Can't Pre-order from game stops.
I just went to Gamestop and when i asked to pre order 23, the captains edition their site said it don't exist, so i also looked online, it only shows xbox series x has it available. My questions is anyone else facing this problem?
Yeah, I am too. I'm hoping by tomorrow they have it fixed.
I was able to go to my local gamestop in Canada today and it was up there to preorder.
It seems to be an issue only in U.S. gamestops then.
Probably because GameStop maybe out of business by the end of match
I've been wondering this same question about the GS pre-orders. There are no Playstation pre-orders available yet, not even just the Captain's Edition... the standard edition of either PS4 or PS5 can't be selected to pre-order. Hoping this is resolved soon.
This thread over at Operation Sports also touches on this Gamestop pre-order strangeness:
For my preorder, I’ll get PS store cards at Costco (they are always 10% less than retail) and use those to buy the game.
lol use bestbuy and get rewards
I've got a big gift card almost covering the whole price of the Captain's Edition from Gamestop burning a hole in my pocket, that's the only reason I'm waiting on Gamestop to get their stuff together.
Otherwise, I'd have already pre-ordered from BBY.
We have a Costco credit card and we are executive members. We have about a grand coming in rewards between the two. Ten percent of those rewards will be spent on ps cards to buy the game. I’m starting the year off with nms for the game.
Not for nothing but I'm glad GameStop doesn't have the exclusive this year... I'm getting my Captains Edition from Best Buy. I had issues with my 19 order, and I ended up getting my 18 order late... smh.
Gamestop Playstation pre-orders are live!!!