Keep on getting disconnected from mlb the show servers
I’ve been getting disconnected from the show servers, I have a feeling it’s not on my end as I have 200mb/s internet and I’m connected through Ethernet, I have spoken to my Internet provider and everything is good on that side. I don’t have problems connecting to any other games or staying connected to them, with this being said when I am dropped from the server or get disconnected my internet is totally fine. I don’t know what could be interfering with it as there is very few devices connected to internet around the house and there’s only one other person living in the house. If anybody has recommendations or similar problems with a fix let me know .
I'm probably around a 33% disconnect rate. I really like the game but at this point I'm ready to stop playing. There's no point playing ranked or BR when there is at least as good a chance to get a loss from disconnects as there is being beaten by your opponent.
Are you using the gamepass version? Try buying the game. Walmart has it for $40
I hope you are a bot or employee of SDS. Imagine typing that and feeling like it was an intelligent response or solution for the disconnect issues. I really hope you got paid but was it really worth making yourself look like you're incapable of having a intelligent discussion? Go buy it at Walmart and it will work right? Will it work as well as the game performed at the content creator tournament or did they not have Walmart sourced discs?
@kyuss_xbl said in Keep on getting disconnected from mlb the show servers:
I hope you are a bot or employee of SDS. Imagine typing that and feeling like it was an intelligent response or solution for the disconnect issues. I really hope you got paid but was it really worth making yourself look like you're incapable of having a intelligent discussion? Go buy it at Walmart and it will work right? Will it work as well as the game performed at the content creator tournament or did they not have Walmart sourced discs?
I have both versions so I can confirm it doesn’t do anything, and it’s not a matter of my console cause I have 2 with separate accounts. It’s not a matter of my internet as I’ve just gotten everything reset and have gotten a new modem and router due to this very reason. This wasn’t a problem til the recent updates.
I am glad to read this. I play using the switch and I am getting frustrated with disconnect issues as well. Would love a suggestion to fix this.
Happening to me now. They’re dealing with problems.
I’m back in the game now. For a few minutes I couldn’t connect to anything. Which leads me to believe that it was a PSN issue.
For the switch, always save and exit 100!