Another embarrassment
@chucky97___ said in Another embarrassment:
@BiGPeLK93 I think they arent able to add more to stadium creator yet because the game isnt fully next gen, keep in mind stadium creator has had a small change every year, last year they updated stadium creator as the year went on with props, I can expect in the future we will get more in stadium creator in due time.
I would believe this, but Stadium Creator isn't available on old gen and old gen consoles can't even use SC. So, I don't think this is the case.
@BiGPeLK93 said in Another embarrassment:
I’m convinced SDS just doesn’t care. We have 3 YEARS OF FORUMS talking about moving bullpens and putting signs/boundary lines on outfield walls. Who is getting paid at SDS to pretend they care about what we want. Yet another year of money wasted on my part
Two things come to mind.
What on earth made you believe that they would make those changes to Stadium Creator? You've apparently been around a few years so you should know better than to assume something in this game will be upgraded unless it is specifically stated.
As for wasted money, you could have simply waited like 12 hours and found out that those changes were not in the game before buying it if they were that important to you.
By all means, lament the fact that the changes are not included, but you kind of have to take responsibility for your own assumptions and purchasing decisions.
They DID add things this year that seemingly take far more space than adding a line or signs on a wall.
We did not at any point ask for aliens and dinosaurs. We have asked for bullpen and wall lines, you know, things that are part of uhhhhh BASEBALL.
@Blind_Bleeder it means since they are still woring on last gen, they can't fully invest and go all out on the current gen.
@BiGPeLK93 do you know how long it took them to add stadium creator? They are 3 years in, this stuff doesnt just happen, especially when the art team has been focusing on story lines designing the the new NL Ball parks the last few years, they mentioned how on stream how it takes to incorporate the stadium stuff, it takes time and its not just a simple change.
@chucky97___ have time to build space ports, astroid belts, dinosaurs, aircraft carriers, ufos...etc etc..but no time to add outfield bullpens. Sure. Ok. Cool.
I'm going to buy the shows but when they are 10 bucks
@JoeSelser difference is those are off the field items, on the field items are probably a bit tricky.
JoeSelserreplied to chucky97___ on Mar 19, 2024, 5:01 PM last edited by JoeSelser_PSN Mar 19, 2024, 5:02 PM
@chucky97___ I understand that, and if this was the first year of this feature, cool. But its been multiple years now. More than enough time to get it in the game.
I guarantee you that if this game was on PC, somebody would figure out how to do this in a few days, at the most, through mods. -