Maybe I should start cheesing too
@RazorForte45_XBL said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
So the cheesy ai glitch tactics would all find each other.
I would like as an addition to that, any known cheesers get banished to their own division where they can play bunt baseball all day long while normal humans play regular baseball.
@BANDIT0302_XBL said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
This game is by no means pay to win lmao its the easiest ultimate team experience out of all the sports games they litterally give you everything for free
I strongly disagree. At least on 20 and 21 you HAVE to play online to complete a significant portion of the programs and unlock the big cards. Because I am weak, I have to take 3 times as long as anyone else, but that takes even longer when dashboarders and cheesers destroy the online experience.
For me online is:
25% cheesers
10% dashboarders
60% 800-900 level players sandbagging to get down to an easy level to humiliate weak players while padding their stats
5% people at my low level.Combine that with SDS AI sims the games beforehand, and if you came out the loser, they will blatantly cheat to ensure the player they chose to win actually wins.
A top tier player can overcome this, and occasionally a low level player can get lucky if they get off to a good start and the other guy quits before the AI turns the tide in their favor, but if you are not top tier it's "too bad, so sad" from SDS.
@Devil_Poussinet said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
People will volontarily put bad rating against their opponents even if they are good
Sorry, but SDS can cough up the money to pay a person to review the person with the bad rating and if they have a history of cheesing it would be easy to spot.
If the person who flagged the person as revenge, then SDS can take appropriate action against said player.
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
@Devil_Poussinet said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
People will volontarily put bad rating against their opponents even if they are good
Sorry, but SDS can cough up the money to pay a person to review the person with the bad rating and if they have a history of cheesing it would be easy to spot.
If the person who flagged the person as revenge, then SDS can take appropriate action against said player.
SDS can and should pay people to answer to questions we have on this forum for sure. They can surely have people to review flagged players but how would they know if its true or not... It's a "word against mine" type of thing..... Yes if there is many complaints against the same player for the same thing it starts to be suspicious but where do we draw the line.... I totally get the idea behind that and I would be really happy if they can come up with something but I hardly see that being really fair since too many people would just say bad review anytime for anything... imagine the volume they would have to go through!!! Maybe if there is a way that a flag would be raised when many people flag the same player so moderators would just review the important ones... and people complaining too much would also have to have consequences to be sure nobody abuses the system.... but I don't think we are close to see that....
Well, they can flag the player on the first report. If that's the only time, then nothing happens. If the player is constantly reported by say the same person you then review their game logs. if the guy is reporting him as revenge for losing a legit game then the reporting person gets suspended. If after multiple players report the same person in x amount of games then they review that players game logs.
If after reviewing his logs it is shown that he is in fact cheesing he gets suspended for x amount of games. Second offense a significantly larger amount of time. Third time lifetime ban. False reporting gets the same level of punishment.
Why don’t they go after the people that are 20-0 in the first 10 minutes of a new event? If you look at their game history you will see their wins are with scores of 0-0. Cheesers stink but if you can cheat with no fallback I’d like to have some tips on how to do it.
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
Well, they can flag the player on the first report. If that's the only time, then nothing happens. If the player is constantly reported by say the same person you then review their game logs. if the guy is reporting him as revenge for losing a legit game then the reporting person gets suspended. If after multiple players report the same person in x amount of games then they review that players game logs.
If after reviewing his logs it is shown that he is in fact cheesing he gets suspended for x amount of games. Second offense a significantly larger amount of time. Third time lifetime ban. False reporting gets the same level of punishment.
The thing is the game log won't tell much about the cheesing or not.... It's not telling if the dude is bunt crapping his way, if he abuses R2 and things like that....
@Devil_Poussinet said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
The thing is the game log won't tell much about the cheesing or not.... It's not telling if the dude is bunt crapping his way, if he abuses R2 and things like that....
You can see in the logs very easily. If the logs show:
First inning Team X batting
Player X bunted for a single. Player Y bunted for a single. Player Z bunted for a single. Player A bunted to the pitcher batter out. Player B bunted.
Second inning Team X batting
Player X bunted for a single. Player Y bunted for a single. Player Z bunted for a single. Player A bunted to the pitcher batter out. Player B bunted.
If you see that in every game its painfully obvious that they are cheesing. Eliminate that and you automatically get the bunt dancers, R2 spammers and steal cheesers, drastically improving online play.
@darkblue1876_PSN I'm confused.
Your original post states that you're tired of facing players where the AI cheats for them?
How does an AI know who the lesser player is? And if you do win; does that mean the AI cheated your opponent?
Also, if I read you're other posts correctly; it seems like your playing 21. You do know that game isn't supported anymore? There are no upcoming updates/patches for what you're experiencing. No offense; but IMO complaining about a game, that isn't even supported with updates anymore, is the equivalent of buying a 1980 Pinto and complaining that Ford cheated you out of a car because the gas tanks explodes.
Again, I'm not trying to bash you or contradict how you feel about this game. I'm just trying to figure out how you think a game that's a year old would play any different than it played when it first came out.
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
@Devil_Poussinet said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
The thing is the game log won't tell much about the cheesing or not.... It's not telling if the dude is bunt crapping his way, if he abuses R2 and things like that....
You can see in the logs very easily. If the logs show:
First inning Team X batting
Player X bunted for a single. Player Y bunted for a single. Player Z bunted for a single. Player A bunted to the pitcher batter out. Player B bunted.
Second inning Team X batting
Player X bunted for a single. Player Y bunted for a single. Player Z bunted for a single. Player A bunted to the pitcher batter out. Player B bunted.
If you see that in every game its painfully obvious that they are cheesing. Eliminate that and you automatically get the bunt dancers, R2 spammers and steal cheesers, drastically improving online play.
Bottom line is SDS won't do much about that. I don't see them making discipline on the servers!! lol And if they have time to put in, it would surely be to fix the gameplay... If they fix that, I'm pretty sure it would help out... not making it perfect but at least people might be less inclined to play like dipsh*t or might mitigate what they do....
@MrMcGibblets_MLBTS said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
How does an AI know who the lesser player is? And if you do win; does that mean the AI cheated your opponent?
How can you not see it. Go back and re read my post. I am throwing pitches miles outside the zone because he is chasing EVERYTHING and the ball magically goes right down the middle????
I am a weak hitter but play solid defense, and can pitch better than average, so when the other player is swinging at every single pitch, but missing badly and pitching very inconsistently it is a sign that I am a better player than them.
It would be one thing if they were chasing everything and missing and finally figured out that they should be patient and wait for better pitches to hit and finally started hitting, but what is happening instead is the AI is INTENTIONALLY giving them free home runs by making my pitches go so perfectly down the middle that even Stevie Wonder could hit them out.
Also, when you face a team that bunt dances, R2 spams, pauses every other batter or between pitches until the clock is at about 30 seconds, and ONLY bunts (yet their bunts magically go exactly in the perfect spot for a hit) that frankly they are weaker than I am, and that's hard to do.
Additionally, the AI intentionally not letting me select the player closest to the ball to go after it so they get free hits and runs.
I know that I cannot PROVE that SDS cheats players on purpose, but I believe that while they do not respond to things on this forum, that they do monitor it and blacklist anyone that does not lick their boots.
Also, many of the things I am experiencing I see on threads as old as 2015, and still going on in 2022.
@BANDIT0302_XBL said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
@tomivory23_PSN said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
Cheesy players spend money too. That's what sds cares about. Which they should since there are a business. They made this game to make money. We all forget this sometimes.
If this game got a 98% approval rating but didn't sell well. It would be a failure.
If this game had a 28% approval rating but was there best year profit wise. It's a success. They will continue to put out the same formula year after year.
If the games broke but makes money....don't fix it!I understand about SDS rewarding the cheesers, but again that actually makes it worse in my opinion. That not only changes it from an online experience to a PAY TO WIN system, and if you don't pay, they will blatantly cheat you until you do.
It's not just what happens to me, but the many other stories I see here on this site, but sometimes I see even worse, and significantly blatant cheating by SDS to favor an opponent online via videos. It's sickening.
If anything, by making it an honest and fair system I bet they could actually make MORE money, because people would want to continue. How much money has SDS lost by people that simply quit and never came back?
I am done if I should ever get lucky and play well enough to finish all the programs I have left and will never spend a penny on their product. I didn't buy 22 and have zero interesting in paying for a fresh paint job and a pricey roster update with 23.
But because I am at the bottom of the barrel my opinion means squat, and I get that.
This game is by no means pay to win lmao its the easiest ultimate team experience out of all the sports games they litterally give you everything for free
So all of those lame [censored] teams people post on Reddit with god squads but not a single card has reached parallel 1 didn’t pay for those teams?
I played BR a lot more this year to finish the Program and get the "Flawless 12-0" packs (despite never going more than 6-0-- unfair?)
BR is by far the most bizarre form of the game-- bounced balls in front of the plate hit fair, ridiculous fielding and base running glitches, and way too many "Did that just happen?" moments.If you want to get totally aggrevated for the Holidays, play BR.
And as my christmas present from SDS I got cheated again. Played a guy who was even worse than I am. Took a shutout into the 9th inning and this guy, who had all of 2 hits in the game and chased everything especially inside sliders, so with 2 out and an 0-2 count Mariano Rivera on the mound, slider aimed inside magically went into the heart of the strike zone for a double.
Next batter hits another 0-2 pitch aimed way out of the strike zone that magically ended up in the upper part of the zone with what had to be the absolutely slowest exit speed ever nicked the tiniest portion of the foul pole for a game winning home run.
Working as intended.
@darkblue1876_PSN said in Maybe I should start cheesing too:
And as my christmas present from SDS I got cheated again. Played a guy who was even worse than I am. Took a shutout into the 9th inning and this guy, who had all of 2 hits in the game and chased everything especially inside sliders, so with 2 out and an 0-2 count Mariano Rivera on the mound, slider aimed inside magically went into the heart of the strike zone for a double.
Next batter hits another 0-2 pitch aimed way out of the strike zone that magically ended up in the upper part of the zone with what had to be the absolutely slowest exit speed ever nicked the tiniest portion of the foul pole for a game winning home run.
Working as intended.
So you’re telling us that you had either zero or one run scored in 9 innings on All-Star and a pitch that floated in the zone(which happens to all of us, including your opponent) is the issue? Maybe try batting practice?
Maybe try batting practice?
Maybe you try not being a total d bag