NMS/No Money Spent
Does anyone else think, when they see these letters/words in someone's team name, of a vegan hipster?
Or am I the only one?
Lol, and then I remember that I’m nms and better than them with a better team (because I own every card in the game) and I didn’t feel the need let everyone know. But to each his own right!!!
NMS meant more prior to 18. It was much more difficult to obtain stubs back then.
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Vast majority are NMS. I have no idea why people would put that in their names. Unless they were people who use to just dump a bunch of money into the game day one and never realized how easy it is just to earn stubs playing. Last 3 years at least, I have had LS collection done by June without spending anything on stubs. And I don't even spend time working the market like a lot of people do.
Nms, MS. Makes no difference to me. People will try to flex on anything. Let them have their fun. It’s better than seeing inappropriate stuff. If that makes them proud who am I to take them from them. I got enough problems with kids listen to their MTV’s and skateboarding on my lawn.
Ikasnureplied to sauciestburrito on Feb 2, 2022, 12:17 PM last edited by Ikasnu_PSN Feb 2, 2022, 12:17 PM
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Burritos are supposed to make the diarrhea come out the butť, not the mouth, man.
NMS in the vegan world stands for “Non-meat sandwich”
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Pump the breaks on that statement
There are alot of people who play this game that can't grind out the game enough to get the stubs and cards they want this includes students, parents as some examples would you say someone who is a single parent working 40 hours a week and gets maybe 3 hours to play a week but drops 50 bucks on the game to get cards they want a loser??
Think about these things before you post
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Pump the breaks on that statement
There are alot of people who play this game that can't grind out the game enough to get the stubs and cards they want this includes students, parents as some examples would you say someone who is a single parent working 40 hours a week and gets maybe 3 hours to play a week but drops 50 bucks on the game to get cards they want a loser??
Think about these things before you post
Of course that makes you a loser. You have a job, and a family. All of your free time should be dedicated to them and zero to yourself and your hobbies, this includes all of your expenses, buy alcohol like a real adult.
@x8114xmafiax_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
Does anyone else think, when they see these letters/words in someone's team name, of a vegan hipster?
Or am I the only one?
Lol. Love it!
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Pump the breaks on that statement
There are alot of people who play this game that can't grind out the game enough to get the stubs and cards they want this includes students, parents as some examples would you say someone who is a single parent working 40 hours a week and gets maybe 3 hours to play a week but drops 50 bucks on the game to get cards they want a loser??
Think about these things before you post
This is true. In the end it doesnt matter how you play, or pay for the game. Whatever makes you happy. We have that "different" kinda person that likes to come in here screaming about playing the CPU on legend with sliders turned up all the time. Very few want to play like him but if he enjoys it then let him enjoy it. Problem with him is he tries to hate on every one else.
Also people who do spend money on stubs for this game are keeping it alive in the long run. YouTube guys and Streamers that do it for views and content day one and will drop 1k on the game that they can write off come tax time are actually helping the game, DD at least, get better each year and keeping it alive.
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Pump the breaks on that statement
There are alot of people who play this game that can't grind out the game enough to get the stubs and cards they want this includes students, parents as some examples would you say someone who is a single parent working 40 hours a week and gets maybe 3 hours to play a week but drops 50 bucks on the game to get cards they want a loser??
Think about these things before you post
My point was that it's incredibly easy to get a good team without spending money, and NMS isn't an impressive feat anymore. You could 100% get a God squad playing 3 hours a week. Some weeks this year I played less than that. I don't actually care if people spend money on their team, it's their money and I suppose if they can afford to spend real money on video game stubs they're probably not a loser in real life lol.
@chuckclc_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Pump the breaks on that statement
There are alot of people who play this game that can't grind out the game enough to get the stubs and cards they want this includes students, parents as some examples would you say someone who is a single parent working 40 hours a week and gets maybe 3 hours to play a week but drops 50 bucks on the game to get cards they want a loser??
Think about these things before you post
This is true. In the end it doesnt matter how you play, or pay for the game. Whatever makes you happy. We have that "different" kinda person that likes to come in here screaming about playing the CPU on legend with sliders turned up all the time. Very few want to play like him but if he enjoys it then let him enjoy it. Problem with him is he tries to hate on every one else.
Also people who do spend money on stubs for this game are keeping it alive in the long run. YouTube guys and Streamers that do it for views and content day one and will drop 1k on the game that they can write off come tax time are actually helping the game, DD at least, get better each year and keeping it alive.
Not sure if you're insinuating that I'm that guy screaming about playing the cpu on legend, but I've never done that lol. I prefer to enjoy playing, I don't even like playing online above All star. You're making a lot of baseless assumptions. I don't care how anyone else plays, my point was that NMS isn't impressive. I don't actually think you're a loser if you do spend money, of course there's plenty of people that do otherwise SDS would be out of business.
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Pump the breaks on that statement
There are alot of people who play this game that can't grind out the game enough to get the stubs and cards they want this includes students, parents as some examples would you say someone who is a single parent working 40 hours a week and gets maybe 3 hours to play a week but drops 50 bucks on the game to get cards they want a loser??
Think about these things before you post
My point was that it's incredibly easy to get a good team without spending money, and NMS isn't an impressive feat anymore. You could 100% get a God squad playing 3 hours a week. Some weeks this year I played less than that. I don't actually care if people spend money on their team, it's their money and I suppose if they can afford to spend real money on video game stubs they're probably not a loser in real life lol.
The issue with your original statement was the calling people losers. Trying to explain what your oginal point was suppose means nothing cause you are just trying to cover up that you know what you said was wrong. Take this L learn from it and be better
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Pump the breaks on that statement
There are alot of people who play this game that can't grind out the game enough to get the stubs and cards they want this includes students, parents as some examples would you say someone who is a single parent working 40 hours a week and gets maybe 3 hours to play a week but drops 50 bucks on the game to get cards they want a loser??
Think about these things before you post
My point was that it's incredibly easy to get a good team without spending money, and NMS isn't an impressive feat anymore. You could 100% get a God squad playing 3 hours a week. Some weeks this year I played less than that. I don't actually care if people spend money on their team, it's their money and I suppose if they can afford to spend real money on video game stubs they're probably not a loser in real life lol.
The issue with your original statement was the calling people losers. Trying to explain what your oginal point was suppose means nothing cause you are just trying to cover up that you know what you said was wrong. Take this L learn from it and be better
Yeah you're right, I will learn from this. I learned that people here are real sensitive and get real butthurt if someone calls them a loser. Like [censored] learn to take a joke son.
So in 2K NMS really is a badge of honor because of their horrible microtransaction practices and how hard it is to stay NMS.
But in the Show? I laugh at anyone bragging about NMS.
Like duh? Of course you're NMS. Me too. And I have every card. It's not too difficult.
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@chuckclc_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in NMS/No Money Spent:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in NMS/No Money Spent:
NMS now is not impressive in the slightest lol. Its so easy to get a good team that you're kind of a loser if you do have to spend money to make your team good.
Pump the breaks on that statement
There are alot of people who play this game that can't grind out the game enough to get the stubs and cards they want this includes students, parents as some examples would you say someone who is a single parent working 40 hours a week and gets maybe 3 hours to play a week but drops 50 bucks on the game to get cards they want a loser??
Think about these things before you post
This is true. In the end it doesnt matter how you play, or pay for the game. Whatever makes you happy. We have that "different" kinda person that likes to come in here screaming about playing the CPU on legend with sliders turned up all the time. Very few want to play like him but if he enjoys it then let him enjoy it. Problem with him is he tries to hate on every one else.
Also people who do spend money on stubs for this game are keeping it alive in the long run. YouTube guys and Streamers that do it for views and content day one and will drop 1k on the game that they can write off come tax time are actually helping the game, DD at least, get better each year and keeping it alive.
Not sure if you're insinuating that I'm that guy screaming about playing the cpu on legend, but I've never done that lol. I prefer to enjoy playing, I don't even like playing online above All star. You're making a lot of baseless assumptions. I don't care how anyone else plays, my point was that NMS isn't impressive. I don't actually think you're a loser if you do spend money, of course there's plenty of people that do otherwise SDS would be out of business.
You arent that guy lol. Forum vets know who I am talking about. I honestly thought he would have jumped in and said something by now TBH.
NMS for me is a compliment to SDS. That they re not scammers like EA.
I was LMS (a Little Money Spent) at the beginning of the season because I was new and didn't know how to flip, play conquest, or really anything but struggling at moments and showdown. Thanks to some good friends, a few streamers and a bunch of people on this forum, I learned every program for both offline and even some online, and just as importantly how to flip cards and I was able to get every card including Trea Finest (except for Alomar F$@#%$&@CK....I'm ok).
This year I'll be able to start from day 1 and not spend a dime beyond buying the game.
I'm not bringing this up to defend the NMSers or the people who drop 20 bucks during their first ever flash sale. Everyone does what they want to do and there's nothing wrong with it. Well, unless it's like a gambling addiction and they spend the money reserved for a kidney transplant or their child's college fund....then they are lame.