Easiest way to get players p5
Conquest on rookie or veteran or play vs. CPU on rookie or veteran. Spam the same pitchers over and over again. And use hitters you want to get to P5 at the top of your lineup so they get more plate appearances.
Make sure starting pitchers get credit for a quality start. A complete game shutout is ideal. If you are mixing in relief pitchers try to get them in hold and save situations if possible.
I still don't have a single P5 player.
@Dolenz_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
I still don't have a single P5 player.
What have you been doing all year? I'm going to guess "living a good life".
If you can, use a small custom park to rack up the points. Don't relieve your pitchers unless you have to. Start your relievers and make them go as long as you can.
Depending on your skill level, use Rookie. Higher levels will give you more points but the difference in the point scale for higher difficulties is very small, so if you can rack up more HRs and Ks on Rookie than something higher, that do Rookie.
The Racetrack park (user made) almost every hit is an HR.
@Opus18642_XBL said in Easiest way to get players p5:
The Racetrack park (user made) almost every hit is an HR.
Twin XP is good too.
@Dolenz_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
I still don't have a single P5 player.
Same here. My closest is that Kerry Wood, but that's only because had to get him to p4 back on the extreme program.
There are just too many good cards for me to get any one or a few to p5.
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Easiest way to get players p5:
@Dolenz_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
I still don't have a single P5 player.
What have you been doing all year? I'm going to guess "living a good life".
Just playing at my own pace in my own way. Plus I play a lot of different games throughout the year.
@chuckclc_MLBTS said in Easiest way to get players p5:
@Dolenz_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
I still don't have a single P5 player.
Same here. My closest is that Kerry Wood, but that's only because had to get him to p4 back on the extreme program.
There are just too many good cards for me to get any one or a few to p5.
I just started a mini season with my Cardinals squad so there is a good chance I get Ryan Helsley's All Star card to P5 but that will probably be the only one.
If you can hit online, I suggest using Events to grind missions/P5 cards. Even with its flaws, I prefer online grinding over mindless CPU offline stuff. I play A LOT of events and I have a lot of P4 and P5 cards. If I hit well with a card, it usually takes me somewhere between 300-350 online ABs to P5 them(also depends if I’ve run the card through a conquest map or two offline).
@Dolenz_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
I still don't have a single P5 player.
I only have 1, it is Kerry Wood to finish the Extreme program.
The difference between P1 and p5 is more in people’s heads than actually measurable in the game.
Each their own, but loading up a Game on rookie to beat the cpu 50-0 sounds brutally mind numbing. ( I used to see son when he was 8 so this kind of thing ( he would also play RTTS on rookie and hit 150 plus homers a season).
No judgement though, it’s a game and the point is to be entertained and we all play differently to accomplish.
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
@Dolenz_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
I still don't have a single P5 player.
I only have 1, it is Kerry Wood to finish the Extreme program.
Haha same here, although I have a couple P4 players.
I got Milestone Randy to P5 on a run through the USA conquest map.
@samguenther1987 said in Easiest way to get players p5:
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
@Dolenz_PSN said in Easiest way to get players p5:
I still don't have a single P5 player.
I only have 1, it is Kerry Wood to finish the Extreme program.
Haha same here, although I have a couple P4 players.
Only P4 I know of is 88 Mantle and 88 Donaldson, I may have a couple more but not sure.