Time to start filing for refunds I guess.
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Isn't the Nintendo Switch for children? I'm surprised The Show was released for it, oh well...I guess you kids can get your parents to contact SDS to get this resolved. In the mean time you youngin's can go play Super Mega Baseball and RBI Baseball.
Super Mega Baseball is a better game anyways . Anyways I make fun of myself for playing a third party game like the show on switch, but I enjoy it and it’s unreasonable to be unplayable for the 4th straight day.
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Isn't the Nintendo Switch for children? I'm surprised The Show was released for it, oh well...I guess you kids can get your parents to contact SDS to get this resolved. In the mean time you youngin's can go play Super Mega Baseball and RBI Baseball.
Boy are you insanely tone deaf... or maybe just dumb?
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Isn't the Nintendo Switch for children? I'm surprised The Show was released for it, oh well...I guess you kids can get your parents to contact SDS to get this resolved. In the mean time you youngin's can go play Super Mega Baseball and RBI Baseball.
Yes, the current best selling console is strictly for kids. No adults playing Tears of The Kingdom or any other Nintendo exclusive titles while also wanting to play sports games.
Smh, If you have access to be able to play the game on your console, why come on this forum just to troll everyone who lost access?
Must be someone who's still mad at daddy for buying them a PS5 instead of the switch they tantrumed for.
Everyone that is able to play should just shut up and stay off this forum
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Isn't the Nintendo Switch for children? I'm surprised The Show was released for it, oh well...I guess you kids can get your parents to contact SDS to get this resolved. In the mean time you youngin's can go play Super Mega Baseball and RBI Baseball.
I was going to get the Switch so I can play this game when my TV wasn’t available until the Portal was invented. I’m far from a child. Not cool.
For children!?!??? Well don’t let 43 year old me know that please. It is an upgrade from the ps2 I owed prior to it years ago. Quite the upgrade. It’s cool the guys that can play haven’t gotten tired of kicking us when we are down. Send in the nuns to handle our light work.
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Nintendo switch is not just for children, ALOT of people play it due to the ps5 and Xbox being so expensive, not everyone has a expensive console like you
The PS5 and Xbox are expensive? Maybe if you live in a 3rd world country. The reason consoles exist is for the regular person to afford a gaming system without having to buy a gaming computer. A console is a mid-range PC at time of release using cheaper parts to allow large scale production cheap enough at a price point of 700 bucks. My PC's video card costs more than 2 PS5, my Moza racing base alone costs more then 3 PS5. The only reason I have a PS5 is for this game, if this was on PC I wouldn't have use for a console. A console at release in 2022 is a decent PC in 2020. Even today's consoles can't have modified resolutions? You're stuck at 16:9 aspect ratio like it's 2012?. Lets all calm down with consoles being expensive please.
Let me guess Josh. You are like 15 give or take? How can you even think to make an argument that consoles aren’t expensive? No matter the country, if someone says somthing is expensive than it maybe to that person. Just cuz you guy a lucky horseshoe up you cooder doesn’t mean we all have it made like you kid.
Not everyone can afford top tier stuff like you, last I checked money doesn't grow on trees, a switch is way cheaper than ps5 or Xbox so get your facts straight before you go crazy on people
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Isn't the Nintendo Switch for children? I'm surprised The Show was released for it, oh well...I guess you kids can get your parents to contact SDS to get this resolved. In the mean time you youngin's can go play Super Mega Baseball and RBI Baseball.
why you gotta be rude man? on some level we're all in this together
I used my switch for offline grinding last year, idk why some people have the idea it's just for children, extremely condescending.
@magicjordan818_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Isn't the Nintendo Switch for children? I'm surprised The Show was released for it, oh well...I guess you kids can get your parents to contact SDS to get this resolved. In the mean time you youngin's can go play Super Mega Baseball and RBI Baseball.
why you gotta be rude man? on some level we're all in this together
Lol, that's not rude....I like to encourage kids to have fun..let those snot nose kids get out there and play some sandlot ball....by the way I'm 45
I literally just bought the show for switch digitally before leaving to the airport last Wednesday. Linked to my ps5 account and worked fine. Landed in Hawaii and it won’t work, thought it was just me but I guess bittersweet others are experiencing as well.
@EzMack_NSW said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Let me guess Josh. You are like 15 give or take? How can you even think to make an argument that consoles aren’t expensive? No matter the country, if someone says somthing is expensive than it maybe to that person. Just cuz you guy a lucky horseshoe up you cooder doesn’t mean we all have it made like you kid.
Dude, I'm 45
how do you think I can make an argument that I have a sim racing base worth 1500 bucks? What are you? A republican?
He's right consoles are inexpensive... when you're 45, single, with no kids! Lol I'm joking! Obviously everyone in here has a console so they can afford one. I wouldn't go so far as to call them inexpensive tho. For someone making minimum wage they would have to work two weeks to afford a console, extra controller, and a couple games. I like the switch for the portability. Not sure why SDS couldn't pull the update on the switch server and go back to the previous until they work out the issue. I'm no IT guy tho so I'm not sure if that's even possible. Guess it would prob cause issues playing against people with the update on other consoles. I just want to play the challenge of the week. Guess I'll miss this week's challenge completely by the time it gets fixed, if it gets fixed. I just hate the lack of communication. They tell us they are aware of the issue and that it will be more then 24 hours. Ok well after 24 hours you should update us again. Maybe fill us in on what the issue is? Shouldn't take a week to fix anything this day in age and there should be more then one person that can fix any issue that arises.
@SpudTaters_NSW said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
He's right consoles are inexpensive... when you're 45, single, with no kids! Lol I'm joking! Obviously everyone in here has a console so they can afford one. I wouldn't go so far as to call them inexpensive tho. For someone making minimum wage they would have to work two weeks to afford a console, extra controller, and a couple games. I like the switch for the portability. Not sure why SDS couldn't pull the update on the switch server and go back to the previous until they work out the issue. I'm no IT guy tho so I'm not sure if that's even possible. Guess it would prob cause issues playing against people with the update on other consoles. I just want to play the challenge of the week. Guess I'll miss this week's challenge completely by the time it gets fixed, if it gets fixed. I just hate the lack of communication. They tell us they are aware of the issue and that it will be more then 24 hours. Ok well after 24 hours you should update us again. Maybe fill us in on what the issue is? Shouldn't take a week to fix anything this day in age and there should be more then one person that can fix any issue that arises.
Correction, I have 3 cats, that is all....carry on.
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Nintendo switch is not just for children, ALOT of people play it due to the ps5 and Xbox being so expensive, not everyone has a expensive console like you
The PS5 and Xbox are expensive? Maybe if you live in a 3rd world country. The reason consoles exist is for the regular person to afford a gaming system without having to buy a gaming computer. A console is a mid-range PC at time of release using cheaper parts to allow large scale production cheap enough at a price point of 700 bucks.
And here we have someone who has grown up with such privilege that they cannot understand that there are a large number of people in the US that can barely afford their basic necessities, to whom an extra $700 represents an almost impossible sum.
Shame on your parents for insulating you, and shame on you for having access to the world and refusing to engage it. As someone else pointed out, your ignorance is astonishing.
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
@SpudTaters_NSW said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
He's right consoles are inexpensive... when you're 45, single, with no kids! Lol I'm joking! Obviously everyone in here has a console so they can afford one. I wouldn't go so far as to call them inexpensive tho. For someone making minimum wage they would have to work two weeks to afford a console, extra controller, and a couple games. I like the switch for the portability. Not sure why SDS couldn't pull the update on the switch server and go back to the previous until they work out the issue. I'm no IT guy tho so I'm not sure if that's even possible. Guess it would prob cause issues playing against people with the update on other consoles. I just want to play the challenge of the week. Guess I'll miss this week's challenge completely by the time it gets fixed, if it gets fixed. I just hate the lack of communication. They tell us they are aware of the issue and that it will be more then 24 hours. Ok well after 24 hours you should update us again. Maybe fill us in on what the issue is? Shouldn't take a week to fix anything this day in age and there should be more then one person that can fix any issue that arises.
Correction, I have 3 cats, that is all....carry on.
The cat lady! I doubt your 45, you're way too immature to be that old!
@SpudTaters_NSW said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
He's right consoles are inexpensive... when you're 45, single, with no kids! Lol I'm joking! Obviously everyone in here has a console so they can afford one
Here's the thing,
The Switch has been out since before the pandemic and could have been purchased with a stimulus check by someone who otherwise couldn't have afforded it.
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Nintendo switch is not just for children, ALOT of people play it due to the ps5 and Xbox being so expensive, not everyone has a expensive console like you
The PS5 and Xbox are expensive? Maybe if you live in a 3rd world country. The reason consoles exist is for the regular person to afford a gaming system without having to buy a gaming computer. A console is a mid-range PC at time of release using cheaper parts to allow large scale production cheap enough at a price point of 700 bucks. My PC's video card costs more than 2 PS5, my Moza racing base alone costs more than 3 PS5. The only reason I have a PS5 is for this game, if this was on PC I wouldn't have use for a console. A console at release in 2022 is a decent PC in 2020. Even today's consoles can't have modified resolutions? You're stuck at 16:9 aspect ratio like it's 2012?. Let’s all calm down with consoles being expensive please.
It isn’t expensive for me either but he clearly said it’s expensive for some people. It would be expensive for a college student or a person paying student loans. Some people around this country are still making $7.50 an hour thanks to their state keeping minimum wage stagnant so act like a Canadian and be nice.