Bug report ?
I would like for all of us who have experienced this issue the game crashing into whatever inning is happening if we all send a bug report then maybe they’ll fix it asap instead of later
They've got 9 or 10 of them from me.
@skywalker_25_PSN said in Bug report ?:
They've got 9 or 10 of them from me.
That’s perfect bro we need more people so hopefully the people that have seen this post did report the bug
How do you do that?
Just had 2 conquest games crash back to back...in between innings I believe.
@ProfessorChad_XBL said in Bug report ?:
How do you do that?
Just write on google MLB the show report a bug and then you’ll see the link for it and you’ll see what to do
@ProfessorChad_XBL said in Bug report ?:
How do you do that?
@skywalker_25_PSN said in Bug report ?:
They've got 9 or 10 of them from me.
Turns out the big report is submitted through Chat GPT. So, good luck. I've sent dozens of them.