Change Default Logo
I can’t seem to change my DD logo. I have one created and saved but I still have the day one logo displayed in game. Help?
I can't even find any logos the vault is empty am I doing something wrong?
The logos and which one is used on the various places is strange. I can never figure it out. It appears it uses different ones for the score bug, the stadium scoreboard, the after game results screen, etc.
All I can suggest is change it in every location you can. Hats, helmets, jerseys, even jackets. Then also change the Logo from the customization menu.
I think he might be forgetting the team main logo if he’s just doing his home and road uniforms. That was the one I’d always forget. That one is done under the logo editor tab.
Your home logo on your cap is the default in DD, unless you play a road game in which case your logo in the away cap logo. The main logo is only shown in conquest badges and on the field when home (maybe a few other random spots).
The game put that whack logo into the main team logo slot. You have to at the very least clear that out or it’ll show up as on your scoreboard.
I don't have any logos in the vault so how does that work