Annoying Glitch OF
Do any of your outfields take a jump the wrong way when the ball is hit? It's an animation where if I hit the ball to Left, the OF will make a jump motion to the right and then go back to the left to try to catch the ball.
Same with deep or shallow balls. I hit a shallow fly and the OF will make some animation to go deep then back towards the infield.
I don't remember this in 23.
They phucked with fielding/reactions again. It was like this last yr until they patched it. Any fielder with fielding under 75 and reactions literally under 80, they will react with a bad jump. Kinda resembles really bad little leaguers that can't read the ball off the bat right away.
Try using better outfielders with good fielding and reactions. Dylan Crews is free and is the best outfielder I use in CF. He rarely reacts bad, buy even he does at times.