Update broke the game!
PS5 here... also cannot play conquest due to invalid rosters.
There are gremlins in the coding this year.
Had to redesign uniforms upon entering. Then, can’t even play against the computer.
Sorry, SDS. You did little to prepare for 2024, and all that you did do, was to mess up the game even more.
Instead, maybe you should have just said—“We are going to update ‘23 a little bit, and skip a 24 release.”
This is pathetic. What a horrible experience.
You lost my trust, and many others here. I’ll keep playing this game—if it ever is fixed—and older versions… but I’m done buying The Show going forward.
You fleeced us.
And they're out there tweeting about opening day without even addressing how the game is broken. Total clown show.
@KFREDxRATMONKEY same was just hopping on here to post that.
@Teak2112 it really appears that nothing in the patch notes last night is in the game. Still a ball fest.
I just load into the main xp path and let it sit there for a couple minutes on my PS5 and it crashes
I just got booted out of the game and now it says MLB The Show needs an update...looks like my run of being the one person with a working game is over
Guarantee whoever is first to the office at SDS has to revert the patch and issue compensation for breaking the game further
Doctor Fauci910replied to MetalDoc17 on Mar 28, 2024, 1:25 PM last edited by Doctor Fauci910_XBL Mar 28, 2024, 1:25 PM
@MetalDoc17 said in Update broke the game!:
There are gremlins in the coding this year.
The code is probably just a total mess from years of changes adding up. Devs leave companies all the time and gone with them is the knowledge of what their code is doing. It’s clear the game hasn’t fundamentally changed, so I doubt any of the underlying functionality has been changed much, just tweaked here and there and you never know when pulling a lever somewhere is going to pull a thousand levers somewhere else. Not even blaming anyone at SDS for this, it’s just the way things work and I could be totally wrong. Would probably take years if they wanted to rebuild the code base from the ground up.
aaronjw76replied to dart_wuffy on Mar 28, 2024, 1:25 PM last edited by aaronjw76_PSN Mar 28, 2024, 1:25 PM
@dart_wuffy said in Update broke the game!:
Guarantee whoever is first to the office at SDS has to revert the patch and issue compensation for breaking the game further
Compensation lol
The altered reality that some people here live in must be glorious
@aaronjw76 yeah for real haha. I’ve been playing this game for 4 years now and in that time SDS has done no make rights of any kind. Played madden for about 3 months and they do it every time they mess up. SDS still clears EA by miles of course but it’s just not something I’ve seen in this game that I can remember
@Doctor-Fauci910 in 21 they gave everyone packs because the servers were awful to begin the year.
Let the little kids play baseball. It’s Easter weekend
Loving the small players -
So what I want to know is:
I got booted for the game for a 10g update over an hour after the scheduled time
In a game with an online component how is it possible that I was playing a different version of the game than everyone else?I've seen some bad patches over my years of playing games online. I've learned to not sweat them when things go wrong, things will get fixed. But this may be the strangest I've seen
SchnauzerFacewrote on Mar 28, 2024, 1:36 PM last edited by SchnauzerFace_MLBTS Mar 28, 2024, 1:39 PM
I sometimes lean toward being a bit of an SDS apologist, but this is inexcusably bad.
I have a 4-day weekend (benefit of working for a Catholic school... used to be a 5-day weekend with a half day on Wednesday! Ah the good old days). Hoping this is fixed so I can grind out TA this weekend whilst baseball games run nonstop on the ipad.
Baseball is back!! Not video game baseball, mind you. That's completely broken.
EDIT: Just looked at the patch notes. IF they do fix what they broke, I am excited to see if they really did reduce the flashbangs in Conquest. That will make that mode playable at night with the lights off again. I've only been simming in the afternoon with lights on to reduce the impact of the bright flashes.
Get your game fixed ppl diamond dynasty is all i play