Hey SDS.
@jacky-chan1_xbl said in Hey SDS.:
Are you using pin point? I use classic. It's not me it's the game. Thx for the negativity.
I made the switch to pinpoint last season. It's worth the effort to learn. Classic is a box of randomness.
Unfortunately for beginners timing hitting should not be rewarded in online play. This is my first year playing DD and I forced myself to learn PCI.
I use pulse pitching because I am not good enough with pinpoint yet. It probably costs me 1 to 2 HR with hung pitches when I play good players.
Can we pin this thread for the
who claim they get beat online because their opponent was using timing?
OP, when you swing, you need to time the swing and have good PCI placement. You're letting the CPU do the PCI placement for you by choosing that hitting interface. You can't complain about random outcomes when you are letting the CPU choose your PCI placement at random.
@lckdb_xbl said in Hey SDS.:
Unfortunately for beginners timing hitting should not be rewarded in online play. This is my first year playing DD and I forced myself to learn PCI.
I use pulse pitching because I am not good enough with pinpoint yet. It probably costs me 1 to 2 HR with hung pitches when I play good players.
I also use pulse. It does the job well enough. I’m not good enough with the pci to beat elite players anyway. I think I made it to like 823ish using pulse. After that it just gets too hard for me. I simply don’t have the reaction time I had 7 years ago when I first started playing.
@jacky-chan1_xbl said in Hey SDS.:
I know people rant here about hitting being broke, unbalanced, unfair etc. Let's talk pitching.
Hey SDS,
I just got destroyed 10-1 and 10-1 in ranked with good pitchers who couldn't find the strike zone. Both have excellent control h/9, control, and bb/9. Yet I couldn't find the zone with them and each pitch was uncontrollable. I couldn't hit ANY spot I wanted to in the zone.
Walks and homers. Hard hits. Are you forcing us to use pin point pitching? I Play to have fun. I enjoy competition too. There are alot of us that want a balanced fair competitive enjoyable game. Please tell me you do too.
Hey SDS,
I know people again complain about this but in those 10-1 losses I clearly should have hit the ball well for homerun etc. I hit on timing only. The timing was "good" and the ball was in the zone, hittable for something positive. I end up MISSING it, popping up, grounding out, fouling it off, lazy fly ball, etc. Does this have to do something with the Vis stat number?
I swung with Devers. Cutter was down the middle. I used CONTACT swing with 2 strikes. It was "good" timing just barely perfect. And I swing and MISS? What the hell is that? It happened to me at least a dozen times with different players on different counts in these two games where I should have gotten positive results. A line drive? I hard hit ball to the wall? Robbed by a great fielding play? No. Nope. Nothing.So, when I read players posting about hitting and pitching and all this. I tend to agree. SDS I don't know if you are forcing players to use the PCI or Pin Point to have fun or be competitive on ranked or against ANY player and call it *as intended" or "it's where we want it", I find that understandable yet concerning.
What determines whether Devers hits a homerun on that example above? If I use PCI would that be a homer? Non perfect, basic homer? Great positive result only when you use PCI?
I deeply love baseball and MLB the Show. I don't mind losing. But when I see obvious bulllarky examples of SDS pushing us to use only one type of pitching or hitting tool to have fun or be competitive, I call that frustrating.
It's obvious why but that's a discussion elsewhere.
Please be positive on any response post. This is in no way meant to say I hate the game and it's terrible and on and on. I still enjoy it. Maybe those players were just better. Being the first week of the new ranked season.
I just felt I needed to pass on my thoughts here to the community and SDS. Hopefully they will respond make adjustments or at least understand our thoughts on this.Thank you
*Edited for typos etc.
I like Turtles
Some posts here make me laugh.
OP, the game right now, like it or not, is calibrated for Pinpoint Pitching and Zone Hitting.
If you're not doing those, well...that's on you.
@jacky-chan1_xbl said in Hey SDS.:
Are you using pin point? I use classic. It's not me it's the game. Thx for the negativity.
i use Meter for years, just pitched a beauty shutout game in RS with Al Leiter on AS around the 500's
@jonblaze2424_psn said in Hey SDS.:
My dude, I just threw back to back GEMS giving up 1 run in 18 innings with Mussina and Jobe spotting almost anything and everything. On All Star.
It's not the game. It's you.
It most definitely can be the game sometimes. When you get 27 good swings and only 7 of them landed for hits that’s busted yet my opponent had 11 good swings and 5 for hits. Only won 7-6 in 10 innings, the game can definitely be unfair when it wants to.
I guess some of you can't read. I used timing with Devers, cutter down the middle, near perfect timing, swing and a miss. If the game wasn't broken at least I'd make contact. I used CONTACT swing with 2 strikes. If you say using timing the CPU would determine if it's a hit or in play as an out then the CPU or ai whatever is specifically designed to force players to use PCI. It tells me it's rigged.
I am not trying to fricken get to world series, not an I trying to blow out the opponent. I am saying REWARD your player with something if you did everything correct. If I hit a can of corn or ground ball out, fine. But don't tell me that I should swing and MISS. That's bs.This happened to other hitters too.
As far as classic pitching, last ranked season using Maddox I pitched back to back complete game shut outs. I could fine the zone and get the player to chase. The fact I couldn't find the zone and nothing went where I wanted it in the new season tells me alot. That the game is rigged.
If you have a good pitcher with the best stats, why can't you perform well in ranked.
Even PCI pitchers miss the zone sometimes. Classic should as well. There has had to be a higher chance of missing your target on classic sure. But 99% missing in the new ranked compared to 99% hitting your spots in the previous seems a bit rediculous. But RNG will be RNG.
I play to have fun, not destroy the competition.
I think you are confusing random rng with intentional rigging against you. It's not rigged, if you want to rely on RNG (especially on the pitching side), you are going to have absolutely dominant games and then also ones where nothing goes your way. That's not rigged, that's just what RNG is
@jonblaze2424_psn said in Hey SDS.:
My dude, I just threw back to back GEMS giving up 1 run in 18 innings with Mussina and Jobe spotting almost anything and everything. On All Star.
It's not the game. It's you.
Yeah, everyone I play hits the black consistently. Even a 2 strike approach will leave you 0-2 in the count.
@eatyum_psn said in Hey SDS.:
I think you are confusing random rng with intentional rigging against you. It's not rigged, if you want to rely on RNG (especially on the pitching side), you are going to have absolutely dominant games and then also ones where nothing goes your way. That's not rigged, that's just what RNG is
You are so right on this. You better be very consistent or you will be subject to RNG madness. Consistency separates the good from average players.
@eatyum_psn said in Hey SDS.:
I think you are confusing random rng with intentional rigging against you. It's not rigged, if you want to rely on RNG (especially on the pitching side), you are going to have absolutely dominant games and then also ones where nothing goes your way. That's not rigged, that's just what RNG is
I think you're right. Thx
I appreciate the constructive criticism. I'll try pulse. And practice PCI
Any time you use anything other than zone as a hitter and pinpoint as a pitcher you are putting yourself at the mercy of attributes and, I would guess, much more prominent RNG.
Those are the most challenging interfaces to use, but they give you the most control and reward you most often on good input.
I recently had shoulder replacement surgery and got bored so I set it to timing and classic so I could play with 1 hand. I only played against the computer on rookie but classic is terrible. The only way I could throw strikes consistently was to aim down the middle and even then it wasn't a great strike percentage. I normally use pure analog which works great for me. I imagine any other setting will beat classic.