & so therefore, we aren't able to advance from regular season into playoffs
~Cannot reset games as Game management is impossible to get into
~Message Board traffic creates slow loading times (there should be a way to clear the board or make it automatically reset every other week or something like that)
~Teams Stats are no longer working
~Could no longer ask for a timeout when hitting
P.S. Thanks for hearing us! we hope you guys give us a smooth update sincerely your Custom League community #CTMS24League -
While we have there attention on fixing current issues, there is 1 major issue that's been there since 2020 that I am hoping can also be looked into?
Pitcher stats have been broken since 2020 when custom league were introduced but never got the attention it deserved to get fixed and every year after 2020.
Under player stats the hitters always represent there correct stats odd and even numbers. But pitchers only will show all even numbers mainly on the ERA and WHIP numbers for pitchers.
What is crazy is while your in actual league game it shows there correct numbers odd or even referencing what it should be example say SP Framber Valdez has a 3.78 ERA in a league game will show that, but if your in the main menu of the league looking under player stats it would show SP Framber Valdez at 3.00 ERA. Same goes for any other pitchers ERA or there WHIP numbers.
Fingers crossed this can be fixed as well.
H.B. -
Most important issue is game management and being able to sim games for the commissioner to advance the league to the playoffs.
Also needing fixes:
•Uniform selection
•Message board loading from top (shows wrong teams as well)
•Certain Player stats and team stats missingMost of the leagues have out innovated the custom league features as well so just for future reference it would be nice to have:
• Player Awards
• Free Agency capabilities
• Fantasy Player draft
• Dynamic attribute increases that reflect user performance in the league
• Mid Season HR derby capability
• Updated playoff format possibleI know this mode has been the exact same for years but it’s worth a shot
Every time I enter the league and go to the message box I have to go through all the messages from day one, that was not like that before in 23
HeavyHITTER3100wrote on Apr 30, 2024, 11:49 AM last edited by HeavyHITTER3100_XBL Apr 30, 2024, 12:13 PM
Another game update, with no fix to custom leagues. SMH
Let's get your head out of your asses and fix custom leagues you keep adding [censored] that's not important people play custom leagues and cannot advance them into playoffs my whole league is ready to for playoffs and we can do [censored] but sit around and reset our games against each other
@Victor_SDS in custom leagues , the uniform bug hasent been fix yet, since the game been out, why so long to fix simple thing
Hi all. Update -
There was one fix pushed in Update 7 that was not noted (in error) which fixed an issue that caused an Unhandled Server Exception error when attempting to enter Game Management vs CPU.
There are a few more fixes going into the next update barring any setback, of course.
We appreciate your continued patience and reports.
@Victor_SDS thank you for the update Victor, we appreciate it!
@i-RoK_XIII would be nice to use my mets new city connect
@Victor_SDS Update to sim CPU game did not work.
MLBNETWORK365wrote on Apr 30, 2024, 10:29 PM last edited by MLBNETWORK365_PSN Apr 30, 2024, 10:35 PM
Now that's very useful and helpful to get some kind of update since nothing was mentioned in PATCH 7 notes.
Even though I've talked with several developers since mid March saying "were looking into it" I'm not going to point out those names or screen shot those conversations, but wow from March 16th first conversation, 2nd conversation March 28th then NOT getting a word from anyone until this was made about leagues from Victor.
Here we are April 30th and 7 patches later and finally getting the attention leagues deserved all along. Hoping we don't half to wait 2 weeks later on a Tuesday 4am PATCH 8.
@MLBNETWORK365 the update didnt work anyways, tried it in 3 different leagues using every way possible to sim.
@Ravaqz said in Custom League Issues '24:
@MLBNETWORK365 the update didnt work anyways, tried it in 3 different leagues using every way possible to sim.
Yes I know it wouldn't work anyways when we wasn't really a part of update 7 let's call it what it is. This wouldn't even be getting this attention if it wasn't me being stubborn, persistent and being the VOICE OF THE VOICELESS for our CUSTOM LEAGUES.
I've been the ambassador for online franchise 2012-2017 and 2020 until now for custom leagues.
I'm sure they figure I would give up and just go away.