New online mode ideas for DD
New online mode ideas:
- Coop BR! how fun would it be to play BR with a friend or 2? See how far you guys can make it together?
- Pack Squads! It's simple: you open a 20 pack bundle and have to field your team with just those players. You could make it a mini BR run to see how far you could make it or you just play the 1 game and do pack openings again.
- A new competitive mode i would call it “Dynasty mode” no pun intended. This mode would entail starting with a specific Budget. Let's say it's 50 million for example, well each card in the game is given a salary specific to that card based on not only attributes but also quirks and popularity. For example a player like Ryan Ludwick might have a really good card but his popularity for example wouldn't match the likes of Mike Trout or Griffey and even if they have similar attributes he wouldn't demand the same salary.
So you have your team put together whether you went with a top heavy approach or more even approach it doesn't matter, as long as you are under that 50 million. This is where it get interesting... You play your game and the winner will have their budget increase and the loser will decrease in budget depending on the rank(budget) of who you are playing. It would work alot like what rank does now but with this added level of team building. After every game you will be going in and seeing what new card you can now afford or in the case of a loss, what card you have to cut for a bit. Also with this I would lose the entire changing of difficulty they have and keep it consistent… That is one of my biggest complaints about the game now. I'm good enough to make it to world series every season but hate playing on legend so I find myself just not playing ranked after I make it. You could add so much to this mode like having injuries and even having specific stats and rewards per team. For example your MVP for the season who your best player was for that season. I personally think its kinda dumb that the stats don't show how well your player is hitting for that specific season... the stats should show season stats and career stats.
I’m a big co-op fan only reason I really play the game so the br sounds fun. I think co-op event would be more fun. I wish they’d do a clubhouse where you and your friends join and bring your cards to make a full team. I like the stat idea too it’d be nice to see that
Also being allowed to pick the order you hit ex: player 1 wants to hit 1 2 3 let them then player 2 and 3 can pick where they want to hit. I just really hope they have made improvements to it and didn’t just copy paste it again like this year.
I like your second idea, reminds me of Madden and FIFA draft championships.
Co-Op anything sounds awful. Griefing, AWFUL connections.
How about Ranked Seasons where players actually play other players of a similar skill level?
@halfbutt brother, I hate to be the one to say it, but ranked is as even as possible, right now the only people playing are goons, if you are playing on all star and cant keep up, like theres only so much the skill based system can do...
Online Mini-Seasons would be the most interesting to me. Allowing people to play each other, keep track of stats in the short term, and try to get a good enough record to make the playoffs. There are many issues with this though, and that is probably why it hasn't been attempted in head to head, but I think of it every time I play mini-seasons how much fun it would be to play other players in this mode.
You could even possibly do an online Franchise style where you are a team (but you still use players from your DD squad) and you match up with other players that have locked in as other teams around the country to finish off a short season, while keeping track of your stats along the way.
Keeping with the smaller 3 inning style, I prefer modes that mimic that of a real season more than playing mindlessly to obtain a card I will never use.
If a player purposely disconnects or quits the game they automatically lose their best card to their opponent.
@fubar2k7 said in New online mode ideas for DD:
If a player purposely disconnects or quits the game they automatically lose their best card to their opponent.
No way of knowing, people will just pull their ethernet cords or wifi power outlet.
@raesONE- said in New online mode ideas for DD:
@fubar2k7 said in New online mode ideas for DD:
If a player purposely disconnects or quits the game they automatically lose their best card to their opponent.
No way of knowing, people will just pull their ethernet cords or wifi power outlet.
Most people in this country are imbeciles. They won’t always do it. Enough of them will lose cards.
I have no problem with running into challenging opponents once I get over 500 or whatever.I just think it’s kind of lame to be in the 200’s and facing players that are normally in the 700’s.
I don’t really see a reason for that. I mean, why rank players at all then?
I LOVE idea #2! Pack squads!!