Why can't they fix hitting
@spin_doctor01_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@l3thalph3nom_xbl said in Why can't they fix hitting:
It's insane how inaccurate their hitting mechanism is.... [censored] games almost as broken as Vanguard
What exactly do you think is broken? All due respect, but telling SDS to "fix the hitting" is not helpful. In order to fix something, you have to know what the problem is. I don't personally have a problem with the hitting.
The problem is it’s 10 times easier to hit when losing
What’s a tin hat
@sackattack23_xbl said in Why can't they fix hitting:
What’s a tin hat
Lol. Man you need your own comedy show
@spin_doctor01_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@sackattack23_xbl said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@spin_doctor01_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@l3thalph3nom_xbl said in Why can't they fix hitting:
It's insane how inaccurate their hitting mechanism is.... [censored] games almost as broken as Vanguard
What exactly do you think is broken? All due respect, but telling SDS to "fix the hitting" is not helpful. In order to fix something, you have to know what the problem is. I don't personally have a problem with the hitting.
The fact that hitting becomes 5 times easier the second your losing
That's a pretty strong conspiracy theory. Got any proof?
Bro play the gamedo u not play the game is not got about 60 sum wins prolly 40 sum loses in ranked n almost every game i play the second one of us gets a lead the other swings with a metal bat the next inning n I’m not saying it impossible to not give up a home run to these metal bats but take a 1-0 lead the other person gettin foul balls till they launch one 50 percent of the time u losing by 1 the hits that we’re flying to the outfielder go to gaps r 425 feet bombs n I’ve hit plenty of first home runs n stayed in plenty of games where people hit first home run on me
@ironman004_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
The hitting started off good. PCI was on point however I've noticed that during online ranked game play the weaker the opponent the more susceptible you are to losing. No matter what adjustments are made the game plays in favor of your weaker opponent. I have consistent images on my PS 5 where my PCI placement was good and my timing was good and sometimes perfect, these resulted in outs. However, my opponent gets a hit with a ball in on the handle or a homer on a pitch up and in. Example: last night I hit a ball with D'Arnaud perfect timing dead center end result routine fly ball. Realistically based on accuracy this game is over. 9th inning with 2 outs I bring in Jansen on a righty righty match up the first cutter I throw Teoscar Hernandez hits a homer to LEFT (395FT.) on a cutter (down and away outside corner). Then in extras runner advances on a passed ball and RAMIEL TAPIA HITS A SEEING EYE SINGLE IN ON THE HANDS THAT ROLLS OVER SECOND BASE AT ABOUT 10MPH COSTING ME THE GAME!!!!!! This is a constant and that was the same issue last year. I dropped from 1922 to 1908 because of that. I have beaten top 10 players on this game but yet I lose to a player ranked 1000 because San Diego Studios refuses to fix an issue that has been plaguing this game for years. FIX THE HITTING PLAIN AND SIMPLE IF NOT THINGS GOTTA GO BOTH WAYS. JUST BECAUSE MY OPPONENT IS NOT HIGHLY RANKED DOESNT MEAN THE GAME SHOULD RUN IN A WAY TO MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO WIN.
Bro this is the only real comment I’ve seen this is what I’ve been trying to say n I don’t think it’s only when players r worse then u it feels like the second u score the first run no matter how late r early into the game the second after u score it the other team starts swinging with metal bats n it’s so depriving
@joshjays44_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@ironman004_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
JOSHJAYS44, send me a friend invite and I'll play you on LEGEND and whether I win, lose, or you quit. Which I hope you don't i'll send you my proof of my game against you. However, no excuses as to this game not being off/ broken. I usually play during AM eastern time. I only play with the BRAVES since as far back as Ken Griffey Baseball. You let me know and I'll definitely play you and prove your quote wrong.
Dude I'm not playing online, I'm not a newbbbbb. Isn't online a hot mess? with Default sliders and super slow pitch speeds? I don't feel like hitting knuckleball pitch speeds all game long..what about input lag? or slow downs or whatever other silly nuances online play has.
You are 100% wrong. Online is way better then what you said. Just not factually correct.
If this game was better more people would be into baseball n that’s just facts
@jacky-chan1_xbl said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@joshjays44_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@ironman004_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
JOSHJAYS44, send me a friend invite and I'll play you on LEGEND and whether I win, lose, or you quit. Which I hope you don't i'll send you my proof of my game against you. However, no excuses as to this game not being off/ broken. I usually play during AM eastern time. I only play with the BRAVES since as far back as Ken Griffey Baseball. You let me know and I'll definitely play you and prove your quote wrong.
Dude I'm not playing online, I'm not a newbbbbb. Isn't online a hot mess? with Default sliders and super slow pitch speeds? I don't feel like hitting knuckleball pitch speeds all game long..what about input lag? or slow downs or whatever other silly nuances online play has.
You are 100% wrong. Online is way better then what you said. Just not factually correct.
Wait online isn't default sliders?..how do both players play with the same sliders then?..do you have to agree before hand when you start a game? How does that work?. From the so called The Show guys on youtube, when I look at their videos the pitch speeds are soooooo slow, I could never hit like that..its like slow pitch grannie baseball. What about lag? what if the other person is on crappy internet wouldn't that affect gameplay?
At this point I think you are trolling.
SackAttack23, to address and answer your question. When hitting you have a PCI the PCI is supposed to symbolize the sweet part of the bat. Right? Anything outside of the PCI is either a swing and a miss, bad contact resulting in a routine out, or best case scenario a foul. With that said if the pitch is completely outside of the PCI that should always result in a swing and miss however that's not what's going on during online game play. Pitches outside of the PCI are resulting in hits and pitches that are dead center with good timing and perfect contact are resulting in outs. SDS has to fix that.
I get all the lag input dialog etc. however I along with anyone that has played this game will agree the online hitting is broken. How can you even play for "prizes/ money when the results are bogus??? I can deal with lag to an extent although I have excellent internet connection and anyone that has played online since the franchise 1st debuted online years ago will agree. For example you can't have 10 at bats with 4 perfect contacts and 6 good contact and they all result in outs. Meanwhile your opponent has 10 at bats chases on every pitch (free swinger) doesn't even move the PCI strikes out 7 out of the 10 at bats but yet miraculously hits a seeing eye single on a sinker in the dirt, a bloop single on a pitch up way above the letters, and then to add insult to injury hits a homer on a pitch that would be considered chin music. I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW ANYONE THAT PLAYS ONLINE DOESN'T SEE THAT???? I WOULD BE THE FIRST TO POINT THE FINGER AT MYSELF IF I WERE A NEWBIE OR I JUST PLAIN SUCKED BUT I DONT AND I AM NOT I'VE BEEN PLAYING THIS FOR YEARS. THIS IS 2022 THERE IS NO REASON WHY THEY SHOULD'NT OR ARE INCAPABLE OF FIXING THIS ISSUE. (SDS) YET, THEY HAVE INTRODUCED CROSSED PLATFORM GAME PLAY. (TOO MAKE MONEY) I KNOW I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE, THIS GAME CAN BE THE BEST ONE YET ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS FIX THE INCONSISTENT HITTING MECHANICS.
@joshjays44_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@jacky-chan1_xbl said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@joshjays44_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@ironman004_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
JOSHJAYS44, send me a friend invite and I'll play you on LEGEND and whether I win, lose, or you quit. Which I hope you don't i'll send you my proof of my game against you. However, no excuses as to this game not being off/ broken. I usually play during AM eastern time. I only play with the BRAVES since as far back as Ken Griffey Baseball. You let me know and I'll definitely play you and prove your quote wrong.
Dude I'm not playing online, I'm not a newbbbbb. Isn't online a hot mess? with Default sliders and super slow pitch speeds? I don't feel like hitting knuckleball pitch speeds all game long..what about input lag? or slow downs or whatever other silly nuances online play has.
You are 100% wrong. Online is way better then what you said. Just not factually correct.
Wait online isn't default sliders?..how do both players play with the same sliders then?..do you have to agree before hand when you start a game? How does that work?. From the so called The Show guys on youtube, when I look at their videos the pitch speeds are soooooo slow, I could never hit like that..its like slow pitch grannie baseball. What about lag? what if the other person is on crappy internet wouldn't that affect gameplay?
You are too funny Josh...As soon as you get challenged, you tuck your tail and run. But but what about my sliders????? Just more proof that you have more in your Red Bull than just skill. Keep chomping on those Hot Pockets LOLOLOLOL
@texas10pt_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@joshjays44_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@jacky-chan1_xbl said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@joshjays44_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@ironman004_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
JOSHJAYS44, send me a friend invite and I'll play you on LEGEND and whether I win, lose, or you quit. Which I hope you don't i'll send you my proof of my game against you. However, no excuses as to this game not being off/ broken. I usually play during AM eastern time. I only play with the BRAVES since as far back as Ken Griffey Baseball. You let me know and I'll definitely play you and prove your quote wrong.
Dude I'm not playing online, I'm not a newbbbbb. Isn't online a hot mess? with Default sliders and super slow pitch speeds? I don't feel like hitting knuckleball pitch speeds all game long..what about input lag? or slow downs or whatever other silly nuances online play has.
You are 100% wrong. Online is way better then what you said. Just not factually correct.
Wait online isn't default sliders?..how do both players play with the same sliders then?..do you have to agree before hand when you start a game? How does that work?. From the so called The Show guys on youtube, when I look at their videos the pitch speeds are soooooo slow, I could never hit like that..its like slow pitch grannie baseball. What about lag? what if the other person is on crappy internet wouldn't that affect gameplay?
You are too funny Josh...As soon as you get challenged, you tuck your tail and run. But but what about my sliders????? Just more proof that you have more in your Red Bull than just skill. Keep chomping on those Hot Pockets LOLOLOLOL
Maybe I should send you my super duper awesome Slider set up and gameplay settings, you will grow hairs on parts that haven't grown hair before
They’d rather have you keep purchasing year after year crying and complaining only to keep playing
@ironman004_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
Lol I don't complain, and I play from 08, it is what is man,
Problem with most of you guys is that you expect a homerun in every at bat
Or a homerun on every good timing
It never has been like that and it will never be like that
And the cliche thing to say: in real life it isn't like that neither
There not going to fix hitting for the rest of 22, last year they changed it so much it ruined hitting.
@jjdaggasreturns_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
There not going to fix hitting for the rest of 22, last year they changed it so much it ruined hitting.
How is hitting ruined, in your opinion? 90% of the complaints here never mention what they think needs fixing. Most of the time it's like "SDS, fix your game!!!!!!"
What good is that shite? If you said, "SDS, get rid of the secret algorithm that makes me hit like [censored]" then you'd be onto something.
@richismushbud_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@joshjays44_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
@masonhead13_psn said in Why can't they fix hitting:
In general the hitting has been pretty good this year.And I've been playing for 15 years.So ide like too think I would have an idea about that.
Its cause we live in a world of noobs and casual these days with a lack of accountability...when these DD players can't score 10 runs a game they have to blame something cause obviously it can't be them. Hitting is amazing this year, as you all know I play on Legend with pitch speeds maxed with matured sliders so the game plays like a gem. But with newbies and casuals its a hot mess until they take the time to practice and get better, when they don't they come on here and complain like a child.
I’ll be honest online stinks nothing but a lag/stutter fest because of some clown playing on Wi-Fi probably but the lag comp for these players is ridiculously high. Is it normal for pitches to freeze 3 times on the way to the plate?
@dontred0nme_xbl said in Why can't they fix hitting:
I don't if anything changed but I am having issues with fast balls. Never had that much of a problem before but now I am late all the time.
My ways for hitting fastballs
#1 Monitor
Helps a lot but not everyone can get/afford one#2 Warming up before grinding/playing H2H games
Go to sliders, set fastball speed to max. Then go to custom practice, use a hitter who's swing you like against any live series/legend player with generally fast stuff (DeGrom, Diaz, Ryan, etc.) Set the difficulty to hall of fame and start with only inside pitches and expand the zone as you get used to the insanely fast pitches. You don't have to be hitting perfect in the slightest since these pitches are well beyond any selectable difficulty and are more meant to make all star or whatever difficulty feel slower in comparison and sharpen your reaction time. After doing this BP for a while. You usually will be able to go into ranked and hit fastballs without latency.#3 Where you stare while batting
I used to stare at the PCI while batting and wait for the pitch to come in. But the smartest way is to stare at the pitchers cap because you can see his arm winding up and get more reaction time for the pitch.