Companion app
Why is it that the companion app updated on android but not Apple? I’m excited to use the face scan feature but it’s frustrating how Apple users are out of luck right now. Please update the Apple version. This is upsetting.
Okay so I’m not the only one that’s tripping like I don’t see mlbtheshow23 on the app.
Me ither there's no app in app store
Is the app running on iOS
Last Names is more realistic, than a face scan. No reason to buy 24 next year. Basically all the same, 21 being the best.
This is ridiculous! Why is taking so long to update on ios
I understand technical difficulties can happen. I also understand that Apple may play some kind of villain in all of this. What I don’t understand is why there is still no communication about where things stand. Even if it is another “ We’re still working on this. We hope to see some resolution in _______.”
Just asking for more communication for us early purchasers. -
Hello Sony?
Hello San Diego Studios?
Where are you? This is