56 and 1,510
Can anyone guess what those two numbers represent?
If you said 56 days until 22 releases and that there are 1,510 Buy Orders for Finest Trea Turner; then you are correct.
What's so special about these numbers?
Well, considering when I put in my Buy Order for Turner on Jan 7th, that STILL hasn't been filled, there were only 1,413 orders ahead of me.
The next number is 0.
The answer to that is how much if a percentage is there that I will get my Buy Order filled BEFORE 22 releases.
Hey guys, it's the end of the cycle. How about some Event Rewind packs that include ALL the past Event rewards, like the BR and WS packs, instead of 4 random ones.
Maybe that way someone of us can actually get out Turner Buy Order filled before the new game drops.
It's risky to count on buy orders to get elite event rewards like Trea that late in the game cycle. That's why I grinded for him. I'm really glad I didn't sell him either lol.
Honestly I just think most people who have him are either not playing this game anymore or they see no reason to sell him. Stubs mean nothing at this point. So yeah, my buy order will probably never go through which is why I've been grinding the events lately for the rewind packs.
So I completely understand SDS and their million dollar cap for most of the year (see the ridiculous prices of top cards in 2K for example) but at this point in the cycle they really should raise the cap to 2 million+.
My goal was to get every card and I achieved it, but only from massive amounts of grinding. I knew I wouldn't get a couple of them otherwise.
@dbub_psn said in 56 and 1,510:
So I completely understand SDS and their million dollar cap for most of the year (see the ridiculous prices of top cards in 2K for example) but at this point in the cycle they really should raise the cap to 2 million+.
My goal was to get every card and I achieved it, but only from massive amounts of grinding. I knew I wouldn't get a couple of them otherwise.
I don't think a 2 million + cap would help in the situation. This issue isn't people unwilling to sell because a million stubs isn't enough. The issue is the lack of supply. People who have him probably have all the cards / stubs they want and there is no reason to sell. I wouldn't sell mine for 20 million.
The only solution is a forever event with guaranteed Trea Turners or a ton of rewind packs low in the reward path.
@pennstatefencer said in 56 and 1,510:
@dbub_psn said in 56 and 1,510:
So I completely understand SDS and their million dollar cap for most of the year (see the ridiculous prices of top cards in 2K for example) but at this point in the cycle they really should raise the cap to 2 million+.
My goal was to get every card and I achieved it, but only from massive amounts of grinding. I knew I wouldn't get a couple of them otherwise.
I don't think a 2 million + cap would help in the situation. This issue isn't people unwilling to sell because a million stubs isn't enough. The issue is the lack of supply. People who have him probably have all the cards / stubs they want and there is no reason to sell. I wouldn't sell mine for 20 million.
The only solution is a forever event with guaranteed Trea Turners or a ton of rewind packs low in the reward path.
Yeah but raising the cap would reduce the number of orders.
Maybe my 2 mil+ is too low. Maybe no cap at all would help.
I get that everyone is stub rich but I'm sure there's far less people with like 5 mil to spend vs people with 1 mil.I also think there would be enough people with Trea but missing other good cards, tire of using him, or whatever and would gladly take 5 mil for him.
The answers are. 56, for the 56 game hitting streak of DiMaggio. And 1510 was Cole Hammels SAT score.
If you wanted him so bad then you should have earned him in the Event. Since you didn’t, you can either grind the events and take your chances with the Rewind packs(5 cards per pack btw) or you can sit and wait with your buy order and make a new thread complaining about it every few days.
0 - The Number of F*$&s given about how long anyone has to wait on a card in the market. Move Along.
@gixxerryder750 said in 56 and 1,510:
0 - The Number of F*$&s given about how long anyone has to wait on a card in the market. Move Along.
That's actually 1 because you must've given one to make a reply. Now YOU can move along.
@x8114xmafiax_psn said in 56 and 1,510:
Can anyone guess what those two numbers represent?
If you said 56 days until 22 releases and that there are 1,510 Buy Orders for Finest Trea Turner; then you are correct.
What's so special about these numbers?
Well, considering when I put in my Buy Order for Turner on Jan 7th, that STILL hasn't been filled, there were only 1,413 orders ahead of me.
The next number is 0.
The answer to that is how much if a percentage is there that I will get my Buy Order filled BEFORE 22 releases.
Hey guys, it's the end of the cycle. How about some Event Rewind packs that include ALL the past Event rewards, like the BR and WS packs, instead of 4 random ones.
Maybe that way someone of us can actually get out Turner Buy Order filled before the new game drops.
Isn’t he available in the rewind event rewards packs? Complain less and go play events if you want him so badly.
@x8114xmafiax_psn said in 56 and 1,510:
Can anyone guess what those two numbers represent?
If you said 56 days until 22 releases and that there are 1,510 Buy Orders for Finest Trea Turner; then you are correct.
What's so special about these numbers?
Well, considering when I put in my Buy Order for Turner on Jan 7th, that STILL hasn't been filled, there were only 1,413 orders ahead of me.
The next number is 0.
The answer to that is how much if a percentage is there that I will get my Buy Order filled BEFORE 22 releases.
Hey guys, it's the end of the cycle. How about some Event Rewind packs that include ALL the past Event rewards, like the BR and WS packs, instead of 4 random ones.
Maybe that way someone of us can actually get out Turner Buy Order filled before the new game drops.
Well you could’ve played the event that he was featured in, just saying. Not trying to be a troll!!!
I have played each event since getting Turner and have yet to be able to select him again. I gotten like at least 1 flashback pack per event since the event he was in. I'd love to be able to sell him for a million stubs.
@texastauper_psn said in 56 and 1,510:
I have played each event since getting Turner and have yet to be able to select him again. I gotten like at least 1 flashback pack per event since the event he was in. I'd love to be able to sell him for a million stubs.
Those event rewind packs are stacked like the premium packs. Where the most elite rewards will be featured in about 1:5 or 1:10 packs. That’s why playing that particular event was so important.
I have won 0 event games this year. Mainly because I am absolute garbage at online play. It's my first year and I'm just not good enough at hitting to go very far.
I got Turner a week after he came out because as soon as Gehrig and Wagner set the bar for 1M, I listened to the good people on here who knew what they were talking about and made my stubs by grinding, flipping and a little BR and put my buy order in the day he was announced. I know there are players far better than I who grind the event over and over and don't get him so I agree, he should be a guaranteed reward in a forever event.
Despite not being much of an online player (I'm sure my 8-41 RS record speaks for itself) and not knowing a darn thing when I started playing DD in May, I have every card.