Glad this is my last year
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Let me ask you something, lets say a group was bullying someone and you joined in, somehow your mother found out and punished you, would you tell her "Well everyone else was doing it to!", do you think she would have accepted that as a good answer?
That’s quite literally a way different context than this one. Maybe if the entire classroom was cheating on the test would you do it too?
Ok fine we can use your test example. Lets say you were caught and your mom punished you for that, would she accept "Well everyone else was doing it to" as an answer?
If everyone else was doing it and you were the only student singled out wouldn't you think it’s absolutely bs?
Probably, but that's not my point. And it's not even a relevant example you put because you have no idea if ALL the students were doing it besides you. I'm pointing out why "Everyone else is doing it" is a poor defense.
You can absolutely think the Astros getting pointed out is BS, I can easily understand that point of view, but using it as a defense doesn't work.
I’m not defending their cheating, it’s on camera in the regular season to see. But to say it was unfair is bs because they learned it from another team by a former player in Beltran.
Sure, but wouldn't you argue the players brought it on themselves? Obviously Astros fans didn't bring it on themselves and it's unfair to just go "hur dur your team cheated", But the players cheating that year, even if not in the postseason, only have themselves to blame for being viewed as a tainted playoff run
But how else do you go about it then? If you had knowledge by your teammates that teams were doing it you wouldn’t even the playing field to not be at a disadvantage? Especially when a HOF veteran like beltran is saying you have to get up to date with it to compete? If I’m in their position I want to know everything because it seems like most players were hushmouth about it, like something that should be kept under wraps.
I suppose that depends on your moral compass, now I'm not saying cheating made every single Astro who did it a evil person/vilain, (except maybe Correa, I never liked him lol), but I personally would not risk cheating because you can see the consequence and outcome of it in public perception.
Eatyum he has no moral compass. He said it isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught lol. Like dude is delusional.
I never said that, stop putting words in my mouth, you said all teams are doing it, then you say that the Dodgers probably were cheating to, you have no facts of other teams cheating.
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Players can speak out all they want but it does not change the fact the Astros got caught cheating in 2017 and it tainted that WS.
It’s a legit ring since they most likely played against teams who did similar. If it was just them sure it’s tainted, but it wasn’t.
Keep trying to justify there cheating to make it ok, which no one is buying but Astro fans
You’re so pressed your team lost it’s funny.
AgainAgain it is not about the dodgers losing, It is about the Astos cheating
Nope your team lost get over it.
your team cheated, you get over it
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Let me ask you something, lets say a group was bullying someone and you joined in, somehow your mother found out and punished you, would you tell her "Well everyone else was doing it to!", do you think she would have accepted that as a good answer?
That’s quite literally a way different context than this one. Maybe if the entire classroom was cheating on the test would you do it too?
Ok fine we can use your test example. Lets say you were caught and your mom punished you for that, would she accept "Well everyone else was doing it to" as an answer?
If everyone else was doing it and you were the only student singled out wouldn't you think it’s absolutely bs?
Probably, but that's not my point. And it's not even a relevant example you put because you have no idea if ALL the students were doing it besides you. I'm pointing out why "Everyone else is doing it" is a poor defense.
You can absolutely think the Astros getting pointed out is BS, I can easily understand that point of view, but using it as a defense doesn't work.
I’m not defending their cheating, it’s on camera in the regular season to see. But to say it was unfair is bs because they learned it from another team by a former player in Beltran.
Sure, but wouldn't you argue the players brought it on themselves? Obviously Astros fans didn't bring it on themselves and it's unfair to just go "hur dur your team cheated", But the players cheating that year, even if not in the postseason, only have themselves to blame for being viewed as a tainted playoff run
But how else do you go about it then? If you had knowledge by your teammates that teams were doing it you wouldn’t even the playing field to not be at a disadvantage? Especially when a HOF veteran like beltran is saying you have to get up to date with it to compete? If I’m in their position I want to know everything because it seems like most players were hushmouth about it, like something that should be kept under wraps.
I suppose that depends on your moral compass, now I'm not saying cheating made every single Astro who did it a evil person/vilain, (except maybe Correa, I never liked him lol), but I personally would not risk cheating because you can see the consequence and outcome of it in public perception.
Eatyum he has no moral compass. He said it isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught lol. Like dude is delusional.
Well I just meant in general peoples moral compasses, not just specifically him, but everyone. I would like to think if I knew a ton of people were cheating, that I wouldn't join in. Of course, without being in that situation I can't prove to anyone or myself that I actually would resist, but that's what I sort of meant.
My personal opinion is if you cheat, you should have to eat the consequences, and like I said, the Astros fans didn't, they don't deserve to have this hanging over their heads, but I could absolutely care less that the players get the label because they chose to participate.
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Let me ask you something, lets say a group was bullying someone and you joined in, somehow your mother found out and punished you, would you tell her "Well everyone else was doing it to!", do you think she would have accepted that as a good answer?
That’s quite literally a way different context than this one. Maybe if the entire classroom was cheating on the test would you do it too?
Ok fine we can use your test example. Lets say you were caught and your mom punished you for that, would she accept "Well everyone else was doing it to" as an answer?
If everyone else was doing it and you were the only student singled out wouldn't you think it’s absolutely bs?
Probably, but that's not my point. And it's not even a relevant example you put because you have no idea if ALL the students were doing it besides you. I'm pointing out why "Everyone else is doing it" is a poor defense.
You can absolutely think the Astros getting pointed out is BS, I can easily understand that point of view, but using it as a defense doesn't work.
I’m not defending their cheating, it’s on camera in the regular season to see. But to say it was unfair is bs because they learned it from another team by a former player in Beltran.
Sure, but wouldn't you argue the players brought it on themselves? Obviously Astros fans didn't bring it on themselves and it's unfair to just go "hur dur your team cheated", But the players cheating that year, even if not in the postseason, only have themselves to blame for being viewed as a tainted playoff run
But how else do you go about it then? If you had knowledge by your teammates that teams were doing it you wouldn’t even the playing field to not be at a disadvantage? Especially when a HOF veteran like beltran is saying you have to get up to date with it to compete? If I’m in their position I want to know everything because it seems like most players were hushmouth about it, like something that should be kept under wraps.
I suppose that depends on your moral compass, now I'm not saying cheating made every single Astro who did it a evil person/vilain, (except maybe Correa, I never liked him lol), but I personally would not risk cheating because you can see the consequence and outcome of it in public perception.
Eatyum he has no moral compass. He said it isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught lol. Like dude is delusional.
Well I just meant in general peoples moral compasses, not just specifically him, but everyone. I would like to think if I knew a ton of people were cheating, that I wouldn't join in. Of course, without being in that situation I can't prove to anyone or myself that I actually would resist, but that's what I sort of meant.
My personal opinion is if you cheat, you should have to eat the consequences, and like I said, the Astros fans didn't, they don't deserve to have this hanging over their heads, but I could absolutely care less that the players get the label because they chose to participate.
For the record I have a moral compass but I think the problem with Chrono_Omega is it is ok to cheat and defend and blame it on others that are doing it to.
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Let me ask you something, lets say a group was bullying someone and you joined in, somehow your mother found out and punished you, would you tell her "Well everyone else was doing it to!", do you think she would have accepted that as a good answer?
That’s quite literally a way different context than this one. Maybe if the entire classroom was cheating on the test would you do it too?
Ok fine we can use your test example. Lets say you were caught and your mom punished you for that, would she accept "Well everyone else was doing it to" as an answer?
If everyone else was doing it and you were the only student singled out wouldn't you think it’s absolutely bs?
Probably, but that's not my point. And it's not even a relevant example you put because you have no idea if ALL the students were doing it besides you. I'm pointing out why "Everyone else is doing it" is a poor defense.
You can absolutely think the Astros getting pointed out is BS, I can easily understand that point of view, but using it as a defense doesn't work.
I’m not defending their cheating, it’s on camera in the regular season to see. But to say it was unfair is bs because they learned it from another team by a former player in Beltran.
Sure, but wouldn't you argue the players brought it on themselves? Obviously Astros fans didn't bring it on themselves and it's unfair to just go "hur dur your team cheated", But the players cheating that year, even if not in the postseason, only have themselves to blame for being viewed as a tainted playoff run
But how else do you go about it then? If you had knowledge by your teammates that teams were doing it you wouldn’t even the playing field to not be at a disadvantage? Especially when a HOF veteran like beltran is saying you have to get up to date with it to compete? If I’m in their position I want to know everything because it seems like most players were hushmouth about it, like something that should be kept under wraps.
I suppose that depends on your moral compass, now I'm not saying cheating made every single Astro who did it a evil person/vilain, (except maybe Correa, I never liked him lol), but I personally would not risk cheating because you can see the consequence and outcome of it in public perception.
Eatyum he has no moral compass. He said it isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught lol. Like dude is delusional.
Well I just meant in general peoples moral compasses, not just specifically him, but everyone. I would like to think if I knew a ton of people were cheating, that I wouldn't join in. Of course, without being in that situation I can't prove to anyone or myself that I actually would resist, but that's what I sort of meant.
My personal opinion is if you cheat, you should have to eat the consequences, and like I said, the Astros fans didn't, they don't deserve to have this hanging over their heads, but I could absolutely care less that the players get the label because they chose to participate.
For the record I have a moral compass but I think the problem with Chrono_Omega is it is ok to cheat and defend and blame it on others that are doing it to.
Nope you’re salty your team lost. Astros have two championships get over it. Also that 2020 is a Mickey Mouse ring too.
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Let me ask you something, lets say a group was bullying someone and you joined in, somehow your mother found out and punished you, would you tell her "Well everyone else was doing it to!", do you think she would have accepted that as a good answer?
That’s quite literally a way different context than this one. Maybe if the entire classroom was cheating on the test would you do it too?
Ok fine we can use your test example. Lets say you were caught and your mom punished you for that, would she accept "Well everyone else was doing it to" as an answer?
If everyone else was doing it and you were the only student singled out wouldn't you think it’s absolutely bs?
Probably, but that's not my point. And it's not even a relevant example you put because you have no idea if ALL the students were doing it besides you. I'm pointing out why "Everyone else is doing it" is a poor defense.
You can absolutely think the Astros getting pointed out is BS, I can easily understand that point of view, but using it as a defense doesn't work.
I’m not defending their cheating, it’s on camera in the regular season to see. But to say it was unfair is bs because they learned it from another team by a former player in Beltran.
Sure, but wouldn't you argue the players brought it on themselves? Obviously Astros fans didn't bring it on themselves and it's unfair to just go "hur dur your team cheated", But the players cheating that year, even if not in the postseason, only have themselves to blame for being viewed as a tainted playoff run
But how else do you go about it then? If you had knowledge by your teammates that teams were doing it you wouldn’t even the playing field to not be at a disadvantage? Especially when a HOF veteran like beltran is saying you have to get up to date with it to compete? If I’m in their position I want to know everything because it seems like most players were hushmouth about it, like something that should be kept under wraps.
I suppose that depends on your moral compass, now I'm not saying cheating made every single Astro who did it a evil person/vilain, (except maybe Correa, I never liked him lol), but I personally would not risk cheating because you can see the consequence and outcome of it in public perception.
Eatyum he has no moral compass. He said it isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught lol. Like dude is delusional.
Well I just meant in general peoples moral compasses, not just specifically him, but everyone. I would like to think if I knew a ton of people were cheating, that I wouldn't join in. Of course, without being in that situation I can't prove to anyone or myself that I actually would resist, but that's what I sort of meant.
My personal opinion is if you cheat, you should have to eat the consequences, and like I said, the Astros fans didn't, they don't deserve to have this hanging over their heads, but I could absolutely care less that the players get the label because they chose to participate.
For the record I have a moral compass but I think the problem with Chrono_Omega is it is ok to cheat and defend and blame it on others that are doing it to.
Nope you’re salty your team lost. Astros have two championships get over it. Also that 2020 is a Mickey Mouse ring too.
Whatever you say and think, no salt over here, The record books say they got two. The 2020 ring is in the record books as well, You think it is mickey mouse and I think the 2017 ring is tainted. You have a great day.
Glad to see SDS is policing the board as good as they police online modes. Kudos.
Shout out to the art team.
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@dbarmonstar_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Let me ask you something, lets say a group was bullying someone and you joined in, somehow your mother found out and punished you, would you tell her "Well everyone else was doing it to!", do you think she would have accepted that as a good answer?
That’s quite literally a way different context than this one. Maybe if the entire classroom was cheating on the test would you do it too?
Ok fine we can use your test example. Lets say you were caught and your mom punished you for that, would she accept "Well everyone else was doing it to" as an answer?
If everyone else was doing it and you were the only student singled out wouldn't you think it’s absolutely bs?
Probably, but that's not my point. And it's not even a relevant example you put because you have no idea if ALL the students were doing it besides you. I'm pointing out why "Everyone else is doing it" is a poor defense.
You can absolutely think the Astros getting pointed out is BS, I can easily understand that point of view, but using it as a defense doesn't work.
I’m not defending their cheating, it’s on camera in the regular season to see. But to say it was unfair is bs because they learned it from another team by a former player in Beltran.
Sure, but wouldn't you argue the players brought it on themselves? Obviously Astros fans didn't bring it on themselves and it's unfair to just go "hur dur your team cheated", But the players cheating that year, even if not in the postseason, only have themselves to blame for being viewed as a tainted playoff run
But how else do you go about it then? If you had knowledge by your teammates that teams were doing it you wouldn’t even the playing field to not be at a disadvantage? Especially when a HOF veteran like beltran is saying you have to get up to date with it to compete? If I’m in their position I want to know everything because it seems like most players were hushmouth about it, like something that should be kept under wraps.
I suppose that depends on your moral compass, now I'm not saying cheating made every single Astro who did it a evil person/vilain, (except maybe Correa, I never liked him lol), but I personally would not risk cheating because you can see the consequence and outcome of it in public perception.
Eatyum he has no moral compass. He said it isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught lol. Like dude is delusional.
Well I just meant in general peoples moral compasses, not just specifically him, but everyone. I would like to think if I knew a ton of people were cheating, that I wouldn't join in. Of course, without being in that situation I can't prove to anyone or myself that I actually would resist, but that's what I sort of meant.
My personal opinion is if you cheat, you should have to eat the consequences, and like I said, the Astros fans didn't, they don't deserve to have this hanging over their heads, but I could absolutely care less that the players get the label because they chose to participate.
For the record I have a moral compass but I think the problem with Chrono_Omega is it is ok to cheat and defend and blame it on others that are doing it to.
Nope you’re salty your team lost. Astros have two championships get over it. Also that 2020 is a Mickey Mouse ring too.
Whatever you say and think, no salt over here, The record books say they got two. The 2020 ring is in the record books as well, You think it is mickey mouse and I think the 2017 ring is tainted. You have a great day.
Want to just play an all Astros team vs an all dodgers team and just get this over with?
@BIGPAPIx34x_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Glad to see SDS is policing the board as good as they police online modes. Kudos.
Shout out to the art team.
As intended
@hoboadam_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@brendan1010_MLBTS said in Glad this is my last year:
@hoboadam_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Don't bother arguing with an idiot. Probably a flat earther too.
I'm going to enjoy this year's world series victory. Toughest series was against Seattle (no offense Philly).
2017 can live rent free in his head. Plenty of space there.
I never mentioned them cheating this year. Glad they won it since I don't like the phillies. But 2017 is different. Numbers don't lie. Neither did the investigation, since the players had immunity.
Numbers don't lie. Outside of Marwin, there was no improvement. It's been proven numerous times by numerous outlets that the numbers didn't improve their performance.
And there's been ZERO proof about buzzers. That's a Jomboy conspiracy theory. Altuve and Buzzers is Epstein and suicide.
Please try to justify the laughable difference in the home/away splits in the postseason. They weren't even trying to hide it at that point.
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Let me ask you something, lets say a group was bullying someone and you joined in, somehow your mother found out and punished you, would you tell her "Well everyone else was doing it to!", do you think she would have accepted that as a good answer?
Let me ask you this if you bullied a kid and others did too, but only you got caught. And then 5 years later, the other bullies and their friends still talked about what a piece of sh*t you were every time your name got brought up, you wouldn’t be like, yeah I did it, but you guys did it too? I don’t think Astros fans are saying it’s ok bc others were doing it, they’re just trying to clear up the misconception that only the Astros were guilty of this. Because they weren’t. Do a little research on where video rooms were in most ballparks when they first became a thing, and then where they were located in most ballparks in 2017 and tell why you think they were moved.
@Possum80_MLBTS said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@Chrono_Omega_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
@eatyum_PSN said in Glad this is my last year:
Tale as old as time.
People still harping about the 2017 Astros and their cheating
and the Astro fans who just scream BuT EvErYoNe eLsE
Both things are really old
To be fair the everyone else argument keeps getting better with all these current and former players speaking out on it. Just weird no one wants to acknowledge it.
Let me ask you something, lets say a group was bullying someone and you joined in, somehow your mother found out and punished you, would you tell her "Well everyone else was doing it to!", do you think she would have accepted that as a good answer?
Let me ask you this if you bullied a kid and others did too, but only you got caught. And then 5 years later, the other bullies and their friends still talked about what a piece of sh*t you were every time your name got brought up, you wouldn’t be like, yeah I did it, but you guys did it too? I don’t think Astros fans are saying it’s ok bc others were doing it, they’re just trying to clear up the misconception that only the Astros were guilty of this. Because they weren’t. Do a little research on where video rooms were in most ballparks when they first became a thing, and then where they were located in most ballparks in 2017 and tell why you think they were moved.
Everytime it's brought up that's what Astros fans go to, sorry but it's not clearing up a misconception if that's the only thing they say every single time.
C CBrev47_MLBTS locked this topic on