Rookie difficulty?
The bug effects all difficulty levels
I Dont understand what the bug is? So they cpu throws more balls on rookie? Then don't swing. Simple as that.
@LuvMyXBOX said in Rookie difficulty?:
I Dont understand what the bug is? So they cpu throws more balls on rookie? Then don't swing. Simple as that.
I’m drawing so many walks and eventually getting some nice 3-0 pitches to drive for 2 or 3 run homeruns. Patience is a virtue. Veteran has some wildness but not as bad as the moments for the NLP was.
I think the issue is efficiency in gaining PxP and XP. I’d argue that on a per game basis, the wild pitching is increasing PxP and XP. However, each game now seems to take twice as long. The efficiency is thus lowered because you aren’t gaining twice as much PxP/XP. Does that make sense what I’m saying (I can’t tell if I’m wording it correctly).
It’s certainly a bug, but not a bug that isn’t manageable. Honestly, I’ve kind of enjoyed having to be patient.
@LuvMyXBOX said in Rookie difficulty?:
I Dont understand what the bug is? So they cpu throws more balls on rookie? Then don't swing. Simple as that.
The bug is actually simple to explain:
99.9% of CPU pitches have a very late release, causing them to be more erratic.
Particularly sliders/slurves go all over the placeEvery once in a great while, for whatever reason, a pitch will show up as perfect but I suspect its a second bug as 1 of the two times I saw it happen was on a slider that was 'juuuust a bit outside'
Its more impactful the lower the difficulty rank is. By the time you get to All Star the balls/strikes start to feel more like a baseball balance. Youll get the occasional four pitch walk, but you certainly cant put the controller down and walk away. Too many 0-2 plunkings though
@LuvMyXBOX said in Rookie difficulty?:
I Dont understand what the bug is? So they cpu throws more balls on rookie? Then don't swing. Simple as that.
Read the actual strategy guide in-game. Rookie hitting is supposed to see MORE strikes, not fewer.
Plus hardly any are middle-middle. Rookie hitting should not be 8 balls every 10 pitches with the 2 strikes on the black/edges.
No one's saying it's difficult. But -- and I KNOW THIS IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND, SO KEEP UP...
Is that not clear? Do you not understand?
THE GAME SHOULD WORK. At all levels, regardless of how YOU like to play.
Glad I found this. I was fine until this morning and suddenly if I don’t hit a homerun, I don’t get a hit. Perfect/perfect that stays in play results in an out roughly 80% of the time and I get almost nothing through the infield when on the ground. It feels unplayable atm
Same here!! Same here!
I prefer to grind on rookie, but to get through conquests and vs cpu, all star is where it’s at. Veteran isn’t that bad either
Rookie right now is a waste of time -
@Hostile-TSB. Same!! I have mine on casual. but when playing DD games vs. CPU on rookie, when you flip into the settings menu, it's locked on competitive.
I mean, I play this thing to just chill. If i wanted a real challenge i'd play other people. i don't, because most people are a-holes and i hate online gaming. so ya, it is definitely more difficult this season.