Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed
@DancinDays_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
It's so broken.
Everyone thinks everything is broken. The gaming community has no shortage of crybabies.
The online experience is pretty bad you can enjoy it but you really shouldn’t be defending such a poor product.
@TPB-Violet-9_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@DancinDays_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
It's so broken.
Everyone thinks everything is broken. The gaming community has no shortage of crybabies.
The online experience is pretty bad you can enjoy it but you really shouldn’t be defending such a poor product.
I agree…out of all of the games I’ve played this game has the most inconsistent online play and it’s not even close.
@TPB-Violet-9_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@DancinDays_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
It's so broken.
Everyone thinks everything is broken. The gaming community has no shortage of crybabies.
The online experience is pretty bad you can enjoy it but you really shouldn’t be defending such a poor product.
Hey bro, all you do is say how unplayable the game is, yet you keep playing.
@DancinDays_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@TPB-Violet-9_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@DancinDays_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
It's so broken.
Everyone thinks everything is broken. The gaming community has no shortage of crybabies.
The online experience is pretty bad you can enjoy it but you really shouldn’t be defending such a poor product.
Hey bro, all you do is say how unplayable the game is, yet you keep playing.
That’s not the point I know what I’m doing just like people who smoke know it’s bad for them lol
zone hitting gives you the most control over your swing... with timing you can only time your swing and are at the mercy of the location/speed/type of pitch, directional is the same thing except you can "influence" where you want to hit the ball but still at mercy of the location/speed/type of pitch. Zone not so much especially if you get the PCI on the ball and time the swing. For best hitting results you are going to want to learn how to use the PCI... just is what it is.
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
There seems to be major timing forgiveness for zone hitting and massive timing penalties for any other hitting. The zone hitting timing forgiveness is unreal. I see replays where guys start their swing when the ball is over the plate and they hit a home run.
Wow. We need to get you in a room with some of the crazies that think every time they lose it must be because their opponent is using directional or timing. That would be a fun time.
Nope the OP is mostly right. The PCI size and flexible hitting window makes it recommended by pros and SDS has given players more benefits for using it. You can hit the ball well outside the zone on lower difficulties and with skill on higher difficulties.
Timing only works better on rookie and veteran but higher difficulties it's recommended using PCI.
There were ranked games I played using timing only where I could only score one run and a few hits. As soon as I changed it to PCI I ended up getting an additional 5 runs. I won the game but I was extremely uncomfortable. I prefer timing vs CPU but against other players I had to switch if I wanted a better chance of winning.
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
There seems to be major timing forgiveness for zone hitting and massive timing penalties for any other hitting. The zone hitting timing forgiveness is unreal. I see replays where guys start their swing when the ball is over the plate and they hit a home run.
Wow. We need to get you in a room with some of the crazies that think every time they lose it must be because their opponent is using directional or timing. That would be a fun time.
Nope the OP is mostly right. The PCI size and flexible hitting window makes it recommended by pros and SDS has given players more benefits for using it. You can hit the ball well outside the zone on lower difficulties and with skill on higher difficulties.
Timing only works better on rookie and veteran but higher difficulties it's recommended using PCI.
There were ranked games I played using timing only where I could only score one run and a few hits. As soon as I changed it to PCI I ended up getting an additional 5 runs. I won the game but I was extremely uncomfortable. I prefer timing vs CPU but against other players I had to switch if I wanted a better chance of winning.
I agree that the OP is partly right... there are definitely some rewards bestowed upon Zone users. I'm not saying they're entirely unwarranted, as it is difficult to place the PCI against anyone who can pitch, but the OP is absolutely correct in that your timing doesn't matter as much in Zone. You need good timing, at least, to get good contact if you’re using the Timing interface; I don't get HRs with early swings, and certainly not late. They just don't happen on AS.
I use Timing with analog inputs, which makes timing a bit different from the way people typically describe it; you do have to swing to location (limited) with analog, using a straight up for middle of the plate, and diagonals for inside/outside. And that choice of swing location matters very much -- always weak contact, or no contact, if you get it wrong. The result: more realistic baseball results, and a more intuitive interface that feels more like a swing. When I win games (I'm only like 6 or 7 over /500 in about 50 games), I score around 5 runs, and they aren't all solo HRs, so I think it's a better experience. Of course I get blanked sometimes... I'm an A's fan, so that also feels like baseball.
Zone allows you to get underneath pitches almost in the dirt and hit them out, which is stupid and makes the game worse, and the forgiveness in timing allows middling players to hit a lot of HRs (and good players to make the game almost unplayable, unless you're into beer league softball). There are times, against spamming pitchers who aren't very good, that I'll switch to Zone and camp in the pitcher's preferred location. Leaving it in Timing in those instances results in the smattering of bad AI placement, so the chances of success go down... but using Zone in those cases turns me into a machine; camped, the placement is there, and with timing being more forgiving, the results are way better (I don't do this often, as not many people are this predictable, and because I hate Zone... and, admittedly, because I'm not that good at Zone when people move the ball around).
Still, that the timing seems to be more forgiving for Zone hitters, at least at AS level, is believable to me because I've experienced it.
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
There seems to be major timing forgiveness for zone hitting and massive timing penalties for any other hitting. The zone hitting timing forgiveness is unreal. I see replays where guys start their swing when the ball is over the plate and they hit a home run.
Good. Directional or Timing should never be on the same level as Zone hitting. Harder the skill, the bigger the reward.
@lioned33_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
There seems to be major timing forgiveness for zone hitting and massive timing penalties for any other hitting. The zone hitting timing forgiveness is unreal. I see replays where guys start their swing when the ball is over the plate and they hit a home run.
Good. Directional or Timing should never be on the same level as Zone hitting. Harder the skill, the bigger the reward.
You should still have to time it properly, and that says nothing for the nonsensical angles that zone allows.
Granted, it's hard to line up the ball in the reticle consistently (though try Timing with analog stride in some Ranked games and then tell me how easy it is to score runs), so I can see giving a little leeway on the timing aspect, but it needs to be tightened up a little.
Same response to the guys that claim they lost because opponent used timing and they didn't. If zone is so much easier and better... why don't you use zone???
@PScrabro_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
Same response to the guys that claim they lost because opponent used timing and they didn't. If zone is so much easier and better... why don't you use zone???
That's a pretty lazy response... I actually said it was difficult to line up in the reticle, for one, so it isn't the interface as a whole that is easier, but the timing aspect of Zone is a little lacking; that part of the equation is easier.
And I don't want to use Zone, because moving eyeballs around in a video game simply to make it more difficult isn't something I'm interested in. The whole idea of it is dumb. You may be okay with that. I'm not.
If your opinion is that Zone players really shouldn't have to worry about timing too much because it's so hard to deal with the rest of the interface, great. At least that's an opinion. Mine is that timing should matter more for Zone hitters.
To be very clear: I lose the games I lose because better players beat me. I would just like to enjoy a game without my opponent blasting HRs that would be virtually impossible to hit in the real world; my opinion is that the forgiveness where timing is concerned in the Zone interface, coupled with the impossible angles it allows players to generate, leads to too many unrealistic outcomes, and making timing a little more important would be helpful to correct that. Wouldn't the crowd that points out that only Zone requires skill, and the one who reminds us all, constantly, that skill should be rewarded, welcome even more opportunity to flex those muscles?
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
There seems to be major timing forgiveness for zone hitting and massive timing penalties for any other hitting. The zone hitting timing forgiveness is unreal. I see replays where guys start their swing when the ball is over the plate and they hit a home run.
^^^^^ Definite troll post
@TPB-Violet-9_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@DancinDays_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@RetroGZY_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
It's so broken.
Everyone thinks everything is broken. The gaming community has no shortage of crybabies.
The online experience is pretty bad you can enjoy it but you really shouldn’t be defending such a poor product.
There are other games you can play if you don’t like this one. I assume no one held a gun to your head and forced you to buy this game.
PS: Yes I know I assumed something but this one’s a no brainer right???
Has Directional ever been good enough to get nerfed? Lol
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@PScrabro_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
Same response to the guys that claim they lost because opponent used timing and they didn't. If zone is so much easier and better... why don't you use zone???
That's a pretty lazy response... I actually said it was difficult to line up in the reticle, for one, so it isn't the interface as a whole that is easier, but the timing aspect of Zone is a little lacking; that part of the equation is easier.
And I don't want to use Zone, because moving eyeballs around in a video game simply to make it more difficult isn't something I'm interested in. The whole idea of it is dumb. You may be okay with that. I'm not.
If your opinion is that Zone players really shouldn't have to worry about timing too much because it's so hard to deal with the rest of the interface, great. At least that's an opinion. Mine is that timing should matter more for Zone hitters.
To be very clear: I lose the games I lose because better players beat me. I would just like to enjoy a game without my opponent blasting HRs that would be virtually impossible to hit in the real world; my opinion is that the forgiveness where timing is concerned in the Zone interface, coupled with the impossible angles it allows players to generate, leads to too many unrealistic outcomes, and making timing a little more important would be helpful to correct that. Wouldn't the crowd that points out that only Zone requires skill, and the one who reminds us all, constantly, that skill should be rewarded, welcome even more opportunity to flex those muscles?
Yes... I'm okay with zone for sure. Using timing or directional would make me lose interest in the game quick. Zone is by far the most difficult to master, and should be rewarded the most for good input, because it takes skill to time and locate at the same time. Pressing one button and complaining zone is too easy or too forgiving is ironic at best. It sounds like you need some practice instead of waste time here debating something like this, because you dont like the timing window of an interface, you dont even use. If you want to use the easiest way to hit, you cant expect to hang in there with good players using zone and actual skill. Get better and maybe move up to the big boy league (flex opportunity
) and use zone.
@PScrabro_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
Yes... I'm okay with zone for sure. Using timing or directional would make me lose interest in the game quick. Zone is by far the most difficult to master, and should be rewarded the most for good input, because it takes skill to time and locate at the same time. Pressing one button and complaining zone is too easy or too forgiving is ironic at best.
Again with the laziness (it also takes skill to read for comprehension and respond appropriately; perhaps you should take some time and attempt to master that). As I said, locating the PCI is indeed difficult, but the timing aspect of Zone is not particularly difficult at all because it's much more forgiving. If it's skill you want to show, why wouldn't you insist on that? And I don't push any buttons with Timing because I use sticks, but if you're okay with straw men or just not paying attention, then good for you. Personally, I'd shoot for something a little better.
It sounds like you need some practice instead of waste time here debating something like this, because you dont like the timing window of an interface, you dont even use. If you want to use the easiest way to hit, you cant expect to hang in there with good players using zone and actual skill. Get better and maybe move up to the big boy league (flex opportunity
) and use zone.
And what are you doing here, exactly, if not debating the merits of an interface that you don't even use? Again, jump into some Ranked games with Timing using Analog Stride and tell me how you do... see, I don't mind losing games as long as the experience is a good one. This game isn't a source of pride for me; I just want the time I spend playing it to feel like real baseball. Some of the games I've enjoyed most have been games I've lost because they were good games. You know what makes for bad games? A lack of hit variety and far too many unrealistic outcomes. I blame the mechanics of Zone for that. If you disagree, how about a cogent argument to the contrary instead of... whatever it is you’re doing.
I wonder if you even realize that people like you, with all your mastery and skill and bluster about doing the most difficult thing possible (in a video game, no less) come off a little bit silly to people who don't put their accomplishments in this game among the great achievements of their life. Maybe you should lobby SDS to make running more difficult (I mean, if you add an interface to control eyeballs, why not insist on controlling feet as another skill?). Then you could laugh at all the people who don't frantically tap the right buttons in the proper cadence and fall in the basepaths, and tell them to practice and get better.
You know, like a big boy would.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@PScrabro_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
Yes... I'm okay with zone for sure. Using timing or directional would make me lose interest in the game quick. Zone is by far the most difficult to master, and should be rewarded the most for good input, because it takes skill to time and locate at the same time. Pressing one button and complaining zone is too easy or too forgiving is ironic at best.
Again with the laziness (it also takes skill to read for comprehension and respond appropriately; perhaps you should take some time and attempt to master that). As I said, locating the PCI is indeed difficult, but the timing aspect of Zone is not particularly difficult at all because it's much more forgiving. If it's skill you want to show, why wouldn't you insist on that? And I don't push any buttons with Timing because I use sticks, but if you're okay with straw men or just not paying attention, then good for you. Personally, I'd shoot for something a little better.
It sounds like you need some practice instead of waste time here debating something like this, because you dont like the timing window of an interface, you dont even use. If you want to use the easiest way to hit, you cant expect to hang in there with good players using zone and actual skill. Get better and maybe move up to the big boy league (flex opportunity
) and use zone.
And what are you doing here, exactly, if not debating the merits of an interface that you don't even use? Again, jump into some Ranked games with Timing using Analog Stride and tell me how you do... see, I don't mind losing games as long as the experience is a good one. This game isn't a source of pride for me; I just want the time I spend playing it to feel like real baseball. Some of the games I've enjoyed most have been games I've lost because they were good games. You know what makes for bad games? A lack of hit variety and far too many unrealistic outcomes. I blame the mechanics of Zone for that. If you disagree, how about a cogent argument to the contrary instead of... whatever it is you’re doing.
I wonder if you even realize that people like you, with all your mastery and skill and bluster about doing the most difficult thing possible (in a video game, no less) come off a little bit silly to people who don't put their accomplishments in this game among the great achievements of their life. Maybe you should lobby SDS to make running more difficult (I mean, if you add an interface to control eyeballs, why not insist on controlling feet as another skill?). Then you could laugh at all the people who don't frantically tap the right buttons in the proper cadence and fall in the basepaths, and tell them to practice and get better.
You know, like a big boy would.
Getting no hit, by the CPU, on Veteran, tells me all I need to know about directional hitting.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
There seems to be major timing forgiveness for zone hitting and massive timing penalties for any other hitting. The zone hitting timing forgiveness is unreal. I see replays where guys start their swing when the ball is over the plate and they hit a home run.
Wow. We need to get you in a room with some of the crazies that think every time they lose it must be because their opponent is using directional or timing. That would be a fun time.
Nope the OP is mostly right. The PCI size and flexible hitting window makes it recommended by pros and SDS has given players more benefits for using it. You can hit the ball well outside the zone on lower difficulties and with skill on higher difficulties.
Timing only works better on rookie and veteran but higher difficulties it's recommended using PCI.
There were ranked games I played using timing only where I could only score one run and a few hits. As soon as I changed it to PCI I ended up getting an additional 5 runs. I won the game but I was extremely uncomfortable. I prefer timing vs CPU but against other players I had to switch if I wanted a better chance of winning.
I agree that the OP is partly right... there are definitely some rewards bestowed upon Zone users. I'm not saying they're entirely unwarranted, as it is difficult to place the PCI against anyone who can pitch, but the OP is absolutely correct in that your timing doesn't matter as much in Zone. You need good timing, at least, to get good contact if you’re using the Timing interface; I don't get HRs with early swings, and certainly not late. They just don't happen on AS.
I use Timing with analog inputs, which makes timing a bit different from the way people typically describe it; you do have to swing to location (limited) with analog, using a straight up for middle of the plate, and diagonals for inside/outside. And that choice of swing location matters very much -- always weak contact, or no contact, if you get it wrong. The result: more realistic baseball results, and a more intuitive interface that feels more like a swing. When I win games (I'm only like 6 or 7 over /500 in about 50 games), I score around 5 runs, and they aren't all solo HRs, so I think it's a better experience. Of course I get blanked sometimes... I'm an A's fan, so that also feels like baseball.
Zone allows you to get underneath pitches almost in the dirt and hit them out, which is stupid and makes the game worse, and the forgiveness in timing allows middling players to hit a lot of HRs (and good players to make the game almost unplayable, unless you're into beer league softball). There are times, against spamming pitchers who aren't very good, that I'll switch to Zone and camp in the pitcher's preferred location. Leaving it in Timing in those instances results in the smattering of bad AI placement, so the chances of success go down... but using Zone in those cases turns me into a machine; camped, the placement is there, and with timing being more forgiving, the results are way better (I don't do this often, as not many people are this predictable, and because I hate Zone... and, admittedly, because I'm not that good at Zone when people move the ball around).
Still, that the timing seems to be more forgiving for Zone hitters, at least at AS level, is believable to me because I've experienced it.
I have a couple of counterpoints for you. As you say, zone is more difficult than timing or directional. There are two aspects to zone hitting - pci placement and timing. Directional and timing rely solely on the user's swing timing. To say that zone is more lenient with swing timing is only partially true. Yes, it is true in the sense that you can have slightly off timing and still make good contact, but that is because there is another aspect, the PCI. If you square up the ball with your PCI, you can still make good contact even if you are early or late.
To say that zome is more lenient than timing or directional is misleading though, because they only have one aspect of user input - timing. If you aren't perfect with your timing on those settings, then you didn't do the one thing you are required to do correctly, and therefore should not be rewarded. With zone, if you at least place the PCI correctly, you did one of the two inputs correctly, and should then have a better result than someone who had the same timing input with directional.
On the flip side, with zone, you can have perfect timing, but if your PCI is way off, you can completely whiff. Yes, you can hit pitches out of the zone, but that is a result of getting the PCI to the ball. In my experience, it is very rare that someone actually makes good contact on pitches way out of the zone. It's more of an issue with fouling off those pitches.
Regardless of whether or not you think zone is realistic or not, the fact is that zone is more difficult. When it comes to h2h online play, you have to reward skill, and zone is higher skill, higher reward. If you gave timing and directional the same "leniency" that you say zone has in regards to timing, and all you had to do was have good timing and you could hit any pitch, pitching would be impossible. Offline, who cares, use whatever you want, but online h2h, zone is the only setting that should be competitive at high levels, as it should be.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
@PScrabro_PSN said in Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed:
Yes... I'm okay with zone for sure. Using timing or directional would make me lose interest in the game quick. Zone is by far the most difficult to master, and should be rewarded the most for good input, because it takes skill to time and locate at the same time. Pressing one button and complaining zone is too easy or too forgiving is ironic at best.
Again with the laziness (it also takes skill to read for comprehension and respond appropriately; perhaps you should take some time and attempt to master that). As I said, locating the PCI is indeed difficult, but the timing aspect of Zone is not particularly difficult at all because it's much more forgiving. If it's skill you want to show, why wouldn't you insist on that? And I don't push any buttons with Timing because I use sticks, but if you're okay with straw men or just not paying attention, then good for you. Personally, I'd shoot for something a little better.
It sounds like you need some practice instead of waste time here debating something like this, because you dont like the timing window of an interface, you dont even use. If you want to use the easiest way to hit, you cant expect to hang in there with good players using zone and actual skill. Get better and maybe move up to the big boy league (flex opportunity
) and use zone.
And what are you doing here, exactly, if not debating the merits of an interface that you don't even use? Again, jump into some Ranked games with Timing using Analog Stride and tell me how you do... see, I don't mind losing games as long as the experience is a good one. This game isn't a source of pride for me; I just want the time I spend playing it to feel like real baseball. Some of the games I've enjoyed most have been games I've lost because they were good games. You know what makes for bad games? A lack of hit variety and far too many unrealistic outcomes. I blame the mechanics of Zone for that. If you disagree, how about a cogent argument to the contrary instead of... whatever it is you’re doing.
I wonder if you even realize that people like you, with all your mastery and skill and bluster about doing the most difficult thing possible (in a video game, no less) come off a little bit silly to people who don't put their accomplishments in this game among the great achievements of their life. Maybe you should lobby SDS to make running more difficult (I mean, if you add an interface to control eyeballs, why not insist on controlling feet as another skill?). Then you could laugh at all the people who don't frantically tap the right buttons in the proper cadence and fall in the basepaths, and tell them to practice and get better.
You know, like a big boy would.
Where did I say I'm good at hitting? I've played 3 RS games all year so far... lol. Your going off the rails looking for an argument. You should go outside and get some fresh air. I'm sticking to my original comment... use zone or don't complain about it. Im average at best... but I've never complained my opponents are doing better than me because the interface they choose, that's ridiculous since we all can use whatever ones we want.
@sauciestburrito_PSN said in [Timing and directional hitting are so nerfed]
I have a couple of counterpoints for you. As you say, zone is more difficult than timing or directional. There are two aspects to zone hitting - pci placement and timing. Directional and timing rely solely on the user's swing timing. To say that zone is more lenient with swing timing is only partially true. Yes, it is true in the sense that you can have slightly off timing and still make good contact, but that is because there is another aspect, the PCI. If you square up the ball with your PCI, you can still make good contact even if you are early or late.
To say that zome is more lenient than timing or directional is misleading though, because they only have one aspect of user input - timing. If you aren't perfect with your timing on those settings, then you didn't do the one thing you are required to do correctly, and therefore should not be rewarded. With zone, if you at least place the PCI correctly, you did one of the two inputs correctly, and should then have a better result than someone who had the same timing input with directional.
On the flip side, with zone, you can have perfect timing, but if your PCI is way off, you can completely whiff. Yes, you can hit pitches out of the zone, but that is a result of getting the PCI to the ball. In my experience, it is very rare that someone actually makes good contact on pitches way out of the zone. It's more of an issue with fouling off those pitches.
Regardless of whether or not you think zone is realistic or not, the fact is that zone is more difficult. When it comes to h2h online play, you have to reward skill, and zone is higher skill, higher reward. If you gave timing and directional the same "leniency" that you say zone has in regards to timing, and all you had to do was have good timing and you could hit any pitch, pitching would be impossible. Offline, who cares, use whatever you want, but online h2h, zone is the only setting that should be competitive at high levels, as it should be.
Thanks - I appreciate the well-reasoned response. Of course, I have some counterpoints as well...
While your points about Zone having two aspects to manage are correct, your assessment of Timing, as I use it, is incorrect; I use analog stride, which requires timing the batter's stride, timing the swing to hit the pitch, and a less complicated version of placement (analog "swings" use straight up for a pitch located in the middle, and the diagonals for inside/outside – and that “swing” location matters very much). So, there's much more to it than the swing timing alone, but, and I've already conceded this, none of those aspects (there are three) are, on their own merit, more difficult than properly controlling the PCI.
And my saying that Zone is more lenient than Timing where timing the swing is concerned is absolutely accurate; you do not get good contact with early or late swings when using Timing, let alone HRs. At least on AS or above, it simply doesn't allow you to swing early or late and get good results.
I'm also not advocating for Timing to be any more lenient where swing timing is concerned; I agree with you (it's in the name, after all) that it should be precise in that mode and, if anything, made more difficult than it currently is rather than easier. My contention is that swing timing should be equally important in Zone, despite having to deal with PCI placement.Those who state the inherent difficulty in Zone nearly always go on to say that it's difficult to master and thus, should be more heavily rewarded… I’m not necessarily opposed to this. But mastery involves addressing both aspects of the mechanic; if you place the PCI perfectly, but screw the pooch on the timing, then you have mastered nothing and deserve no reward. That’s my issue… it isn’t that the way I use Timing is too difficult, but that Zone isn’t as difficult as people say it is if it rewards users with poor input where timing is concerned (aren’t many of the complaints from Zone users that bad input is rewarded?). If that’s the case, then people are getting the benefit (high reward) from using Zone without using it well enough to merit that reward.
That’s what I’m saying. Tighten it up, and I think the result will be a widening of the skill gap and it will only benefit truly proficient users of the mechanic while taking that reward away from those who really don’t deserve it.
Me, I’ll go on losing to good Zone players and marvel at their prowess… when deserved. I will keep using Timing (my way) in Ranked, and don’t agree at all with limiting RS to Zone only (if people like me want to handicap ourselves, we should be allowed to; if Zone players can’t beat us, then they don’t deserve wins).
Thanks for not being a jackass and laying out your argument nicely.