cpu throws wayyyyy too many balls on rookie
The high number of walks / balls is horrible. It extends the game an extra 5-10 mins per conquest game. Slows down progression (on top of XP being nerfed). Makes that 1,150,000 XP in the program path EXTREMELY difficult to get grinding non-pvp.
The Beta (early access) is about over, and we need this bug (or whatever) patched asap... Walking every AB is useless, because we need the hitting stats for programs. Playing on Veteran, AS, etc. are not much better. While grinding for stats should be somewhat time consuming, it should also be a simple experience. We should not have to spend three minutes drawing a walk to first base every ab.
Bump. Pin this, SDS. lol
But the game is so goooooooooooooood right?
@Bearsfan217 the game is extremely good, people complaining about balls is a patience problem.
I say this every year but they SHOULD add another way to complete moments. Between the lack of strikes thrown, super platinum defensive plays, and RNG, something has to give. I propose the following: Make all pitchers bp pitchers(they throw more strikes), accept 1500 stubs to unlock the moments or exchange of an unopened show pack, or(my favorite option) have an ULTRA Digital Deluxe version where you pay more for the game, but have the option to skip any moment at any time to progress but sacrifice the stubs/xp gained but gain the needed cards.
Last year's WBC classic had a moment 2 xbh with Joey Meneses and I could never do it. I tried twice a week the entire season and got beaned, walked, lined out, or hit 2 singles. Extra money to the company would have solved that
I realize that games will not be bug free I mean look at some of the best games like a Skyrim and such that were complete bug fests but by most are considered a classic. However now days games are released 3 to 6 months early or maybe not tested right cause of crunches by a studio plus other things. What I am tired of and I legit thought SDS was better then that was making US be the beta testers on the early access of the game that to boot we paid MORE for that right.
BREAKING NEWS -- I am not feeling that lucky cause all this stuff makes me not want to play as much even taking out the fact the XP caps seem screwed up for some still not sure on that but something is off there too ( I think ) -- SDS it's now Monday and still ZERO from you guys not even a simple post saying something like --- Hey were aware of all the game issues and were still gathering data and such from that and were trying to work on it and not sure when this all gets fixed but we are trying so thanks for your patience etc etc
Would this be that hard to do ?? --- I know someone is going to say if they have to do that then that takes them away from fixing stuff but making a simple post would take less then a minute so I do not want to hear any of that garbage.
@chucky97___ said in cpu throws wayyyyy too many balls on rookie:
@Bearsfan217 the game is extremely good, people complaining about balls is a patience problem.
No, it's not. 75% of at-bats on rookie should NOT start 2-0 or 3-0.
That is clearly not a patience problem; it is clearly a design/programming problem.
Currently in the 5th inning against Detroit on Rookie in DD, I am facing Skubal he couldn't make it through the 4th inning, he walked me 7 times throwing over 40 balls and TBH more like 50 balls cause I started swinging cause I was desperate, I have managed to score 5 runs on 3 hits somehow but yeah I think something needs to be fixed.
I'm beginning to think it's intentional. I'm wondering if they hired the blue Jay's pitching coach and their pitching strategists. If you're a Jay's fan like me you know the pain of the starter barely making it through the 5th inning because they are cl9se to, if not past 100 pitches by then.
@chucky97___ omg not a 3-0 count how unfair of SDS to put you in hitters counts.
@chucky97___ I don't think you understand when we say it's happening almost every At Bat, it's pretty bad when you get walked 7 times in 4 innings.
@chucky97___ its a hot pile of [censored] dude. 2 way player glitch, pinpoint stretch glitch, cpu throwing balls glitch. Servers suck! Its almost like that didn't beta test or do a tech test. Oh wait they didn't. Say whatever ya want to defend this pile of trash
. Same stuff every year. But its the only baseball game we have so we just bend over and take it up the a$$
It's crazy.
Even Kim Kardashian hasn't seen as many balls 🧐 -
Don’t play on rookie then, please don’t ruin other modes because some of you like to play on rookie and just mash hr’s and then brag you are undefeated
I like the pitch variation in Rookie now. It's too easy for me to slip into "swing at everything" and this keeps me from doing that.
We grind this game by accumulating stats. Those stats don’t include walks. Tone down the balls way out of the zone. Also, either get rid of wind altogether or fix the direction glitch when you start a game.
@jrballbag nobody is bragging about there record against the CPU on Rookie, it's pretty unrealistic that within 4 innings of a 9 inning game the CPU has over 70 pitches thrown and 40-50 of the pitches are balls, I think a real life MLB Pitcher would find that unrealistic.
@MetalDoc17 said in cpu throws wayyyyy too many balls on rookie:
We grind this game by accumulating stats. Those stats don’t include walks. Tone down the balls way out of the zone. Also, either get rid of wind altogether or fix the direction glitch when you start a game.
Actually, they do include walks - at least for PXP. Walks have the same value as runs, RBIs, and singles.