Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS
Also why does the purchase show up as a notification on the 22 app for 23?
On the way....ok. So I'm not crazy that the QR code for the iOS app took me to MLB the show 22 and not 23. Why say you've launched a feature though when it's not ready? EA vibes for sure.
@Fidelioboy_PSN said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
Fact is they should have had it done before hand. This is the half [censored] stuff EA does
SDS is far from perfect, but this anger is misplaced and should be directed at your choice of mobile devices. IOS is holding you up here and not approving the app.
Regardless of whose fault it is every (successful) company should know their timelines. This is not the first app they have released with Apple and to blame them for this solely is ridiculous. They for sure had a hand in it but as they say it takes two to tango. Someone didn’t do their job and meet their timeline and now we all pay for it simple as that while Android users flip freely on the market while every other order on the website we are clicking on stairs, motorcycles, bridges, stoplights etc it’s a joke.
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@Fidelioboy_PSN said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
Fact is they should have had it done before hand. This is the half [censored] stuff EA does
SDS is far from perfect, but this anger is misplaced and should be directed at your choice of mobile devices. IOS is holding you up here and not approving the app.
Regardless of whose fault it is every (successful) company should know their timelines. This is not the first app they have released with Apple and to blame them for this solely is ridiculous. They for sure had a hand in it but as they say it takes two to tango. Someone didn’t do their job and meet their timeline and now we all pay for it simple as that while Android users flip freely on the market while every other order on the website we are clicking on stairs, motorcycles, bridges, stoplights etc it’s a joke.
Reading comprehension can be difficult. I didn't solely blame anyone. Why would the app be live on Android and not on IOS if it wasn't ready for launch? Apple is famous for their rigorous standards in approving apps. Clearly there is some malicious code in the companion app and you should be thanking Apple for saving you from harm! /s
I have been having a problem logging in for 3 days the app don’t work on anything all it saids is Authenticating
I have both Android and iOS. I was successfully able to ‘upload’ my face scan from the app, but it hasn’t shown up in game yet. It’ll probably crack my screen, I’m so fugly LOL
Does the face scan feature work for any created player?
Another day...
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@Fidelioboy_PSN said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
Fact is they should have had it done before hand. This is the half [censored] stuff EA does
SDS is far from perfect, but this anger is misplaced and should be directed at your choice of mobile devices. IOS is holding you up here and not approving the app.
Regardless of whose fault it is every (successful) company should know their timelines. This is not the first app they have released with Apple and to blame them for this solely is ridiculous. They for sure had a hand in it but as they say it takes two to tango. Someone didn’t do their job and meet their timeline and now we all pay for it simple as that while Android users flip freely on the market while every other order on the website we are clicking on stairs, motorcycles, bridges, stoplights etc it’s a joke.
Usually an update takes 24 hours to get verified, this is unusually long,
@MP3-Optikal_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@Fidelioboy_PSN said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
Fact is they should have had it done before hand. This is the half [censored] stuff EA does
SDS is far from perfect, but this anger is misplaced and should be directed at your choice of mobile devices. IOS is holding you up here and not approving the app.
Regardless of whose fault it is every (successful) company should know their timelines. This is not the first app they have released with Apple and to blame them for this solely is ridiculous. They for sure had a hand in it but as they say it takes two to tango. Someone didn’t do their job and meet their timeline and now we all pay for it simple as that while Android users flip freely on the market while every other order on the website we are clicking on stairs, motorcycles, bridges, stoplights etc it’s a joke.
Usually an update takes 24 hours to get verified, this is unusually long,
It depends. I'm an iOS developer. You could have the same app go through dozens of times in the same 24 hour or so timeframe and then add some asset to your app that suddenly Apple has some problem with (especially if it's anything they consider to be a copy of theirs) and you get thrust into AppStore purgatory. Their process is so freaking strange.
This is no longer "buh buh buh Apple takes so long to approve!" territory
@Starkey-12U2_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
This is no longer "buh buh buh Apple takes so long to approve!" territory
Care to explain why it's currently live on Android then?
@RegeneratedOne_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
Another day...
I have a weird feeling the app won’t update the entire year
@Mr-Neek-Reevers_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@MP3-Optikal_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@Fidelioboy_PSN said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
@oX-OBITUARY-Xo_XBL said in Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS:
Fact is they should have had it done before hand. This is the half [censored] stuff EA does
SDS is far from perfect, but this anger is misplaced and should be directed at your choice of mobile devices. IOS is holding you up here and not approving the app.
Regardless of whose fault it is every (successful) company should know their timelines. This is not the first app they have released with Apple and to blame them for this solely is ridiculous. They for sure had a hand in it but as they say it takes two to tango. Someone didn’t do their job and meet their timeline and now we all pay for it simple as that while Android users flip freely on the market while every other order on the website we are clicking on stairs, motorcycles, bridges, stoplights etc it’s a joke.
Usually an update takes 24 hours to get verified, this is unusually long,
It depends. I'm an iOS developer. You could have the same app go through dozens of times in the same 24 hour or so timeframe and then add some asset to your app that suddenly Apple has some problem with (especially if it's anything they consider to be a copy of theirs) and you get thrust into AppStore purgatory. Their process is so freaking strange.
At this point I don’t even care about face scan I just want to view new cards and view the market buy cards while I’m not home I hate that I can’t do that yet
IOS just put out their update
If I had a company I wouldn't even put out a statement, I'd just stay silent with how the world works with entitled brats and Karens.
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