Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow
@DominickB3 said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
am I going to be forced to play the head-to-head modes to get to the end of the season xp? I mean in years past I never had to do that, but one of the "big ways to get xp" mentioned in the patch notes was for battle royale.
Last year I played BR maybe 5 times bc the rewards were usually meh. This year I played BR 10x now over a friend's house and I think 4 runs on my actual account.
Gotta get that xp since I'm done everything else. It's fine tho, bc at least Gagne and Mauer are decent rewards right now.
Plus I get to try out the cards. One thing I really don't like us the silver pitcher missions. Pitching with those guys is brutal. I literally did a run just to get those 4 points with Chadin and Gossalin. I gave up 13 runs with Gossalin only bc I wanted him done, lol.These guys don't get it. None of the devs are actual competitive gamers. No one would ever pitch with those cards.
Oh, after the game, my man msged me asking why I didn't take him out. I said bc I wanted his 4 point mission done. Enjoy that win lol.
XP cap of 15k is garbage and I am tempted to contact the media and put a big spot light on this since you now want to tell the players who spent anywhere from 70 to 100 bucks or more just to be told HOW MUCH we can play a game we bought. You guys have flat out lost your minds and have over stepped and every fan needs to speak out on this and get them to raise it to at least 25 - 30k at the minimum.
SDS -- Gratz you really have sunk to the level of EA and 2k
@x814xmafia said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
I don't like how the explained coming up with the XP Cap.
I quote: All of this will allow the average user to keep up with relevant rewards from the XP Reward Path without needing to hit the gameplay XP Cap consistently.
So what happens when someone else isn't an average player, and has to go into the hospital for a week or two, and can't play for those days? Because of the cap; they can't make that XP up and will either be two weeks behind in getting the three 99s. Or even worse, not be able to get them at all. And what happens if they get them with only a day left in the season? They have to wait a WC spot to be able to use them? And chances are; they won't get XP towards the next season.
You're going to alienate people faster than you did last year.
Who cares if someone gets those players WAY before me? I don't. I don't play online. So I won't be facing them.
They're even non-sellable. Let us play as much as we want.
I thought the whole tag line of this game was 'play how you want'. Not 'play how you want unless you seem to be getting ahead of other people.
wait a minute. You have messaged me asking for tips in working the market all so you can buy players just for offline play? smh
SDS just flipped a bird to all the offline players saying to get more XP you have to complete the multiplayer programs (battle royale and ranked seasons).
@blitz77tw said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
XP cap of 15k is garbage and I am tempted to contact the media and put a big spot light on this since you now want to tell the players who spent anywhere from 70 to 100 bucks or more just to be told HOW MUCH we can play a game we bought. You guys have flat out lost your minds and have over stepped and every fan needs to speak out on this and get them to raise it to at least 25 - 30k at the minimum.
SDS -- Gratz you really have sunk to the level of EA and 2k
War in Ukraine
War in Israel
Political sh!tshows in most countries
Former president in court 15x/week
Ohtani gambling scandal
Bridge collapse in Baltimore
add in 100 other thingsAnd you think they got time for a story about a video game that delays you from getting free rewards at a faster pace?
Please tell me this is satire.
@Shauwn said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
. I gave up 13 runs with Gossalin only bc I wanted him done, lol.
I had the exact same experience...
@b00std_mark_II said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
@DominickB3 they addressed it read the patch or update notes they saiid if your hitting the cap you will have the 99s in no time and long before the season is over
I call BS on their claim here. You'd have to hit the cap every single day for almost 67 days just to hit the 1,000,000 mark for ONE of the season one boss cards. Thats almoat ten full weeks of guaranteed every day maxing out the cap.
God forbid you "touch grass" or have a job and cant guarantee that level every day for 10 weeks.
@Kaznella It only caps gameplay XP though. That's not the only way to gain XP, so it will not take 67 days. For example, right now I am at 250k XP, and I've only played like 8 or 9 days. So that's over 25k per day I'm averaging. I've also never hit the XP cap.
@Pergo said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
@Kaznella It only caps gameplay XP though. That's not the only way to gain XP, so it will not take 67 days. For example, right now I am at 250k XP, and I've only played like 8 or 9 days. So that's over 25k per day I'm averaging. I've also never hit the XP cap.
I know. I am at about 250k as well. Problem is i have completed all programs and TA to get there. As a result i am only getting the flat 15k per day.
Playing as much as i can since early access i am avg 16k per day and that includes completing the programs and team affinitys.
SDS is basically forcing its offline players like myself to play H2H modes juat to get XP required for season completion.
gaming media --- stop being a smart Beep -- LOL
Also I wrote that after I read it so was kind of heated -- I have come down a little and now trying to find a happy medium of being ticked off and hoping they see the wisdom and raise it a little higher.
@aaronjw76 Amen, and thank you.
Also how can you all just be cool with this maybe I overreacted but this is a garbage decision -- period
@Shauwn said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
I'm happy to hear the excessive CPU balls has been fixed, along with the 2 way pitcher glitch in BR.
As for the XP cap, I don't like it.
Most of the player rewards are cheeks. If it weren't for the Buxton or Arenado boost, literally 90% of the hitter cards would not be used by actual competitive gamers.In regards to SP and RP, there isn't one SP reward worth any grind for. Palmer?
that card blows. Same with Suter, etc.
Learn what cards are competitive, meta, and won't give up 10+ runs against good hitting opponents.The balance is way off. Even the top ranked players like Frosti and Zazzi have somewhat high ERA's. I think Zazzi was sporting an ERA past 5. Frosti is a bit better in the upper 3.00's...
I believe Zazzi and Frosti both play at Shieldwoods, correct? BTW top players always have high ERA, they don’t care how many runs they give. They play to score more than you because they trust in their ability, hence why the use high elevation ballparks
@blitz77tw said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
Also how can you all just be cool with this maybe I overreacted but this is a garbage decision -- period
I'm cool with it because, There are tons of programs still coming, with tons of XP.
I'm cool with it because, SDS is making a concentrated effort, to control the power creep, and I appreciate that, as a player who plays equally offline and online, loading into a ranked game against someone who has twice the time to play the game as I do, and has OP cards because of, sours the experience.
I'm cool with it because $70-$100 is not a lot of money.
I'm cool with it because I'm not an entitled consumer.
And I'm cool with it because of everything aaronjw76 said.
The only players who have the right to be "heated" or "ticked off" are Switch users, who have gained literally zero XP, but I would venture a guess you have at least 100 hours in the game already.
@aaronjw76 said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
@x814xmafia said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
I don't like how the explained coming up with the XP Cap.
I quote: All of this will allow the average user to keep up with relevant rewards from the XP Reward Path without needing to hit the gameplay XP Cap consistently.
So what happens when someone else isn't an average player, and has to go into the hospital for a week or two, and can't play for those days? Because of the cap; they can't make that XP up and will either be two weeks behind in getting the three 99s. Or even worse, not be able to get them at all. And what happens if they get them with only a day left in the season? They have to wait a WC spot to be able to use them? And chances are; they won't get XP towards the next season.
You're going to alienate people faster than you did last year.
Who cares if someone gets those players WAY before me? I don't. I don't play online. So I won't be facing them.
They're even non-sellable. Let us play as much as we want.
I thought the whole tag line of this game was 'play how you want'. Not 'play how you want unless you seem to be getting ahead of other people.
wait a minute. You have messaged me asking for tips in working the market all so you can buy players just for offline play? smh
Whats wrong with playing offline?
Wrong on the hours I have into this game -- If i was to guess it would be like an avg of 3 to 4 per night -- I am not a hard core player -- I just hit the Hitting Cap pack a couple days ago. In all fairness did not play much Tues cause bought a PS5 and had to take time to re-Download the game etc.
@blitz77tw Wrong, I looked at your universal profile. You have 100 hours in DD.
@blitz77tw said in Game Update 3 Coming Tomorrow:
just to be told HOW MUCH we can play a game we bought.
Well, they are not technically telling you HOW MUCH you can play, they are telling you how much XP you can earn through gameplay in a day. That does not mean you have to actually stop playing or that the game stops working.
Now, I am not defending the cap. I really don't have an opinion on it because I have never hit it, but in the end you can still play as much as you want.
We'll see how they live up to their promise to reward more XP in programs because right now it feels like slow going to me.
@blitz77tw and how amazing is the ps5 compared to the 4 i bought mine right before the shows release and WOW rhr loading/download times are amazing i think it took 15 min to download the entire game my ps4 would have taken 2 hours.. Even just loading a diamomd dynasty gsme still feels amazing 2 weeks later i domt rven habr time to ser my opponents lineuo it loads so fast !!!
The notion that the xp cap limits how much you play is ridiculously disingenuous.
No argument based around that should be taken seriously, and its not even remotely scandalous so good luck taking it to gaming publications.If you want to be taken seriously, make reasonable arguments (I have already done so personally about this topic)