How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?
@SuntLacrimae50 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
Ooooh, are we nerd flexing now? Should I post a pic of my U Chicago graduate transcript???? Or say something about Plato????? Ffs.
go back to whining about refunds, child.
So are you asking people to be a "broken record"? I thought you were against people being a "broken record" but here you are advocating for it! That or you are a masochist. Either way, you be you because only you can be you!
How about they implement a mercy rule for CPU games? So players don't just grind 9 inning games on rookie to win 59-3
Maybe limit the number of RS and BR games one can play in a day as well!
Limit how far up one can go in RS in a day.
Limit the game to the point where instead of playing the game and just force the game to be just a digital card collecting game that has no gameplay in it!
@dap1234567890 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
Maybe limit the number of RS and BR games one can play in a day as well!
Of which I played zero today
@BJDUBBYAH Then you would be fine with that!
@dap1234567890 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
@BJDUBBYAH Then you would be fine with that!
As long as you're fine with the mercy rule in CPU games. Sure. I don't play a ton of ranked or BR, I usually just finish the BR program in a week or so, and ranked I only really grind if the rewards are expensive.
@BJDUBBYAH I'm fine with a mercy rule!
Heck, we don't even need to play games, all we need to do is buy stubs and packs to fill out collections!
@dap1234567890 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
@BJDUBBYAH I'm fine with a mercy rule!
you already have it. It's the XP cap. And the reason that exists, is from players farming XP by beating the CPU, on Rookie 59-0
@BJDUBBYAH Let's go back to the original post, how about we limit how much stubs and buying higher diamonds that most people don't buy? Why limit only gameplay xp? That would even out the playing field as well!
"If I can't have mine, no one else can have theirs either!!!!"
Please stop. You're just embarrassing yourself.
@dap1234567890 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
@BJDUBBYAH Let's go back to the original post, how about we limit how much stubs and buying higher diamonds that most people don't buy? Why limit only gameplay xp? That would even out the playing field as well!
If you don't play online, why would you care what cards someone else has?
@dap1234567890 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
@BJDUBBYAH Let's go back to the original post, how about we limit how much stubs and buying higher diamonds that most people don't buy? Why limit only gameplay xp? That would even out the playing field as well!
how about we limit, starting with you, the number of children masquerading as adults on this forum
@SaveFarris I could careless! This whole forum is an embarrassment, so I'm just joining in!
@aaronjw76 Like I mentioned before, there is a fix for that but you like the pain in not fixing it yourself!
That's like asking stores to limit how many lottery tickets ppl can buy. It won't happen.
@dap1234567890 Hold on, in the SDS world you made too much sense amd this will be implemented.
@aaronjw76 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
@SuntLacrimae50 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
Ooooh, are we nerd flexing now? Should I post a pic of my U Chicago graduate transcript???? Or say something about Plato????? Ffs.
go back to whining about refunds, child.
Tsk, tsk. Easy there, Thrasymachus.
@dap1234567890 said in How about a cap on stubs purchased or how many 90+ OVR cards purchased/earned in a day/week?:
SDS's low limit on gameplay XP, removal of repeatable awardable XP, less XP in general, keeping most of the best cards in only purchasable packs is just causing a greater imbalance of rewards and not truly allowing players to "play how you want to play".
-I don't feel 15K is that low, but that depends what % of daily players hit it somewhat often. As its only one of several ways to make progress (online program stars, pushing rank, pack grinding, parallels, etc) I don't feel it needs to be on all the time. Cap should absolutely be cumulative though, even if its a weekly cumulative where not hitting cap on Monday carries over until Tuesday. and resets each Monday.
-less xp in general is relative. its a longer timeframe. Remains to be seen if its actually less or not. Xp is imbalanced between Online (BR/Ranked) and Offline (Mini Seasons/especially conquest)
-Pack cards I cant disagree on.