My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic
You should preface most of your posts with that line about paragraphs, because you've basically written an entire book of complaints in your posts.
@Dolenz_PSN said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
@ShowProdigy_MLBTS said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
A few years back there was a moderator telling some 12 year old kid that he would do a lot better hitting the ball if he purchased a much higher-end (hz refresh rate was the secret he said)TV or just use a top-end monitor.
You got any proof of that?
The only moderators this forum has are SDS Employees and I just highly doubt that they suggested such a thing.
This goes back at least 4-5 years. I never saved the thread..really wish I had. I've done searches, but can't recall a precise string pattern to match against.
But, it was a moderator and that's what shocked me and why I still remember the gist of it. You see all sorts of ppl laying down all sorts of claims out here (including myself I suppose) but you don't expect a moderator to jump on board. A person remembers things like that.
Maybe this just isn't the game for you if it makes you this upset?
@Pergo_MLBTS said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
Maybe this just isn't the game for you if it makes you this upset?
Level of upset is pretty relative. I mean, I ain't cut myself, punched a wall, kicked a dog or anything like that. Said WTF about 20 times a game, but I consider that the developers/animators fault..not mine.
I’ve never said this before to anyone on this forum and I’ve been posting for years. If you’re not enjoying your experience just stop playing. There’s no sense in investing time and energy into something you don’t like. There’s so many great games out there why play something you despise? I absolutely love baseball and I don’t want to discourage people from the show but based on your posts you’re clearly not happy about this game. There’s another game coming out soon. Give it a shot. Maybe you’ll like that one better and it will satisfy you’re needs.
@mrwonderful95 said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
I’ve never said this before to anyone on this forum and I’ve been posting for years. If you’re not enjoying your experience just stop playing. There’s no sense in investing time and energy into something you don’t like. There’s so many great games out there why play something you despise? I absolutely love baseball and I don’t want to discourage people from the show but based on your posts you’re clearly not happy about this game. There’s another game coming out soon. Give it a shot. Maybe you’ll like that one better and it will satisfy you’re needs.
Except all video games will have their downside, particularly when considering online H2H play. So many people will do any cheesy nonsense to try to win, without realizing that they are, in the process, defeating the whole purpose for playing in the first place. I feel like it is less a game issue and more a player issue that goes across the entire spectrum of video games.
@ShowProdigy_MLBTS said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
So, one of the main reasons I compose post after post about the AI (code) regulated disbursement of success/failure in this game is because I'm trying to neutralize potential harm done by those that a.) either support SDS in whatever role (marketers/gatekeepers) b.) just troll and wanna screw with people (not me, I am a self-proclaimed advocate of all things manipulative in gaming) c.)are just BSers, and proclaim by holding their controller pci an inch higher in the zone and taking the first pitch is why they are 113-3 (which they aren't)
You forget, ya'll there are a lot of young gullible folks out here. Your words can do damage you don't even know about to the naive.
I used to let the discussions and suggestions from everyone that the secret to success in this game is super high internet speed and plugging in your ethernet just slide by. A small bit of potential truth to such things but minuscule and irrelevant for the most part. Now that we have fiber everywhere I don't really see those suggestions much.
This is what started me up. A few years back there was a moderator telling some 12 year old kid that he would do a lot better hitting the ball if he purchased a much higher-end (hz refresh rate was the secret he said)TV or just use a top-end monitor. This kid came back a few days saying he talked his folks into getting a new TV and it made no difference.
Now, I don't know what kinda parents indulge their kids to that extent. But that very BAD advice from some moderator that shoulda known better had EFFECT on that family.
I can't think of anything else to say right now. I'm done for the day. See ya'al.
A great preacher once asked this simple question WHY?
Don't even bother guys, this will probably be my last post on one of his eloquent speeches. (I say probably because I doubt I'll be able to resist if it gets to funny), but it's just a classic case of someone who thinks their voice is worth more then it actually is. It seems most people who post all the time this stuff and yet still play the game for some reason, they think their voice actually has any power in these forums.
Typing that definitely sounds a little to nasty, and it probably is, but meh, he can't even properly argue anyway, just deflects if he doesn't have a counter so hopefully I can control myself and this will be the last effort I put into posting in one of his. They have to pretend they have some high and mighty purpose towards whining.
@mrwonderful95 said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
I’ve never said this before to anyone on this forum and I’ve been posting for years. If you’re not enjoying your experience just stop playing. There’s no sense in investing time and energy into something you don’t like. There’s so many great games out there why play something you despise? I absolutely love baseball and I don’t want to discourage people from the show but based on your posts you’re clearly not happy about this game. There’s another game coming out soon. Give it a shot. Maybe you’ll like that one better and it will satisfy you’re needs.
Buddy, I'm prob no different than the majority (or silent majority) that lay down their bucks to buy this game. Start the season fresh enjoying much of the experience, but everything starts to break down and get stale. Some seasons sooner than later.
Just real quick I'll mention an incident that happened tonight that is like a microcosm of every mode of this game. I'm not talking just offline's the same basic code in the online games. You just notice it more in those short bits of Showdown for example.
Here goes..I had played about 15 games of RS this week and was getting sort of burnt out so decided to play a little offline stuff. Jumped into Mexico City Showdown. Blast through the first 2 games w/o an out. 3rd game I can't hit a pitch. I mean most of the time my PCI wasn't moving and it was just an obvious instance of code doesn't allow player to hit pitch square. So I lost.
No sweat the loss..I know how the game works. It's a slot machine..sometimes looser than others. So, I jump over into Charisma Showdown. I doubt if I logged 10 outs the entire sequence and thumped the Castillo with my first 4 batters. I mean, how does that make any sense whatsoever? The Coconut Red Bull didn't suddenly kick in between my matches and I developed a quick burst of super-human controller mastery. It's because this game is as random as the weather in April.
But, that doesn't mean I don't like the game. It would be counter-intuitive to believe someone that plays as much as I do doesn't like the game. I'm just a critic my nature. I want it to be different. Now, if it bothers you to read posts from people critical of the game there is nothing wrong with you not reading my words. There is something wrong with assuming I don't enjoy parts of the game. Maybe it's the 'ol I love it so much I hate it. Who knows.
There is enough kumbaya and flat out marketing of this game on these forums. I understand it's likely SDS's board and they're entitled to do whatever they want. But I would think they "might" want to hear customer reviews as the season progresses. All software is a work in progress and open to reviews, critique, and potential fixes.
I don't really know another method of sharing my experiences with the game w/o throwing an occasional post out here. I'm sure a strong email to SDS would probably not get me too far.
I enjoy the game, my friend, I just want to enjoy it even more. Squeaky wheel and all that.
@tybud_PSN said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
Boy, if you played the game as much as you typed, you might actually get good and have nothing to complain about.
Ha..good one.
@ShowProdigy_MLBTS said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
@mrwonderful95 said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
I’ve never said this before to anyone on this forum and I’ve been posting for years. If you’re not enjoying your experience just stop playing. There’s no sense in investing time and energy into something you don’t like. There’s so many great games out there why play something you despise? I absolutely love baseball and I don’t want to discourage people from the show but based on your posts you’re clearly not happy about this game. There’s another game coming out soon. Give it a shot. Maybe you’ll like that one better and it will satisfy you’re needs.
Buddy, I'm prob no different than the majority (or silent majority) that lay down their bucks to buy this game. Start the season fresh enjoying much of the experience, but everything starts to break down and get stale. Some seasons sooner than later.
Just real quick I'll mention an incident that happened tonight that is like a microcosm of every mode of this game. I'm not talking just offline's the same basic code in the online games. You just notice it more in those short bits of Showdown for example.
Here goes..I had played about 15 games of RS this week and was getting sort of burnt out so decided to play a little offline stuff. Jumped into Mexico City Showdown. Blast through the first 2 games w/o an out. 3rd game I can't hit a pitch. I mean most of the time my PCI wasn't moving and it was just an obvious instance of code doesn't allow player to hit pitch square. So I lost.
No sweat the loss..I know how the game works. It's a slot machine..sometimes looser than others. So, I jump over into Charisma Showdown. I doubt if I logged 10 outs the entire sequence and thumped the Castillo with my first 4 batters. I mean, how does that make any sense whatsoever? The Coconut Red Bull didn't suddenly kick in between my matches and I developed a quick burst of super-human controller mastery. It's because this game is as random as the weather in April.
But, that doesn't mean I don't like the game. It would be counter-intuitive to believe someone that plays as much as I do doesn't like the game. I'm just a critic my nature. I want it to be different. Now, if it bothers you to read posts from people critical of the game there is nothing wrong with you not reading my words. There is something wrong with assuming I don't enjoy parts of the game. Maybe it's the 'ol I love it so much I hate it. Who knows.
There is enough kumbaya and flat out marketing of this game on these forums. I understand it's likely SDS's board and they're entitled to do whatever they want. But I would think they "might" want to hear customer reviews as the season progresses. All software is a work in progress and open to reviews, critique, and potential fixes.
I don't really know another method of sharing my experiences with the game w/o throwing an occasional post out here. I'm sure a strong email to SDS would probably not get me too far.
I enjoy the game, my friend, I just want to enjoy it even more. Squeaky wheel and all that.
Honestly, like I said, I’m not discouraging you from playing the game, there’s positives and negatives to this years version. My only suggestion is that if it’s causing you “pain” it may be healthy to take a break or just not take it that seriously. My enjoyment comes from just accepting it for what it is. That doesn’t mean it’s an awesome game it just means I try to play and be content.
@mrwonderful95 said in My convictions..don't read if paragraphs are problematic:
just not take it that seriously
That's the very paradox of this game. It's marketed seriously as a MLB sim, but it's not designed seriously. Undoubtedly the company wants the buyer to seriously believe they are getting a serious sports sim, but we get a superficial randomized non-competitive experience.
It's all right. I'll be fine, thanks for the words.