DD online questions for beginner
I just started playing events like 2 weeks ago. Have some questions -
1.Does it tell you what elevation the stadium is? Like anywhere? I see everyone uses Laughing Mountain stadium - i think that's the name - the balls fly out of there.
What ballpark has a fair elevation for online play? And what is considered a fair elevation? 1000 ft? Lower?
2.When I play events and it trys to find an opponent, there is that bar with the min/max ratings. I have only played 2 ranked games this year and that was for the Easter Egg program. So how would I know my ranking when it comes to events online?
3.Will they fix the outfield bug where your OF takes a step in the opposite direction to where the ball is hit? even great fielders do it. I've lost some games because I just missed catching the ball since the first step was in the other direction the ball was flying.
Thanks for reading.
I can answer #2 for you… events/battle royal ranking is based on your current run in those, its not based off of your ranked status
You can go to stats when you hit start and then go to game log and it will tell you what field, what difficulty, and the elevation
@shenk-O answered the first part of 1. There are a few stadiums that play like this (or as I would call it: „[censored]“
Shield Woods, Capital Lane and Loughing Mountains (the first two being the worst). Other than that you can e.g. choose pro MLB stadiums. Lots of people like shippet stadium or capital field. But … tbh: That is just personal preference. I like the spring training fields the most
You may have outfielders with “diamond” fielding, but if they have low reaction they’re going to get bad jumps from time to time. You could look at your options in the outfield and use the cards with the highest reaction rating. Steven Kwan comes to mind
I hope that helps