Slide stepping
Where do you guys stand on slide stepping every pitch with bases empty?
Exploit or not?
Combine this with pausing between pitches and you get how some pretty good players actually pitch.
I was surprised by this tactic because I ran into a goon in the event who was mashing every mistake pitch. I decided to finish the game to see if I could hang with him. Nope. Lost 5-1.
Those of you who play above 700, how often are you seeing this?
I think that it's just another way to mess up your timing, it's just a simple strategy in my opinion.
@halfbutt said in Slide stepping:
Where do you guys stand on slide stepping every pitch with bases empty?
Exploit or not?
Combine this with pausing between pitches and you get how some pretty good players actually pitch.
I was surprised by this tactic because I ran into a goon in the event who was mashing every mistake pitch. I decided to finish the game to see if I could hang with him. Nope. Lost 5-1.
Those of you who play above 700, how often are you seeing this?
I’m no 700 player so might not have the credibility however I actually like it when people use that delivery. It has far less deception than most deliveries and breaking balls seem easier to spot and hit to me from the slide step.
@halfbutt said in Slide stepping:
Where do you guys stand on slide stepping every pitch with bases empty?
Exploit or not?
Combine this with pausing between pitches and you get how some pretty good players actually pitch.
I was surprised by this tactic because I ran into a goon in the event who was mashing every mistake pitch. I decided to finish the game to see if I could hang with him. Nope. Lost 5-1.
Those of you who play above 700, how often are you seeing this?
It’s very rare to see it tbh
Yeah I thought so. I mean, I’m used to seeing this from some players with runners on first that have good speed, but bases empty… not so much.
It’s easy to miss timing on pinpoint as well, so more hittable and wild pitches in the zone.
For somebody like Chapman, it’s actually easier for me to time his release with pinpoint than normal with the hitch he has.
Like somebody else said, it’s just another look too. If you can do it with all the pitches and mix, it’s effective, but smallest mistake and ball is over the wall. But if you hadn’t done it all game then quick pitch a slider out of nowhere, could get you out of a jam as most would assume heater.
I think using slide step like that is fine, probably clever.
I can’t help but think the guys doing it every pitch are just trying to “quick pitch”.
I know this is a hotly debated subject on here.
Tylerslikewhoawrote on Oct 19, 2022, 9:11 PM last edited by Tylerslikewhoa_XBL Oct 19, 2022, 9:13 PM
Nothing wrong with that
Sigh. The definitive authority has spoken.
personally never used it, but I think if ppl do it should make it much more easier to hit, like a greater +/- with better speed to home and chance to disrupt timing. I get a little meh when you can slide step and locate pitches the same as a normal stretch in someone who isnt quick to the plate
Yeah, I know it’s a video game, but there is a lot of fuss and muss about trying to make it play like rl baseball.
It seems kinda nuts that we have three year averages for player attributes, but you can still slidestep every pitch with just about any card in the game, no problem.