2022 Packs and a QoL Suggestion
We all know that Free Agent cards are a unavoidable part of the ecosystem. However, they are dispiriting. Especially at the end of the year when they become a near-majority of the Live Series Collection.
So: a proposal.
In addition to 'Ballin is a Habit' packs guaranteeing a Gold with greater Diamond odds, why not also sweeten the pot by Guaranteeing no Free Agents within those packs? This could also avoid the issue we've seen over the past couple of seasons of cards like AJ Ramos, Jake Petricka, and Jhonathan Diaz having super rarity. By guaranteeing no Free Agents, those Common and Bronze cards will be forced to come from current rosters, increasing the availability of such cards.
@savefarris_psn said in 2022 Packs and a QoL Suggestion:
We all know that Free Agent cards are a unavoidable part of the ecosystem. However, they are dispiriting. Especially at the end of the year when they become a near-majority of the Live Series Collection.
So: a proposal.
In addition to 'Ballin is a Habit' packs guaranteeing a Gold with greater Diamond odds, why not also sweeten the pot by Guaranteeing no Free Agents within those packs? This could also avoid the issue we've seen over the past couple of seasons of cards like AJ Ramos, Jake Petricka, and Jhonathan Diaz having super rarity. By guaranteeing no Free Agents, those Common and Bronze cards will be forced to come from current rosters, increasing the availability of such cards.
all the live series cards stem from packs, without out the cards being in the pack, then you wouldnt be able to get the card, supply and demand.
I'm not saying remove them from the Show packs. Or TA packs. Or Headliners. Or Ranked rewards, Post Game Drops, Dailys, etc.
Just BIAH.
I think that sounds like a fair proposal. Would definitely help people trying to finish live series at this point.
When you first load DD, it ask you to pick your favorite team. I think it would be cool the first couple of packs you open up are from your favorite team. I'm not saying Gold or diamond players, but start out with some bronze and silvers from that team.
PAinPAreplied to SaveFarris on Oct 11, 2021, 6:12 PM last edited by PAinPA_PSN Oct 11, 2021, 6:14 PM
@savefarris_psn said in 2022 Packs and a QoL Suggestion:
I'm not saying remove them from the Show packs. Or TA packs. Or Headliners. Or Ranked rewards, Post Game Drops, Dailys, etc.
Just BIAH.
They kinda have those packs now- the TA division packs 2 bronze 2 silver. a little tweak to those would be exactly what you are asking for
Edit: most have gotten those avail already, so theyd have to release them somehow also including commons in them -
@johndarlas_psn said in 2022 Packs and a QoL Suggestion:
When you first load DD, it ask you to pick your favorite team. I think it would be cool the first couple of packs you open up are from your favorite team. I'm not saying Gold or diamond players, but start out with some bronze and silvers from that team.
That’s the point of the division packs you get in the TA programs
The main QoL I want is a sell all duplicates, especially with the FA cards, scrolling that list is painful.