IMO: Best thing for users to do that had their accounts reset
@Dankmaymays cite specific examples please. Thanks.
@grimmdogg23 said in IMO: Best thing for users to do that had their accounts reset:
@Dolenz That is the problem. Patience is not something people have when they put time and money into something. Would you have patience if your bank account got hacked and someone was siphoning money off of you? Of course not... and you would be uber pissed if the bank said... "yeah, we are aware of it... we will fix it... eventually". I am guessing your patience would be nil. Of course, your guys account is probably fine. Pretty easy to sit on your high horse when you aren't the ones with the issue.
Imagine comparing a bank issue, that deals with actual money, to a video game issue that deals with digital money.
@x814xmafia just waiting for the response about how they paid one hundred whole American dollars, therefore they are the only person that matters right now at this moment and their demands MUST be met. Right Now!
@x814xmafia WTF does that even mean? Digital money is money, you pillock.
@BJDUBBYAH Yet, you don't defend SDS? Okay, hoss cat. You do you. Also, just $100. There are people that spend more money and time on something they enjoy. And they have every right to [censored] and complain. I bet your account is just fine dandy isn't it? How's the view from up there?
@grimmdogg23 while you wait for a fix. Open that news app on your phone and learn about some real problems going on in the world.
And also, you literally said exactly what I called in my previous post ^^^^
$100 is nothing. It just isn’t.
@grimmdogg23 said in IMO: Best thing for users to do that had their accounts reset:
@x814xmafia WTF does that even mean? Digital money is money, you pillock.
Did you put any money, not including the purchase, price into the game?
@x814xmafia Of course I did. I am a diamond or two shy of completing Live Series collection.
@BJDUBBYAH Yeah, I saw your other posts about spending money to complete sets. I do it too. I have valid points and you won't change my mind. I also see you keep dodging the "your account must be fine" comment. Because it is. If it wasn't, you'd be pissed too.
Correction. I was a diamond or two shy of finishing collections. Now, I have nothing. I can smell a class action lawsuit coming around the bend.
Also, I checked my play time. 99 hours. But, I should just be patient, not complain, and wait? Nah, hell to the naw.
@grimmdogg23 I have no idea if it is or not because I'm at work. When I get home, i'll find out. If i've been unlinked, I'll try to relink. If that doesn't work, I'll wait because it's not the end of the world. What I won't do is throw a temper tantrum on the Community Forum of a video game because none of this is real.
@grimmdogg23 I checked your play time on your Universal Profile, 69 hours. So it looks like your account is fine.
@BJDUBBYAH It is real. I connect with many of my friends in co-op. Also, I can't do the relink thing either. It keeps telling me my username/password is incorrect even though it is. I even reset my password. Received reset email fine, reset password fine, go back to login in and get error message. Once again, you do you boo. Don't like it, don't read it. Congrats on your account being fine.
@grimmdogg23 I didn't say my account was fine. What I said was, looking at your universal profile, it looks like yours is. Other players who have been unlinked have "zero" DD progress, you have 69 hours, so, you should be in good shape.
I just logged in. I have nothing. I wouldn't lie and just complain for no reason. Also, it is 94 hours. It doesn't count early release play time in universal profile.
@grimmdogg23 and, as i said, other players are showing zero progress. You showing progress, is a good thing towards resolve. As others are still showing zero progress.
@BJDUBBYAH said in IMO: Best thing for users to do that had their accounts reset:
@grimmdogg23 I have no idea if it is or not because I'm at work. When I get home, i'll find out. If i've been unlinked, I'll try to relink. If that doesn't work, I'll wait because it's not the end of the world. What I won't do is throw a temper tantrum on the Community Forum of a video game because none of this is real.
brother you have 1000 posts on this god forsaken website i didn't even know existed today farming reputation on a forum for "not real" video games whilst you're at work responding to messages at work??? like theres no shot you guys are real out here defending sds and then saying the most idiotic things like some [censored] argument about money? hey guess what I spent 100 dollars on this game and can't get my daily doubles that I paid for and guess what its my day off and i'd like to play the game is that so outrageous?? can't stand you guys trying to take some sort of high ground acting like you're all patient and virtuous and defending some multi million dollar companies for some [censored] smh and you're literally at work bro lmfao thats crasy asf twin im ngl
@BJDUBBYAH Life is too short to argue. I apologize for coming off rude or an a-hole. I'd rather make a friend than an enemy. So my bad and apologies. I am just a little miffed. It happened to me live last night while I was playing the Nation of Baseball map. Which I was almost finished with. LOL.
So question, what in your estimation is a level headed take on how long for them to fix? Like, when would you as a money spender get pissed and then have a reason to complain.
Also, I don't want to watch the news I get enough of that garbage. I come to play to escape the every day wear and tear of the [censored] fest outside my door. LOL.