Account Reset? 4/4/24
This is some BS. 16 1/2 hours later and they still have not fixed the issue. Time for a refund.
Well I imagine SDS has gone home for the day since they had a really tough day with all the updates they provided...oh wait...guess they've gone home for the day cause it is Thursday.
They are so dumb with the make sure you link the correct account. Anyone that is paranoid about what will happen if you don’t link the correct one. You can always unlink and go back to link the correct account. I have the show on both PS5 and switch. It shows both accounts and I can always switch which account I am logged into. It means nothing. The content in game is linked to your consoles account.
you're gonna get everything back. just gotta be patient and not worry
@Sngambit- yup so [censored] our accounts and [censored] this game
@K9_21owl i personally think those that show both accounts as level 0 when relinking are done for and they wont get anything back
We need some kind of clarification- both my accounts show zero - when can we get an update on this?
Sent in a ticket hours ago with no reply.
@GuyIncognito55 i sent in a ticket at 245 am and no reply i dont think they are even answering them
Basically SDS are currently thieves. They stole about 500 dollars from me and are laughing their butts off while we panic. Just like any other corporation... all they care about is counting their stacks of money. The consumer is just a mark for these grifters.
@Sngambit- they probably went home for an early weekend at this point and will have an intern "flip the switch" for the new content tomorrow lol
@K9_21owl I don’t think so
This is honestly ridiculous. i've never seen such bad PR and dev team. Any competent company would have their servers backed up and I assume SDS does not as that would have been their first option this morning. I was 4 teams away from finishing all sets as well as all programs and TA finished. This is a horrible look and even if it gets fixed are going to turn alot away from the game. I hope a nice class action lawsuit gets filed.
@Skylerc123 been waiting for the class action law suit post
@msquared69 if true, how can that be okay? Like stated many times I never actually linked the new account or anything like that, my only "mistake" was accepting the terms and conditions thinking that maybe they added an update since this was a weird situation all around. So me doing that means that I have lost everything and they can't do anything about it?!? That seems wild and completely unacceptable on so many levels...
@xxfrystealerxx im on the same page as you its not okay. ive lost everything as well and i even had my account linked and still couldnt recover anything. last night when this happened my team and all was still on the companion app but when i woke up everything was gone. luckily i screen recorded all my progress so i have some type of proof but many arent as fortunate
mlb the show is my job... f'ck you sds
@msquared69 yeah all we can do at this point is hope they can restore it or offer us a refund, those are really the only 2 options in my mind
I am frustrated myself… but jeez. Of course it will get fixed.
I just noticed that though my stubs, and the progress I have made are not on in the game they are on the app. BUT, my username on the console, my real username has Zero and the username I now have on the app with the correct information actually has an extra character at the end of it example: my real username, the one with zero, ends with "fans1". The username on the companion app, with my stubs, etc. Ends with "fans1!". I hope they fix this and make it worth the wait. I can't log in with this username as everything is tied in with my email address. I tried to do it and Playstation says there is already an account with that email address.