Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-
Oh yay!!!!
Another episode of the "centerswinger" yelling about the world of "centerswingers" in MLB the Show!!!
For those that missed it, here's the September/October episode...It's another "must read"
I wish these episodes would come around more often than every 45 days or so!!! They are way to fun to go so long without them!
(You would have to scroll down a bit to get to this OP's "story" as that episode occurred in another person's post!)
I hope this is just some sort of troll persona because it’s hard to believe someone can be this much of an arrogant tool without doing it on purpose.
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
I hope this is just some sort of troll persona because it’s hard to believe someone can be this much of an arrogant tool without doing it on purpose.
Apparently he’s a streamer, which bodes well for this community.
@JEEZY-E_MLBTS said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
I hope this is just some sort of troll persona because it’s hard to believe someone can be this much of an arrogant tool without doing it on purpose.
Apparently he’s a streamer, which bodes well for this community.
I’ve got no problem with streamers or people that wanna watch streams. I’m sure there are some great ones but one steaming [censored] like this guy puts a big stink on it for a lot of people.
I am probably going to regret replying to this, but you remind me of the guy I played yesterday. I had played him twice before, and honestly he is a lot better than I am, despite his online record only being about 30 games (most of them wins). Both times he had a power pitcher, and was hitting homers left and right on me, while I struggled to get hits.
This time I was the home team, and he popped a homer in the first inning. However, this time I had gotten a better idea of where he liked to throw against specific types of batters. My biggest problem is pitch recognition, and during the first inning I struggled with it badly on the leadoff batter, but by the time the inning was over I had a good idea of what to expect, but I had not figured out the timing on his heater.
So I shut him down in the second and got an infield single when his third baseman made a good diving stop on a liner headed down the line, but by the time he recovered and threw the ball I was safe. Next batter up I knew he would throw a fastball at the bottom of the strike zone and I placed my PCI there and sure enough crushed a no doubt homer, and the guy dashboarded me, robbing me of a rare home run.
So when guys like OP brag about their record I use this as an example of why W-L doesn't mean much to me when playing online.
Apparently he’s a streamer, which bodes well for this community.
How so? I am probably the worst online hitter in the community, but while I have gotten better, guys like OP make me wish SDS would make it an option that players who don't want to play online can still earn all the cards but have to grind them out a lot longer if they don't.
I get at least 4 games a week where I get dashboarded or bunt cheesed to death. I am only online to earn the cards I need and have no desire to play toxic players like OP.
dont argue with this guy, he's trying to get attention. you see if you fall for it you go to his twitch channel to check him out. Dont. he's a balding middle aged man who lives at home with his parents. He has nobody that will ever love him, and literally fits the profile of a guy who drives a van and parks outside middle school. He plays the game, and throws balls and constantly complains when players dont swing. Dont fall for what he's trying to do, negative attention is still attention.
@JJDaggasReturns_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
@eatyum_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
@JJDaggasReturns_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
@eatyum_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
@JJDaggasReturns_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
U have a "soft record" in ranked my dear little one. No one cares how many Allstar ranked games you've won, i can have every mid goon player play u in the next few days n make u lose almost every game but if u wanna continue with your "so called patient skill" lol, i'll be sure to challenge u again n make sure u don't walk at all in our next game ; ). But being the little weak pos troll that u are i find it very yellow that u wouldn't accept such a challenge. So just please for the adults n my sanity stfu n continue winning games on just Allstar -_-.
Why in the world would I want to take a toxic idiot? I play this game to have fun, and while I had plenty of fun beating you, I'd just as well not see you again, so spin it how ever you will. Tell me "i'm scared" or whatever you want to phrase it as, I don't particularly care.
Me toxic, who was the bunt dancer, who was the one that held R2, or wait for that matter who was the one that sent a friendly in the 7th lol. Shhh....please be quiet i can hear u crying lol.
I'll never reward a pos like u son
HA, I literally never send friendlies, man it's funny how you have to send lies to make yourself look better. If I feel like sending a friendly. I just quit instead.
u send friendlies cause u can't hit young man lol, here ill do the honors n just Thanos snap ya (peace)
Are you ok man?
I’ve seen his streams, he uses directional hitting, and classic pitching.
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
I’ve seen his streams, he uses directional hitting, and classic pitching.
actually he's said he's changed it after people made fun of him. Doesnt matter they could put on a tee and he'd strike out.
@eatyum_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
@JJDaggasReturns_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
@eatyum_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
You should probably just starting aiming and earning it better tbh.
Like the way u played me lol, just wait for a "middle pitch" right?
No, just wait out all the pitches out of the zone and take all the walks you give tbh
I thought that was called plate discipline.
Also, JJ, if you want to accuse people of trolling, but insist on calling them names when they refuse to play you, it’s a bad look.
Listen, the gameplay is bad. It’s nearly impossible to know who is “good” at this game and who is not.
Play the game, or don’t, but nobody likes a troll.
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
I’ve seen his streams, he uses directional hitting, and classic pitching.
You've been watching the wrong stream my friend, I've always used zone hitting n switch it up with pinpoint or pure analog pitching 🤨
@halfbutt_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
Also, JJ, if you want to accuse people of trolling, but insist on calling them names when they refuse to play you, it’s a bad look.
Listen, the gameplay is bad. It’s nearly impossible to know who is “good” at this game and who is not.
Play the game, or don’t, but nobody likes a troll.
I'm certainly not trolling, honestly wouldn't even know how to with my age lol, but I'm only stating what I'm experiencing n how other players are getting rewarded
@dap1234567890 said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
Oh yay!!!!
Another episode of the "centerswinger" yelling about the world of "centerswingers" in MLB the Show!!!
For those that missed it, here's the September/October episode...It's another "must read"
I wish these episodes would come around more often than every 45 days or so!!! They are way to fun to go so long without them!
(You would have to scroll down a bit to get to this OP's "story" as that episode occurred in another person's post!)
Well stick around i'm not done yet, i have alot to get off my chest of how u "toxic players" cry over every chance to get hits but can't and then u do what, right bunt dance your opponent to death to distract there pitching lol. Oh yeah u said "i changed my way of hitting from "directional" to "zone" lol. Son i've been playing this game since u were a toddler, so please for all of us stfu and point out facts before u deliver them young one.
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Game recap: Creator of the dashboard -_-:
I’ve seen his streams, he uses directional hitting, and classic pitching.
First change your stupid *** name, BJ lol.....seriously think i'm using "directional hitting" what streamer are u even watching my dude lol?
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