Zone Vs Directional Hitting
Hello I’ve been using Directional hitting all of my life and recently switched to zone hitting because all of the pros are using it, but I’ve been struggling. Anyone here still using directional hitting online?
@MVPGod3 said in Zone Vs Directional Hitting:
Hello I’ve been using Directional hitting all of my life and recently switched to zone hitting because all of the pros are using it, but I’ve been struggling. Anyone here still using directional hitting online?
I just started using directional this year but only offline, I normally use timing hitting because that is what I feel comfortable with using. Just use whatever you think is better for you
@MVPGod3 said in Zone Vs Directional Hitting:
Hello I’ve been using Directional hitting all of my life and recently switched to zone hitting because all of the pros are using it, but I’ve been struggling. Anyone here still using directional hitting online?
Develop a timing mech, put your PCI in a spot you feel comfortable with, after that start pitch tracking, go into practice mode, and don't swing, just practice putting PCI on ball as you pick it up from the pitchers hand. Then you're timing process becomes a thing, recognizing pitches etc.
Trying using zone but without the PCI. This helps me focus on timing. Also may want to put some green precision rings on your left thumb button as this helps prevent dropping your PCI.
@chucky97___ I always hear this do you track something that moves so quick
Don't play "how the pros" do, Play the way you are comfortable playing. I still use timing, It is what I am comfortable using
Use the PCI to track the ball. An easy way to visualize that is to use the PCI as the catchers mitt. If you could catch it you could hit it.
I was directional for as long as I can remember until they came out with the bat shaped pci, once I tried that it took a little to really get comfortable with pci but it honestly is much better than directional, I start my bat pci low since most people like to throw balls low and away and it’s really more anticipating what the opponent is gonna throw. Usually if they throw low twice they’ll throw a high pitch next. Just takes practice but I’ll never go back to directional.
Have used directional for the last 4 years after being a zone player since the ps2 days. I'm fine with it now. And I use to be one of those zone hitting snobs for many years.