Yusei Kikuchi of the BlueJays….
….possesses some pretty devastating weapons in his pitch repertoire. I hereby wish to start the movement in which a strikeout by Yusei is known as a “Kikuchi Koo“ and when they go down looking we reverse the Ks to make them backwards. I can’t decide whether it should just be the letter K in Koo or all three of them in his name.
PS an immaculate inning would have to be a “Kikuchi Kuchi Koo”
I gotta find a way to get this to the ninja
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@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in Yusei Kikuchi of the BlueJays….:
I can’t decide whether it should just be the letter K in Koo or all three of them in his name.
Truly brilliant. I vote for just reversing the K in “Koo” as the best option.
Kikuchi now leads the Major Leagues with 13 starts of one or fewer runs allowed. That’s mighty impressive. Ohtani is on this list too which is even more impressive lol
ps MOST impressive lol