Boost this , Boost that!!!!?????!!!
Try writing in standard English. How you type? No. You're borderline incoherent.
Considering I do play more than a dozen games vs CPU in DD I don't understand what your talking about and neither does anyone else so please explain
I boosted a car once
No disrespect but we can't help you if we don't know what you're saying or implying.
Yeah man, I tell you what this dang ol game has many scenarios and it has begun to evolve into its creators. And than pitcher has no no and boost boost boost. Dang, talk about all them stubs there man. But game engine is good.
You could always not use them. By not putting them in the lineup or not activating them. Your choice.
I assume he is talking about all the different Captain boosts, and Supercharge Boosts in the game.
@kwikpoppa said in Boost this , Boost that!!!!?????!!!:
Dont try to change the subject son , if this all you guys can imput get a job at SDS Why you insist on changing the subject of my conversation to how I type . This kind of [censored] is why we cant get anything done on these forums. You dont agree with what im saying state your reason or hush juniors.
No one is changing the subject to HOW you type. We're all just trying to figure out WHAT you typed. There is a difference. The reason you cant get anything done on these forums is because no one understands wtf you're talking about.
@Teak2112 said in Boost this , Boost that!!!!?????!!!:
Yeah man, I tell you what this dang ol game has many scenarios and it has begun to evolve into its creators. And than pitcher has no no and boost boost boost. Dang, talk about all them stubs there man. But game engine is good.
Tellyouwhat man talkinbout dang'ol meanin uh life man,go read the hitchhikers guide man. Talkinbout dang'ol42 man
@allday9128 said in Boost this , Boost that!!!!?????!!!:
@Teak2112 said in Boost this , Boost that!!!!?????!!!:
Yeah man, I tell you what this dang ol game has many scenarios and it has begun to evolve into its creators. And than pitcher has no no and boost boost boost. Dang, talk about all them stubs there man. But game engine is good.
Tellyouwhat man talkinbout dang'ol meanin uh life man,go read the hitchhikers guide man. Talkinbout dang'ol42 man
@kwikpoppa said in Boost this , Boost that!!!!?????!!!:
The game has got so many scenarios to calculate it cant tell what its doing or where its at.It has no idea what level its on what the players ratings . Oh thats odd . It has began to evolve into its creators. The actual game engine is still good just highly infected with Stubbitis !
Boomhauer, is that you not making any sense again?
Ok, I'm going to attempt to understand what you're trying to say.
(((The game had got so many scenarios to calculate... It can't tell what it's doing and where it's at..)))
Are you referring to all the programs available or actual in game scenarios?
What do you exactly mean? Could you elaborate a little more. This feels like I'm attempting to decipher speech coding...(((It has no idea what level it's on. What the player ratings. Oh that's odd. It has began to evolve into it's creators.)))
Are you referring to in game difficulty?
I have no clue what you're trying to say.(((The actual game engine is still good, just highly infected with stubbitis.)))
Sounds like you're saying you enjoy the game, just not the greed associated with stubs?
All in all, maybe next time you could take a deep breath and collect your thoughts before beginning to speak. That way people will be able to understand what you're trying to say.
Bc, not to sound rude, but what you wrote sounds like a bunch of jumbled words thrown in similar to how Boomhauer talks from King of the Hill. -
Im about blind and when I took typing I just flirted with the chicks . What I was tryi ng to get across is the game engine is trying to calculate too many scenarios and it has forgotten how to operate on basic duties . It thinks every game has to be forced into a dramatic conclusion by any means possible. And it thinks a stubb is always at stake . I keep screenshots etc of all my games and IIplay over a thousand a year vs CPU . Its a pattern . Overboard since 22 Show . Almost surely script like, I know others who play a lot have seen this too. Not so evidentif yoou play rookie but at allstar plus settings its downright shameful
The Shawn guy figured it out nicely, why cant you other geniuses ?
That’s your interpretation of “figuring it out nicely”? He still questions what you’re asking at least three times.
Lol you guys are just slow. He’s talking about the “dance” the dev talk about the ball and bat do with 75 different attributes being conflicted with one another instead of the ball going where it’s suppose to based on the swing. HR/9 anyone? Yeah the game didn’t know the F it was suppose to do. The more they complicate it the crazier the responses get. Just a couple dude bros in jorts that really like just late moonshots
The point of my retoric is just that, I dont want to be hateful it is just a game, I word and phrase my frustrations so you can tell me how stupid I am because YOU dont understand what Im relating . Now let me ask all how many errors do you see the CPU make in Diamond dynasty competive settings default ? The CPU has made 8 errors in nearly 80 games and I cant count how many diving catches thatwould shame Underdog Now if you doubt my figures check my game history . Check your own . Its wrong period none of it adds up . Not even in the hemisphere.
Yes Shaunn thats what I was trying to say ,the game aint working because the programming is in conflict . But what do you expect they havent even corrected the check swings