MLB 23 Just Quits!
Maybe its time for you to buy a new console. I'm on a PS5 and everything has been smooth here!
It's only on MLB 23 and I've never had this issue until this past 5 days.
The console is barely a year old.
My Ps5 Also Happens Constantly Since I Installed The Game Has Shut Me Out Like 7 Times In Mid Of Game Not Only You Joker...
Did you install latest system update??
Yes Still Error CE-108255-1 This Game Always With Its Bugs ...
Weird no issues here on ps5 delete and reinstall
I have been kicked out a few times too. Last one I was in Franchise mode. Top of 9th playing at home, 1 out and 2 men on first and second. My closer is in trying to shut them down. Then boom, I get kicked right to the Xbox Home Screen. This is on Xbox seriesX. Never happened to me in last years version.
So annoying.How do you report these issues/bugs?
I've had games not register. Who knows what's up. I had the same issue with golf recently. Kicked from servers repeatedly and no one else has the issue.
Keeps happening. Literally first game i played. Made it to the 4th inning playing a game in RTTS.
This is some BS! I’m always an inning or two from the end of the game and it shuts down unexpectedly. This has happened to me several times this past week. Refund Please!