Bump This Thread if You're Disgusted with SDS
Please lock because some kid hacked his dad’s account.
This is the truth even if true ( account hacked ) if you cannot handle the truth let me direct you to go reading some fairy tale cause the facts are this game is broken .... period.
@Tylerslikewhoa found the sds simp.
@Tylerslikewhoa said in Bump This Thread if You're Disgusted with SDS:
Please lock because some kid hacked his dad’s account.
What? You're a goof. The game is a mess. SDS has acknowledged the CPU pitching issue.
Lock THIS, buddy.
Not saying you shouldn’t be upset, but when they came out and said there’s basically going to be no changes from 23 besides adding females and a little more shading to graphics, you probably should’ve assumed they were selling this year.
It’s unfortunately the same with most sports games (can’t say all because I really only play MLB, Madden, and 2K). Madden will have people locked from doing literally anything but play H2H, not give rewards and progress, and sit on it for weeks, but if a pack is too rewarding it will be fixed in 4 hours or less.
It is just how it is. When people shell out money regardless of the product why should they care?
@SuntLacrimae50 said in Bump This Thread if You're Disgusted with SDS:
I play on ps5. The cpu pitching is BROKEN. All I wanna do after I get home is grind a little on rookie or veteran and I can't. Every at-bat starts 3-0.
Then there's the Swtich version. Enough said.
Then there's the pinpoint glitch.
But when there's a RTTS exploit that affects the market? STOP EVERYTHING!!! SDS is on it immediately.
This is criminal. SDS should be ashamed of themselves. I am disgusted with this.
If you are too, bump this thread.
Thats not to mention the players locked behind billbords, like what is this? I knew this year was going to be a gong show, i called it but this is surpassing even my expectations on how bad it could be.
Also i got the try again pack for the Millionare pack and i agree 100 stubs is a slap in the face. You can't even get a silver player for that much.
The fall from '19-'21 to '23 and now '24 is really something.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t keep bumping this and it shouldn’t be locked because nothing in here should be unless it’s inappropriate. I just haven’t experienced anything either of you describe. This must be something limited to H2H play or playing at very low levels when you say CPU pitching.
Sure, i support this message
Issues with tmobile users accessing online play has gotten 0 responses from SDS...
I just want them to fix pinpoint. Some pitchers are absolutely broken. I would like to use donaldson, but he can't pitch from the stretch. Jose leclerc is broken as well. Add to that this Waldron card is ruining every co-op game.
The rookie thing is annoying, but I can just as easily play the cpu on allstar/hof and not have to worry about losing. Honestly it's easier on allstar.
It would be nice for them to atleast acknowledge that pitching isn't working properly. This years game isn't looking good at all.
Bump. Let's go, SDS. Respect the people whose money you've sto-- er, taken.
Thanks to all for reaffirming the position I took late last August or early September. I feel really good not playing this game anymore. It is quite refreshing.
@TEXAS10PT hey bud, good to see you around. So far this years game is the worst they've made since maybe 2016, imo.
Multiple pitchers are broken.
Daily xp is absurdly low, like 12 conquest games low.
There's a 72 overall knuckleball pitcher that is ruining most coop games.
Content seems slow. Still early tho.
The cpu is easier on allstar because cpu on rookie wont throw strikes. When there is a strike its a random pitch in a random spot on the edge of the zone.
There was already a rtts exploit that tanked the market.
Online play feels terrible. It's nothing to have 20-19 game because hitting is easy and pitching is a joke.
Switch players have it the worst apparently. They are saying the can't even play online.
All this and sds is seemingly refusing to even acknowledge most of these problems leaving us all to wonder if this is just how its going to be.
I play this game every year. If there was ever a year to skip, this is it.
Also people are upset because sds hasn't fixed many of the gamplay problems, but the one glitch that allowed people to get and sell rtts equipment was fixed immediately.
@SuntLacrimae50 don't forget the two player stamina glitch! Pure copy/paste job by SDS. How else does this glitch get into MLBTS 24¿??? Can't even play BR or Ranked DD without running into this glitch.
Pathetic effort. In its own way, more disappointing than the release of CP 2077. At least SDS had a base to work from.
Be careful for what you wish.
Remember, once they try to fix something, something else almost always breaks.
@x814xmafia said in Bump This Thread if You're Disgusted with SDS:
Be careful for what you wish.
Remember, once they try to fix something, something else almost always breaks.
So true. But hey, "shout out" to the communication team!
SDS LOVES shout outs! Let's keep shouting them out!
I wasn't going to get the game this year, but they suckered me in because I'm a Mariners fan and I wanted to be able to play in the Kingdome.
I'm not bothered by the CPU pitching on veteran because it's making me a more patient hitter. I was doing better in BR because of it. I also think the TA format is much better, and I feel like I'm actually using cards instead of just griding out their PXP.
That said, there are way more negatives, as everyone has mentioned. The two-way glitch being present is inexcusable after they fixed it last year. It makes playing online no fun.
The final straw for me is locking cards behind billboards. Every other company who uses codes plasters them all over their social media and in the game, but not SDS. I can decide if I want to grind for or buy every card in the game, except for those 3. That's ridiculous to me. Whoever thought of that needs to be fired. There's no rhyme or reason to it, and SDS has been silent on it except for asking people if they scanned the QR code. I know it's not a huge deal right now, but it's a horrible practice to start and it makes me wonder what else they'll do like this later in the year.
I've played the Show every year it has been out. Maybe I'll play some franchise this year, but I'm finally out on DD. Their unresponsiveness, laziness, and ethics have soured me on the game. This is how you alienate long time players and drive them away. Well done, SDS.
@go4stros25 you hit the nail on the head. I was going to write the same thing as you. This year game is a mess and I play this game year around. My girlfriend ask me how is the game this year and my response was ah just other dam game.