MLB the show 24 server issues?
So I can only play online with co-op and when I try to enter other games it says opponent waiting with the fielders doing warmup throws and it just sits there
@trudatdre4 said in MLB the show 24 server issues?:
So I can only play online with co-op and when I try to enter other games it says opponent waiting with the fielders doing warmup throws and it just sits there
Why can you only play Co-Op?
@trudatdre4 bro same! Been happening since release. I can’t play online dd modes. Everything else seems to be working including online rated with live teams.
Ranked, br, events all just get hung up at warm up/waiting for other player.
I messaged opponents and they said they’re just getting kicked immediately after lineup screen. I put in support ticket but haven’t heard anything -
@trudatdre4 yo!!! This is gonna sound stupid but this fixed it for me. Put on some real uniforms (mlb/milb). Something is glitched with the default ones idk
have the game on xbox been trying to play for 2 days just keeps saying network error and my connections to their servers is the problem (my download speed is 900mbs a second) but ik it’s not me.
What is the reason I can't wear everything from the Nike brand?
Single modes will not work for me in mlb the show 24 says i need ten position player on my roster and i do
My server is down
Servers are definitely down. Getting a network error when firing up the game.
Heck of an Opening Day for The Show!
They just tweeted out that they are aware of the issues and working to resolve them.
Are the servers still down
No been up for a little while now
Same issue -
Yea mine still is hopefully up by the weekend -
MLB 24 still not connecting to internet any help ?
@Noel_minaya24 me to .it's not letting me play online it's been almost 2 weeks now
I’m having issues trying to do yesterdays update, I wonder if this is the cause
Game crashes after 4 int