Fixing a 'broken' cobtroller
Other than taking it apart and thoroughly cleaning it; is there any other way, other than buying a new one, to fix a PS4 controller that has analog sticks that drift and get stuck?
Is so bad that I can actually set the controller down and my PCI will shake. Sometimes it even shoots straight over to the right or left.
Really noticable online.
Touch grass
@HustlinOwl_MLBTS said in Fixing a 'broken' cobtroller:
Touch grass
What's that have to do with a broken controller?
But thanks for your help.
Actually u can order the parts off amazon for 5 dollars to fix the piece that causes drifting. You need small tools to take apart the contoller. I did my elite controller once and it worked fine after.
I find that throwing it at the wall fixes drift.
- Apply propyl alcohol to a cotton swab. Use this to wipe around the base of your joysticks, wipe thoroughly and carefully. Rotate the joystick 30s to ensure the module gets particles dislodged. Leave the controller to dry for about a minute before putting the batteries back in.
Or reset your controller