If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....
@so-icy42_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@itsjackb-yt_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
ALL I’m SAYING is that GRAMMATICALLY these BOLD LETTERS ruin your tone and make it seem like your SCREAMING every other word. I understand using it for the MAIN POINTS but your just emphasizing buzz words at this point like a YouTube title. This would be like if demise went NON PCI HOME RUN WHIFFLE BALL SEVER CITY
I felt like adding this
OVERALL it’s not a huge deal and some people are over reacting. But being someone who knows a lot about tone in writing this just feels like some weird ad and whenever I see the BOLD I hear the vine boom so I guess it’s not all bad. But it’s weird, at least to me.But the OP didn’t use bold every other word. He used it for his “MAIN POINT” question and that’s it. Also being someone who knows a lot about tone in writing, his post is completely fine. The only problem he has grammatically is capitalizing words that shouldn’t be capitalized.
This guy uses bold lettering in a lot of his posts and we (the community) are tired of it. If this was the first time he had done this I’m positive no one would’ve made any mention of it. It’s habit at this point.
@flaquis_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
Once you get out of high school pitchers don't hit, there are a few that do, but kinda rare.
This is not correct. There are many two way players in college. Heck, some college pitchers are their teams best hitters. Now when pitchers leave high school they start to specialize and some may not hit at all. Those are mainly pitchers that have been drafted and are beginning their pro careers.
@chuckclc_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
There's nothing more boring than watching an inept pitcher try to hit or lay down a sac bunt. Give me a DH who is a real hitter. Has nothing to do with pitchers getting injured while batting, it's about entertainment value.
That is a very "casual" baseball fan statement. But you are probably in the majority. These days it is all about entertainment value. How many more people can we get to watch more for the commercials than the actual game. Yet you have idiots out there that want to get rid of one of the coolest things in sports and that is the Braves tomahawk chant. As an Astro fan hearing the Braves fans in game 6 trying to start up the chant, and someone obviously brought an official whistle, and then the Astros fans trying to drown it out with boos was awesome! AS long as PC culture is out there, nothing will be fun.
Once again good point. Jeff Passan, an early 30’s wokanista, felt the need to write a long winded blow hard article for ESPN during the WS claiming how it was well past time to get rid of that cheer at ball games. His article was based in conjecture and false narratives about the Native American community located in Georgia and North Carolina. I have yet to see one person, outside of one comment made by a Cardinals reliever that was taken out of context, say that it was an offensive cheer. It’s much ado about nothing. And these woke sportswriters need to be held to account for their irresponsible journalism. Like having their HOF vote revoked or something that is severe enough that they think twice before trying to rile up people with their caustic reporting.
@killerpresence4 said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@chuckclc_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@sauciestburrito_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@baracesilk_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
DH is the worst thing to happen to baseball. American league is too afraid to mess up their manicures. NL better not ever go to DH, you grow up playing baseball, everyone hits. This whole thought process to have someone who can't play defense to be able to make a team because they are worried a pitcher...might get hit. I want to see the stats for how many pitchers get hurt batting a year compared to total AB.
There's nothing more boring than watching an inept pitcher try to hit or lay down a sac bunt. Give me a DH who is a real hitter. Has nothing to do with pitchers getting injured while batting, it's about entertainment value.
That is a very "casual" baseball fan statement. But you are probably in the majority. These days it is all about entertainment value. How many more people can we get to watch more for the commercials than the actual game. Yet you have idiots out there that want to get rid of one of the coolest things in sports and that is the Braves tomahawk chant. As an Astro fan hearing the Braves fans in game 6 trying to start up the chant, and someone obviously brought an official whistle, and then the Astros fans trying to drown it out with boos was awesome! AS long as PC culture is out there, nothing will be fun.
Once again good point. Jeff Passan, an early 30’s wokanista, felt the need to write a long winded blow hard article for ESPN during the WS claiming how it was well past time to get rid of that cheer at ball games. His article was based in conjecture and false narratives about the Native American community located in Georgia and North Carolina. I have yet to see one person, outside of one comment made by a Cardinals reliever that was taken out of context, say that it was an offensive cheer. It’s much ado about nothing. And these woke sportswriters need to be held to account for their irresponsible journalism. Like having their HOF vote revoked or something that is severe enough that they think twice before trying to rile up people with their caustic reporting.
Yes, and to be clear I am all for the Redskins name change, as I can definitely see how that sounds derogatory and can be very insulting. Though Braves seems more like a tribute to be honest. And the chant isnt something that's portraying war or violence, it can be just a chant or dance. I think it honors Native Americans past and shows off some cool stuff that some people growing up these days probably never even knew about. They probably only hear about Native Americans owning so many Casinos and what not. I compare it to like The Vikings. Obviously those Scandinavian people today dont sail on ships slaughtering and pillaging territories all over the seas of Europe, The Mediterranean and North Africa, but it happened and makes for a cool sports team name. People from there arent offended with the term Viking, but it was part of their past. But here in America there is just too many bored White people dreaming up all this woke culture BS, trying to decide what is and what aint offensive to other cultures.
Me kicking back eating popcorn, watching the drama
This thread went in two totally different directions unrelated to the original post.
I'm torn. On one hand it makes it "easier" and we can just throw any "DH" in there and play. BUT I also like the strategy aspect of making pitchers bat. Forcing the choice to leave in or pinch hit.
But if MLB changes the rule I can't see why SDS would leave it in other than to make us still have that strategic aspect of the game.
I like having pitcher slots.
I sometimes run full relief games and swap out when the order comes up.
Also, is there a more satisfying feeling than your pitcher hitting an RBI?
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in If MLB goes NL-DH, Will DD ....:
Since this went into when and where bold and capitalized terms are acceptable, I'd like to steer the discussion back to the original topic.
Personally, I would at least like the option to play with AL rules in DD games against the CPU. Just like how there is a setting where you can toggle the now-extinct runner on second rule. Implementation in online games between players probably wouldn't work, but as an offline player I'd like to play with my DD team using AL rules.
I don't love DD, but I also wouldn't upvote that. It's inherently a competitive mode, beginning with the name itself. I think adding the 100-point program does enough to meet players in neutral ground.
I was talking about in offline, non-competitive modes. Competitive modes would follow NL rules by default, offline modes against the CPU can give players an option to toggle.
How many times must I explain this??
You can explain it as many times as you want, but my point is that BR is an online, competitive mode. BR against the CPU is not, in any way, Battle Royale -- a name that clearly implies lots of humans battling at the same time to get to 12 wins.
Not everything needs to be offline.
My bad, I saw DD and my brain just read BR. I got you now. I have no dog in this fight then.
It's ok dude, brain farts happen
I would expect for them to make there a DH in ranked, IMO.