Anyway to go back to a 2 way ballplayer?
Finally chose to be a starting pitcher just to see how it would go. Now I want to go back to being a 2 way player and can not do it. It may let you in the second season of rtts but seeing how we can't play a second season as it freezes after the first. I'm not able to do so. Anyone have a work around to go back to a 2 way player without losing the progress of your current player? Thanks. Hopefully SDS fixes the beta version and gives us the full game which most of us paid for.
Roughly 30 games in to your first season you’ll have a meeting with your coach and he will ask you if you are still happy with your current position. You can switch at that time
Yeah well its not happening anymore. Once I selected to be a pitcher it will not give the option to go back to 2 way. Perhaps in the second season it allows you to do so. However, with that being absolutely broke at the moment (perhaps forever). There is no way for me to change it back. Was experimenting and it back fired on me. Oh well. Really disappointed with the game this year.
I think this year they made it so that once you choose your player type, that's it. People complained last year that they force fed you the 2 way player stuff. Look it up in the pre-launch RTTS stream; pretty sure I'm right about this.
Last year, I was forced to play 2-way, even though I only wanted to pitch. You'd get the manager question twice per season, and after a few times saying no, they switch you to 2-way anyway, and then there's no going back.
This year, it doesn't seem possible to be converted to 2-way (except for that pesky bug, which I blame on Chris Russo).