Numerous Bugs on Xbox Series X
Hello, I'm enjoying the gameplay but have found several bugs, glitches, and UI/HUD issues. These have all been Exhibition games, using 2 controllers, playing on Xbox Series X. All of this had reared its head or was noticeable after only 3 or 4 exhibition games.
On Series X, unless I'm missing something, the option to turn off the yellow ball trail appears to be missing. I've read it might be a daytime thing but should exist in the options? Maybe an oversight that it's missing on Series X?
When pitching on Chevron Fade, the ball/chevrons will fade away, but then it still shows the "Pitch Trail" graphic, half hidden behind the strike zone. So in same-screen/couch multiplayer, even after the pitch icon has disappeared, the other player can still see a big blue or yellow line (arc), as if the Pitch Trail setting was on (which it's not). You can see it move up and down wherever it's being aimed, showing the other player where you're aiming your pitch, even though Pitch Trail is off and not being used. This bug seems random and does not happen on every pitch.
Sometimes roster control swaps to the wrong controller when playing same-screen/couch multiplayer. I noticed it on a pinch runner situation the other day. The game prompted me that the manager recommendation was to put in a pinch runner... I pressed A to do that... and suddenly I couldn't control anything. I couldn't highlight players on my roster, or insert anyone. However, my son, using HIS controller, COULD -- so HE had to select my pinch runner using his controller.
When playing same-screen/couch multiplayer, you can't assign control setting profiles per controller from the Team Select screen inside the game. (When you flick the right analog stick left/right to cycle between casual, sim, or personal profiles). My son and I play, each with our own settings -- i.e. I use pitch meter and zone hitting, he uses button and timing. Sometimes we have to pause our game and resume at a later time. In past MLB The Show games, you could go to the Team Select screen to move your controllers over, and each use the right stick to select your profile. Now that option is only available pre-game but is missing once in a game -- which means we can't select our profiles per controller or resume where we left off.
For some reason, turning off balks does not appear to turn off balks... I've set it to Off multiple times, applied settings, it SHOWS it as off if I double-check... but then in-game, still getting called for balks.
Similarly, turning off pitch feedback does not seem to work. I have set this to off (I prefer a clean, minimal HUD while in-game), yet it keeps showing the giant window after every pitch. Detailed and useful sometimes, yes, but it is also very large and the setting to disable it doesn't seem to function properly.
There is a weird little vertical line/dot on the scoreboard overlay... I can't really describe it, but it's right next to each team abbreviation, between that and the score. At first I thought it was to show who was at bat, but it appears glitchy and sort of slides up and down vertically. I'll snag a screenshot if I can. Not sure if this is another UI/HUD bug, or if I'm not understanding what it is?
Just in general some other random UI glitches, missing or non-functional settings, that hopefully the testers and developers can pinpoint better. Thanks!