Ranked and BR Change Explanation
@baseball229056_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
Follow the $$$...
They are going to continue to make moves that not only increase the need for players to buy Stubs...but also the need to buy Stubs later in the game cycle...ie when a new Season starts and an entire Set of cards becomes UNUSABLE in the most competitive game modes (Ranked).
They are also going to continue to favor STREAMERS over casuals.
Streamers make them money. Streamers are some of their BEST customers when it comes to buying Stubs. A Streamer can drop $200 on Stubs without even thinking about it, knowing they will make it back in YT ad revenue. Some of them might even be able to write it off as a "business expense". (I'm not a lawyer or accountant...so there's that)
You think it's just a coincidence that there's 73 Set 1 cards that are 99s...and 4 Core cards that are 99s?
What's going to be really funny is when they PULL all these Set 1 cards for Season 3...and then start releasing different versions of all the SAME PLAYERS!
Griffey Jr, Chipper, Ohtani, Trout, Tatis, Lindor, etc, etc...
They will all get "Set 3" cards that you'll either have to grind again for or BUY Stubs to get.
All of this was pretty OBVIOUS from Day 1...the fact that some of you just refused to believe doesn't mean it wasn't.
Why is everyone so against SDS turning a profit? People always seem to go nuts if there is even the idea of SDS doing anything that could cause people to choose to spend a few dollars.
Where did I say im against SDS making a profit???
What I’m against is being told by everyone that this was NOT the reason they’ve made the changes they have. It’s been clear as day this is the direction things were going, yet here and on Reddit those of us who saw this coming were told we were WRONG.
I actually have zero issue with it. I’m a weirdo who actually prefers when these team modes are HARD. When not everyone has the ability to get EVERY single card with relative ease.
And if people want to spend real money to get what they want, I have no problem with that either.
My “beef” is with the hordes of people who told people like me not even two months ago that we were wrong…and that SDS would never go down the path that EA and 2K have.
Seriously…I made a post asking why there was no uproar over SDS taking this path, when if EA or 2K did…there would be hate and vitriol everywhere.
I have no issues with it.
However, I will say it’s kind of CRINGE how many of these addictive tactics taken from the playbooks of casinos are directed at those under the age of 18.
@nashbandicoot1_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
Exclusivity is a good thing. I want to be able to use a card that not many others have. Game was watered down and constantly catering to the general public. This is a massive W
Catering to the general public? WTF? Who do you think buys this game? Where is your flex World Series Banner like the rest?
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
Follow the $$$...
They are going to continue to make moves that not only increase the need for players to buy Stubs...but also the need to buy Stubs later in the game cycle...ie when a new Season starts and an entire Set of cards becomes UNUSABLE in the most competitive game modes (Ranked).
They are also going to continue to favor STREAMERS over casuals.
Streamers make them money. Streamers are some of their BEST customers when it comes to buying Stubs. A Streamer can drop $200 on Stubs without even thinking about it, knowing they will make it back in YT ad revenue. Some of them might even be able to write it off as a "business expense". (I'm not a lawyer or accountant...so there's that)
You think it's just a coincidence that there's 73 Set 1 cards that are 99s...and 4 Core cards that are 99s?
What's going to be really funny is when they PULL all these Set 1 cards for Season 3...and then start releasing different versions of all the SAME PLAYERS!
Griffey Jr, Chipper, Ohtani, Trout, Tatis, Lindor, etc, etc...
They will all get "Set 3" cards that you'll either have to grind again for or BUY Stubs to get.
All of this was pretty OBVIOUS from Day 1...the fact that some of you just refused to believe doesn't mean it wasn't.
Hit the nail on the head.
@Pergo_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@baseball229056_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
Why is everyone so against SDS turning a profit? People always seem to go nuts if there is even the idea of SDS doing anything that could cause people to choose to spend a few dollars.
Well, to me it is a bad thing. I am old enough to remember when you bought a baseball game and you got the ENTIRE GAME upon purchase. None of this, well, you paid full price, but unless you are part of the 1% of online players, you only get 60% of the game, despite paying full price.
In addition to that, they released a half completed game this year, but charged everyone full price. That screams RIP OFF to me. So glad I dodged that bullet. Sure, they are saying "we are aware of the problem, and are looking into it", but the fact that we are 2 months into the season and stuff that was not done on launch is still broken tells me that have zero intention of fixing it now, and why would they? They already suckered everyone into full price.
It's like buying a car online, having the car delivered, and when you get inside you find out "oh, you need to pay us an additional amount for the engine, some more for tires, and a little more for the transmission."
What they should be doing is waiting until the entire game is good to go, tested, and any bugs found FIXED, then put to market. We can still play other years versions of the game until then. Then charge ONE price for ALL CONTENT up front.
This eliminates the need to even have a market, and those of us who despise the toxic online experience can play offline and be happier. Those who want that head to head experience, or those who like to be toxic and see what they can get away with will also be happier.
But corrupt greedy SDS will never do that when they can vampire 10 times as much for "early access" or microtransactions.
Are you old enough to remember that those games you bought didn't have anything close to a mode like Diamond Dynasty that had a full content team employed to release new content throughout the season?
Also, wait until you find out what car companies are doing now with subscriptions to use certain features!
And yet they still released a half complete game for full price. Sorry, not sure having broken content is better than a fully functional game at the prices SDS is charging.
I would be completely satisfied with a return to the older way of games that actually worked with less features at a smaller price.
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@baseball229056_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
Follow the $$$...
They are going to continue to make moves that not only increase the need for players to buy Stubs...but also the need to buy Stubs later in the game cycle...ie when a new Season starts and an entire Set of cards becomes UNUSABLE in the most competitive game modes (Ranked).
They are also going to continue to favor STREAMERS over casuals.
Streamers make them money. Streamers are some of their BEST customers when it comes to buying Stubs. A Streamer can drop $200 on Stubs without even thinking about it, knowing they will make it back in YT ad revenue. Some of them might even be able to write it off as a "business expense". (I'm not a lawyer or accountant...so there's that)
You think it's just a coincidence that there's 73 Set 1 cards that are 99s...and 4 Core cards that are 99s?
What's going to be really funny is when they PULL all these Set 1 cards for Season 3...and then start releasing different versions of all the SAME PLAYERS!
Griffey Jr, Chipper, Ohtani, Trout, Tatis, Lindor, etc, etc...
They will all get "Set 3" cards that you'll either have to grind again for or BUY Stubs to get.
All of this was pretty OBVIOUS from Day 1...the fact that some of you just refused to believe doesn't mean it wasn't.
Why is everyone so against SDS turning a profit? People always seem to go nuts if there is even the idea of SDS doing anything that could cause people to choose to spend a few dollars.
Where did I say im against SDS making a profit???
What I’m against is being told by everyone that this was NOT the reason they’ve made the changes they have. It’s been clear as day this is the direction things were going, yet here and on Reddit those of us who saw this coming were told we were WRONG.
I actually have zero issue with it. I’m a weirdo who actually prefers when these team modes are HARD. When not everyone has the ability to get EVERY single card with relative ease.
And if people want to spend real money to get what they want, I have no problem with that either.
My “beef” is with the hordes of people who told people like me not even two months ago that we were wrong…and that SDS would never go down the path that EA and 2K have.
Seriously…I made a post asking why there was no uproar over SDS taking this path, when if EA or 2K did…there would be hate and vitriol everywhere.
I have no issues with it.
However, I will say it’s kind of CRINGE how many of these addictive tactics taken from the playbooks of casinos are directed at those under the age of 18.
I just don’t understand where the confusion is here. I don’t know that anyone has ever posted that sds is against people spending real dollars to get a player they want quicker. What company wouldn’t want consumers to spend additional money on their product. People who defend sds against other companies are simply stating that with ea or others it is near impossible to build a god squad or endgame team without spending additional money. With sds you can get that great card day one by spending money or play the game and get it a few weeks later. I have not spent any money beyond buying the game, don’t have the desire to flip cards, and have every card I want with about 700k stubs leftover. If you start a new account today within a week you could easily put an extremely competitive team on the field without spending a dime on stubs. If anything this years version of the game is easier than ever to get good cards quickly.
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I find the explanation infuriating for the change to Ranked and BR. More snobbish elitism. The basic answer is only those who go 12-0 or make 900 should have stubs. Nobody else is allowed only the 1% is allowed to get richer in stubs. The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program. You lose too many stubs with 100 million stubs per attempt cost to enter the BR Program. The stupid pack you get for each entry gives about 150-250 stubs back normally max. This explanation will not help anything but will further divide between snobbish elites and everyone else. Even if those who go 12-0 or make 900 are not snobbish elites, that is the impression. Taking away from those in the middle to bottom to cater to those at the very top seldom goes over well. Take away the ability for anyone to sell or reverse this decision is the only fair answer.
click the link and scroll to the bottom for official explanation of change
https://theshow.com/news/game23-update-7/Dude, give it a rest. We all know what your opinion is on this subject. It’s obvious they don’t give a flying you know what. They explained it very clearly why they did it. There is no amount of whining and crying that is going to change their minds. And why should they. It’s their game. They have every right to limit who gets what in the game. It what you agree to when you accept their terms and conditions for playing the game. It’s called an end user licensing agreement. And you must agree to it if you want to play. If you don’t like it you can go elsewhere to be entertained. Presumably no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to play. So get over it or leave. It’s really that simple
All 99s are not equal. You are a World Series player so significantly better than most of the player base. This gives you easier access to a good chunk of the elite 99s and you can sell them for stubs and earn them again whenever you want. The game is a much different animal for most players. I’m not faulting you for being good just stating your argument doesn’t apply to players that aren’t World Series caliber.
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I find the explanation infuriating for the change to Ranked and BR. More snobbish elitism. The basic answer is only those who go 12-0 or make 900 should have stubs. Nobody else is allowed only the 1% is allowed to get richer in stubs. The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program. You lose too many stubs with 100 million stubs per attempt cost to enter the BR Program. The stupid pack you get for each entry gives about 150-250 stubs back normally max. This explanation will not help anything but will further divide between snobbish elites and everyone else. Even if those who go 12-0 or make 900 are not snobbish elites, that is the impression. Taking away from those in the middle to bottom to cater to those at the very top seldom goes over well. Take away the ability for anyone to sell or reverse this decision is the only fair answer.
click the link and scroll to the bottom for official explanation of change
https://theshow.com/news/game23-update-7/complaining about elitism when you are still able to get a card for free, participation rewards were dumb, grinding out a world series run or 12-0 br run should feel special and should feel like a jackpot. People abused the WS reward win path in mlb 21 by tanking. This game pumps out free content like no other, complaining about online rewards that people are suppose to compete to earn sounds real snobby.
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
All 99s are not equal. You are a World Series player so significantly better than most of the player base. This gives you easier access to a good chunk of the elite 99s and you can sell them for stubs and earn them again whenever you want. The game is a much different animal for most players. I’m not faulting you for being good just stating your argument doesn’t apply to players that aren’t World Series caliber.
so why can't players that are non wS players push themselves to try to make WS? Why not try? I work and coach every single day and barely get the time as of late, but I dont understand why some players just not try to motivate themselves or push themselves.
@DemIsE4_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@JiggidyJJ_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I find the explanation infuriating for the change to Ranked and BR. More snobbish elitism. The basic answer is only those who go 12-0 or make 900 should have stubs. Nobody else is allowed only the 1% is allowed to get richer in stubs. The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program. You lose too many stubs with 100 million stubs per attempt cost to enter the BR Program. The stupid pack you get for each entry gives about 150-250 stubs back normally max. This explanation will not help anything but will further divide between snobbish elites and everyone else. Even if those who go 12-0 or make 900 are not snobbish elites, that is the impression. Taking away from those in the middle to bottom to cater to those at the very top seldom goes over well. Take away the ability for anyone to sell or reverse this decision is the only fair answer.
click the link and scroll to the bottom for official explanation of change
https://theshow.com/news/game23-update-7/You know it's real easy to flip stubbs. Prolly could have made 10k by the time it took you to write this.
Nothing against people that flip but I have zero interest in playing a fake stock market. I want to play the game and get stubs from playing the game. They are making this game where you have to do stuff you really don't want to if you want a good competitive team online. This includes flipping, conquests, mini seasons and playing the computer.
exactly mate - flipping all day is absolutely a bore - what a waste of life - anyone who is decent at flipping in this videogame should try penny stocks - at least that is real
@baseball229056_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I like the change. The way it was before, there was no value in the reward cards. I think the ws rewards last season were going for about 40k. There should be some incentive and reward for doing something good in the game. Not everyone should get a trophy.
Couldn’t agree more. The OP wants a participation award. He is just too blind to see that they have given him a participation award (the actual flawless and WS card). Instead he whines and cries across multiple threads that he wants the MVP trophy (figuratively speaking) when he rides the pine on his hometown little leagues bench (more metaphoric rhetoric for idiots like the OP) because he can’t hit the ball that is placed on a tee for him.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I find the explanation infuriating for the change to Ranked and BR. More snobbish elitism. The basic answer is only those who go 12-0 or make 900 should have stubs. Nobody else is allowed only the 1% is allowed to get richer in stubs. The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program. You lose too many stubs with 100 million stubs per attempt cost to enter the BR Program. The stupid pack you get for each entry gives about 150-250 stubs back normally max. This explanation will not help anything but will further divide between snobbish elites and everyone else. Even if those who go 12-0 or make 900 are not snobbish elites, that is the impression. Taking away from those in the middle to bottom to cater to those at the very top seldom goes over well. Take away the ability for anyone to sell or reverse this decision is the only fair answer.
click the link and scroll to the bottom for official explanation of change
https://theshow.com/news/game23-update-7/They could've saved a bunch of time by just saying that they don't want people to earn stubs; they want them to buy them.
I don’t think that’s the case bud, I think they are trying to control the stub market and eliminate inflation and over saturation of elite cards on the market. Which completely makes sense.
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I find the explanation infuriating for the change to Ranked and BR. More snobbish elitism. The basic answer is only those who go 12-0 or make 900 should have stubs. Nobody else is allowed only the 1% is allowed to get richer in stubs. The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program. You lose too many stubs with 100 million stubs per attempt cost to enter the BR Program. The stupid pack you get for each entry gives about 150-250 stubs back normally max. This explanation will not help anything but will further divide between snobbish elites and everyone else. Even if those who go 12-0 or make 900 are not snobbish elites, that is the impression. Taking away from those in the middle to bottom to cater to those at the very top seldom goes over well. Take away the ability for anyone to sell or reverse this decision is the only fair answer.
click the link and scroll to the bottom for official explanation of change
https://theshow.com/news/game23-update-7/They could've saved a bunch of time by just saying that they don't want people to earn stubs; they want them to buy them.
I don’t think that’s the case bud, I think they are trying to control the stub market and eliminate inflation and over saturation of elite cards on the market. Which completely makes sense.
i agree with everything you said too - this thread is filled with people who think that garbage play grinding should reward top tier cards - they disregard rarity for the sake of a grind
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program.
It was never supposed to be. The fact is was becoming that is why they changed it.
Want to sell the rewards? Get Gooder. (I'm not. But then again, I was never selling the rewards anyway.)
It was only supposed to be profitable for the 1%? well, let's see...I think I will call that ...Elitist and snobbish
I wish there was a way to downvote a post and have their rep take a hit when they post garbage like this
The biggest problem is in what they advertise vs what they actually do.
"Play as you want to play" is fair if it's part of an XP path; but it's false for about 95% of content. Online players have to grind stupid programs, and offline players are cutoff from some rewards by either not wanting to put themselves through the aggravation of competing against showerbags, or being forced to spend money because they're squeezing the market.
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@nashbandicoot1_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
Exclusivity is a good thing. I want to be able to use a card that not many others have. Game was watered down and constantly catering to the general public. This is a massive W
Catering to the general public? WTF? Who do you think buys this game? Where is your flex World Series Banner like the rest?
I'm about to take mine off and put on like all star. I can't even stay in the 700's this season. Think I've been shut out twice in my last 2 HOF games. Couldn't tell what the pitch was last night, good times.
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I find the explanation infuriating for the change to Ranked and BR. More snobbish elitism. The basic answer is only those who go 12-0 or make 900 should have stubs. Nobody else is allowed only the 1% is allowed to get richer in stubs. The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program. You lose too many stubs with 100 million stubs per attempt cost to enter the BR Program. The stupid pack you get for each entry gives about 150-250 stubs back normally max. This explanation will not help anything but will further divide between snobbish elites and everyone else. Even if those who go 12-0 or make 900 are not snobbish elites, that is the impression. Taking away from those in the middle to bottom to cater to those at the very top seldom goes over well. Take away the ability for anyone to sell or reverse this decision is the only fair answer.
click the link and scroll to the bottom for official explanation of change
https://theshow.com/news/game23-update-7/Dude, give it a rest. We all know what your opinion is on this subject. It’s obvious they don’t give a flying you know what. They explained it very clearly why they did it. There is no amount of whining and crying that is going to change their minds. And why should they. It’s their game. They have every right to limit who gets what in the game. It what you agree to when you accept their terms and conditions for playing the game. It’s called an end user licensing agreement. And you must agree to it if you want to play. If you don’t like it you can go elsewhere to be entertained. Presumably no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to play. So get over it or leave. It’s really that simple
Could be wrong but I think a drop in BR numbers will get their attention.
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program.
It was never supposed to be. The fact is was becoming that is why they changed it.
Want to sell the rewards? Get Gooder. (I'm not. But then again, I was never selling the rewards anyway.)
It was only supposed to be profitable for the 1%? well, let's see...I think I will call that ...Elitist and snobbish
I’d like to know where you are getting this 1% number. Is this an actual stat? And if it is, please leave a citation as to where we can go to find this info. And if it is just some arbitrary number that you pulled from your nether regions please say so so we can move on and completely discount anything you say as bull—— because that’s what people do to those who fudge numbers just to justify their position or make a point.
Yeah I was fine with it until reading how they were upset people would get the reward and sell it to use those stubs elsewhere…. You mean playing the game and maybe have 3-4 good players instead of one? Especially it’s bothersome some of these rewards are replacing previous or just not useable
@DemIsE4_XBL said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I find the explanation infuriating for the change to Ranked and BR. More snobbish elitism. The basic answer is only those who go 12-0 or make 900 should have stubs. Nobody else is allowed only the 1% is allowed to get richer in stubs. The program is not cost-efficient enough for an average to causal player to do the program. You lose too many stubs with 100 million stubs per attempt cost to enter the BR Program. The stupid pack you get for each entry gives about 150-250 stubs back normally max. This explanation will not help anything but will further divide between snobbish elites and everyone else. Even if those who go 12-0 or make 900 are not snobbish elites, that is the impression. Taking away from those in the middle to bottom to cater to those at the very top seldom goes over well. Take away the ability for anyone to sell or reverse this decision is the only fair answer.
click the link and scroll to the bottom for official explanation of change
https://theshow.com/news/game23-update-7/Dude, give it a rest. We all know what your opinion is on this subject. It’s obvious they don’t give a flying you know what. They explained it very clearly why they did it. There is no amount of whining and crying that is going to change their minds. And why should they. It’s their game. They have every right to limit who gets what in the game. It what you agree to when you accept their terms and conditions for playing the game. It’s called an end user licensing agreement. And you must agree to it if you want to play. If you don’t like it you can go elsewhere to be entertained. Presumably no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to play. So get over it or leave. It’s really that simple
Could be wrong but I think a drop in BR numbers will get their attention.
Yeah I don’t think it’s going to matter, and I don’t think that there will be a significant drop in how many people play BR. You know why? Because these kids who scream the loudest about this stuff always come back for more. Then they get mad and come crawling to the forums to complain some more. It’s a vicious cycle of self depreciation.