Zone hitting needs a nerf.
@Teak2112 he wouldn't start is gdam swing when the ball is 2 feet in front of him
I've had my 102 mph fastballs hit for homers that were high and inside just in the dot corner. . PCI. It's alot easier to hit pitchers when the PCI is huge.
Unfortunately SDS has gone heavy on the “everyone gets a trophy” approach with hitting. They have dumbed down hitting to a ridiculous level. It started in 18 when it was practically slow pitch softball. Then after the backlash of having such slow speeds, they made it where you can foul off any pitch regardless of location and timing. To counter the high offense because of what they did, they made a lot of solid contact just be warning track fly outs.
My only hope for this game turning things around is when they actually put out a next gen product and ditch the old gen games. But this is just how it is with gaming. They want little skill gap so everyone feels like they have a chance… especially if you want give them more money for the best cards.
@genopolanco said in Zone hitting needs a nerf.:
They want little skill gap so everyone feels like they have a chance… especially if you want give them more money for the best cards.
If that is their goal than MLB the Show is the biggest failure in the history of gaming.
The skill gap in this game is huge. Most players cant hit above all star. And I would say a large chunk of players cant even hit all star if the pitcher knows what he is doing -
The point of zone hitting is being able to get to all parts of the zone. The difference between a 7-800 level player and a 9-1000 level player creates the skill gap that is needed to have a competitive game.
While the pic posted by the OP may just be a visual glitch on his end (I've played buddies and have seen some weird stuff on my end that looked normal to them), there is a little something to be said about the magical abilities of zone hitters... I honestly think it's gotten a little better, but sometimes the path of the ball is determined by the reticle's relation to the pitched ball with little to no regard to the batter's body; it would be physically impossible to pull a screaming, low flying line drive on a ball in the dirt, as it would to pull no-doubt shots on balls so far outside they're off the plate.
That isn't possible with other interfaces... just needs a little physics tune up to set some limits based on how the human body bends with a bat in its hands.
@Teak2112 skill gap exists above all-star. Where like you said, most people don’t ever exceed that level. You can’t tell me they don’t try to limit skill gap when you can foul any pitch off, get off PCI hits, perfect perfect fly outs. These are all in place to even the playing field.
@genopolanco They just got a lot better at hiding it. Now it’s not three errors in a row, it’s a weird pitch that hangs middle, followed by a bad timing, poor pci placement moonshot lol.
I still remember the “Oh so HRs are just coded in so if I bunt I just get a homerun” idiots that SDS has turned into 600 level goons. Now crying about rookie pitching
I cant hit any fastballs this year for whatever reason. Sort of late on everything. Its weird. Never had that issue in 23.
@RetroGZY said in Zone hitting needs a nerf.:
I threw a 102 mph fastball and the opponent hitter doesn't even start to swing until the ball is a foot in front of the batters box. Home run to left field.
WTF is this?!!
Barry bonds isn't turning on a pitch this late at 102mph
That's just what u see based on your connection speed.
Yeah if you're seeing that happen at the absolute last second it's likely that playing on the terrible wi-fi you have was a bad idea. Consider getting a wired connection that is fast
Zone hitting is fine…What OP is describing is playing on AS difficulty where it’s impossible to throw anything by anyone. Wish they would just make it that everything in RS is HOF difficulty from 0 to 900. Every season the hardest part is just getting to 700. Once I hit 700 then making WS doesn’t take long.