All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game
Hahaha finally somebody with a honestly funny post. Would love to play a game with you, I think we’d get along
Although my little brother did convince me to do all those things when I started DD from Franchise in MLB 20 (except for the binky)
Got a small benq monitor for cheaper than most TVs nowadays around ~$120 and it does make a difference in response time obviously. But if I’m playing friends or offline grinding it’s on the TV for sure
Hate strike zone camera angle as a former Franchiser but the benefits on pitch tracking is undeniable. I use the high version online for clear reasons
Has to toss the little thumb grips as well it just wasn’t working out. There was this small black one that I lost it would honestly help the PCI stability but haven’t found any like it since
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
Hate to break it to you but I have all those things and still suck. Sounds like someone needs a snuggle. I’ll send mommy home in a bit. Hang in there
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
Dang, and I thought I complained.
Karen level has hit extreme levels
All the [censored] hurts lmao..truth hurts ladies
They should have a monitor and tv setting and if you use kontrol freaks so you can get evenly matched up
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
This one is new…I’ll bite….you’re mad you can’t win, and can’t afford a monitor. So get out of your parents basement get a job and upgrade from that 36 inch Toshiba Tube TV and get yourself a monitor and then I’m sure your parents will be ok since you showed initiative and got a job to let you quit and hold out for that position in management at McDonalds. Bunch of free time to practice then!
@lioned-33_xbl said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
This one is new…I’ll bite….you’re mad you can’t win, and can’t afford a monitor. So get out of your parents basement get a job and upgrade from that 36 inch Toshiba Tube TV and get yourself a monitor and then I’m sure your parents will be ok since you showed initiative and got a job to let you quit and hold out for that position in management at McDonalds. Bunch of free time to practice then!
It’s okay just let him suck on his copium a little longer
@theblindrhino said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
Poor people, who cannot afford nice things, should concentrate on personal growth rather than attacking other people.
uffffffffff game over that's the biscuit right here
He makes good points, but I think good players would still be good playing on a TV, tbh. A monitor is like steroids in a way, lol, but no way I'm going back, so just roll with the changes, OP.
You can get your point across without name calling. -
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
LOL....playing on a PS5 is considered cheating. Only the guys who play on 1st gen PS4 & boxed tv's are superior in life.
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
I can't insert the Billy Madison gif someone help me out
@konphlikt_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
- Buys popcorn
- Buys new monitor
- Buys Kontrol Freeks
- Switches to Strike Zone
Hey wait, I lost again. Oh wait.
- Buys binky
I still lost...
I don't think this is accurate, fellas.
It’s the butter from the popcorn
@jake98833_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
I can't insert the Billy Madison gif someone help me out
I love this guy (op). We need more of this on the forums. First interesting post we’ve had in a long time here. Keep going OP!!!!
I can say I’m worse on the PS5 than 4, the 4 seemed to have better response time.
This post is deleted!
Sometimes I think to myself, these kind of people can't be real or serious right? Then I see I'm on the internet and realize it is real and humanity is doomed, ah well.
@dlgltal-athlete_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
@theninjaraven_psn said in All monitor/ strikezone players suck at the game:
All you cheaters who need fast response computer monitors/ only can use strikezone setting/ little thumb grips, and a binky up your [censored]...this is the only way you win.
Real actual good players dont need all that in order to win. We play on Ps5s or 4's with a tv. So called top players use all the bells and whistles to get where they are. This is why every pitch you pitch to these sad little ones is a homerun hit. Cheaters. Said my peace girls.
Dang, and I thought I complained.
Oh yes, you do. We still remember how you sent Sparky away, dirt floors, 3rd world rant and all that [censored]. We just forgave you.
I play on my 13" black and CRT TV that still has dial to turn to different channels to. I have it connected via RF adaptor. 166p resolution. I want the challenge.