Sds when will mini seasons actually get fixed....just got froze out of semi final game on a pop up. .a freaking pop up froze the game ....just ridiculous
@krazy-kajun77 said in Sds:
Sds when will mini seasons actually get fixed....just got froze out of semi final game on a pop up. .a freaking pop up froze the game ....just ridiculous
That does not just happen in mini seasons. I have had foul ball pop outs cause freezes in March To October and Showdown (it happened on a boss battle and cost me my run)
I am getting game freeze against the CPU on foul balls. Right when I catch the ball it freezes. Like its a ranked game on line. I did not have off line freezes last year. Just on line ranked/event/BR on occasion.
Untangled error after reaching finals.....this mode is beyond dead it seems