Still Can’t Link Switch?
Can someone explain step by step how to link accounts? I've tried signing in repeatedly on the original screen. And unlike the twitch icon which has a "link" button, there is no link button by the switch on the Show account page.
Where is this code? Obviously I have a show account. Have the game on PS5 and Switch. Fire up the game on the switch, go to profile, and there is nothing suggesting link account or being given a code to input into the show account.
Don't bother with linking your switch, apparently items don't carry over. It did state that Stubs bought on NS won't transfer but I didn't see anything about everything else. I linked the NS and everything in the deluxe edition was gone until I unlinked it. So much for cross platform progression unless it's in game earned I guess.
@zrowe_mlbts said in Still Can’t Link Switch?:
Where is this code? Obviously I have a show account. Have the game on PS5 and Switch. Fire up the game on the switch, go to profile, and there is nothing suggesting link account or being given a code to input into the show account.
Your show account is not the same as your PS account. With the switch, you should show three different accounts - The Show, your PS, and the Switch. The linking is done in The Show account using the code from inside the game on your Switch.
That being said, I haven't tried it yet. I'm waiting for the standard edition for my Switch and then I will link them.
@enoxone_mlbts said in Still Can’t Link Switch?:
Don't bother with linking your switch, apparently items don't carry over. It did state that Stubs bought on NS won't transfer but I didn't see anything about everything else. I linked the NS and everything in the deluxe edition was gone until I unlinked it. So much for cross platform progression unless it's in game earned I guess.
Your inventory didn't cross over? That's not good. They said in the video that the full inventory would be available on both. I guess I'll find out in 4 days...
Yeah I'm having the same problem. I link my Switch it all disappears. Unlink it's there. So now I have one decent Switch lineup and one decent XBOX lineup that would be pretty sweet together but I'll have to wait who knows how long for a ticket update.
How did you link the switch? Do you need to have an active Nintendo Online account? Sounds stupid, but a step by step instruction would a long way.
Also, does anyone know if this is true. If you buy deluxe on the switch and ps5/xbox you can only get the preorder items for one system per account. But if you buy the deluxe on both PS5 and Xbox they will stack the preorder offers to one account.
If this is the case, they better offer refunds for services not rendered.
@zrowe_mlbts said in Still Can’t Link Switch?:
How did you link the switch? Do you need to have an active Nintendo Online account? Sounds stupid, but a step by step instruction would a long way.
Also, does anyone know if this is true. If you buy deluxe on the switch and ps5/xbox you can only get the preorder items for one system per account. But if you buy the deluxe on both PS5 and Xbox they will stack the preorder offers to one account.
If this is the case, they better offer refunds for services not rendered.
I mean that's how it seems right now. I'm holding off on PS5 but Switch/XBOX aren't stacking.
@blind_bleeder said in Still Can’t Link Switch?:
@enoxone_mlbts said in Still Can’t Link Switch?:
Don't bother with linking your switch, apparently items don't carry over. It did state that Stubs bought on NS won't transfer but I didn't see anything about everything else. I linked the NS and everything in the deluxe edition was gone until I unlinked it. So much for cross platform progression unless it's in game earned I guess.
Your inventory didn't cross over? That's not good. They said in the video that the full inventory would be available on both. I guess I'll find out in 4 days...
That's what I thought too. Lets hope it's a glitch and the 25,000 deluxe edition stubs can be spent on stuff on the NS and brought over cross platform. That was my original plan anyway.
I finally figured it out. You need the following; a Show account, a PS account, and a Nintendo account. Log into your Show account. Click on account. You will see a blank space for cross platform link code. You have to go into your ballplayer icon in upper left hand corner on the Switch. Once you get the big head in the center there is clickable “link account” button in lower right hand corner. That gives you a code to put into the Show account website. Then it will ask you which progress to link. Link the PS5 progress if you started there (like I did). It works and everything transfers over (I’ve been going back and forth). Haven’t bought stubs so can’t comment on how that’s handled. But earned stubs are there on both.
Thanks for the info Johnny. I have a switch and a PS5, but am waiting so see how all this works on the Switch. I look forward to hearing more about game play. Reviews of the game on the Switch on the Tech Test left a bit to be desired.
@enoxone_mlbts said in Still Can’t Link Switch?:
Don't bother with linking your switch, apparently items don't carry over. It did state that Stubs bought on NS won't transfer but I didn't see anything about everything else. I linked the NS and everything in the deluxe edition was gone until I unlinked it. So much for cross platform progression unless it's in game earned I guess.
Yeah, pretty whack tbh. Same thing happened to me. As soon as I linked my switch all my cards and stubs were gone. Literally makes no sense
Just figure it out too. You have to create your RTTS player to open up the option to link it.
All preorder packs are gone after linking the account. Hopefully it’s just delayed
I use my Xbox as my primary console and just bought the switch version, linked my accounts but can’t see any of my cards or progress from my Xbox? Bug? Or am I missing something?
It should have asked you on the switch if you wanted to continue with local save or server save. You should have chose server since xbox is your primary.
Linked. PS5 primary. Just got the Xbox abs switch oled. Created franchise on PS5, but could not download from cloud to Nintendo switch. Any suggestions? Plan on taking switch on vacation instead of lugging ps5. Game play is more difficult on switch imho.