Week 1 Exchanges
Does anyone feel these are worth doing, especially in short programs like this? If so, what is the best way to do them? Bronze, Silvers, Golds?
I do them just because I want a head start to get to the bigger rewards and I have tons of live series cards in my inventory just from grinding the game so much. I personally just exchange a bunch of silvers until I’m close and then use a few bronze/commons to finish it.
@brainfreeze442 said in Week 1 Exchanges:
Does anyone feel these are worth doing, especially in short programs like this? If so, what is the best way to do them? Bronze, Silvers, Golds?
I do them. I start off with Golds at/around 83-84 and work my way down until I hit the required amount. Could I do it cheaper with Bronzes? Probably, but it's faster the way I do it. Besides, other than potential upgrades, I have no other use for those cards.
4 - 83
1 - 67
I do them. I start with commons because that is what I have most of, and every time I open a pack, I get more. I usually end in bronze. I'm not worried about exchanging a card that I need for a collection because I already have those locked in.
I can usually either get the first card to work on the missions or come close to it this way.
When I get a BR or RS reward for completing the program, I just exchange them for 100,000 points. I'm super lazy and just like to exchange one card.
Work smart, not hard.
I do the exchanges even though I shouldn't. I just like to complete the programs quickly. I normally use the gold and silver investment cards that didn't pan out.
For short programs, 100 percent do exchanges.
I definitely do them. I have so many duplicates at this point that its an easy way to get a jump start on XP. I usually just do a bunch of lower level golds and silvers. The only thing I keep an eye on is to hang on to any cards I think could jump to a higher level at some point, but that's about it.
Get the app and put in a ton of orders for 75 or 76 OVR cards that are at or near Sell Now price. It takes ~ 2 minutes to put in 50 buy orders. You can do it while your wife is telling you about her day.
I loaded up on a ton of exchange cards about a week ago (and made sure to spread them out equally across all six divisions). I was able to cash in on all Wk 1 exchanges and I have plenty for week 2.
LS cards are dirt cheap this time of year. The exchanges get you 30,000 XP head start. And if that means you reach the boss pack a day before the masses, that means you can sell your free one and then buy it back a few days later at a handsome profit.
How handsome? Ryan Gosling or better.